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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45Why is someone saying i introduced you to my party leader so great. This is not 20 years ago that we were so inpress and delighted we ran out and voted for them AS for the playing fields there is nothing going to happen this year from reading the local press
Rabittes on Ray d'Arcy right now, why dont you ring and complain about what his councillors are up to.
Any Clr that thinks pulling down a motion is something to brag about can not be takein for real How can a clr with 20 years behind him think that people would fall for B S like that, as for meeting a minster about funding he see deputations day in day out, if jimmy mc garry is not taking the election seriously would he please clear off
Cllr McGarry takes the election very seriously. The leaflet was just the beginning of a campaign to highlight his achievements in local politics. If you weren't so disgruntled and actually got behind the parties chosen candidate you would increase his chances of election to Dail Eireann. Labour will be in power come August and you will be out in the cold. Is that what you want?
McGarry is a poor excuse for a politican ,it would be funny were it not for the fact that he,s a nasty piece of work. A Blushirt Councillor for twenty years during which he opposed the Divorce Referendum was vehemently Pro life during the Abortion debate,was responisable for introducing Service Charges in Sligo Town ,this month he again used his casting vote to introduce water charges hiding behind the excuse that a directive from Brussells was the real culprit.He is a friend of the Developers and Speculators and would support any type of Project eg Removal of Queen Maeve Grave on Knocknarae and it,s replacement with a High Rise Apartment Block.He also supports the use of Shannon by the US Military.This guy wouldnt be out of place at adinner table with Dana Enoch Powell Eoin O Duffy, and Michael O leary at an Ibec Conference.
Ned the red (are you a pretend communist?)
So all the ills of the N-West are Jimmy McGarrys fault huh? I don’t think so.
You mentioned some of the positions he took on difficult issues which Ireland has only tackled in the last decade or so. On Abortion he stood with his conscience and is in agreement with the majority of the people of Ireland as it is still illegal. On divorce he also stood with his conscience and believes in the sanctity of marriage but agreed that divorce should be introduced where marriages had deteriorated beyond reprieve. Are these not principled positions to take? Just because they differ from your point of view they are to be viewed as nasty?
And Cllr McGarry was solely responsible for the introduction of service charges? I think you'll find that a number of politicians have had that particular accusation thrown at them.
And of course he is friend of developers. Any politician has to be if he wants to get things done. Antagonising those with the means to get things done would be silly. Becoming familiar with those who can appropriate the necessary funds for urgent civic undertakings is hardly a crime in political circles.
Really ned. You have just tarred every politician in Ireland with the same brush with that one. And as for water charges, if you had any clue on how local government works you would know that EU legislation as part of the Nice treaty becomes Irish law one ratified by the Dail and the Senate. Cllr McGarry did not vote for water-charges. He voted for the metering of water to non domestic users for appropriate charging as instructed by Brussels in line with a broader incentivisation process for resource conservation.
This is very much in line with left wing thinking on the matter I would have thought.
He has not supported the US militaries use of Shannon. You just made that up.
Which kind of makes your last point moot does it not.
Lp member when a motion was put down to ask this Gov stop US useing shannon mc garry voted against it along with FF, As for working with builders the dogs in the know what ned is talking about
"Lp member when a motion was put down to ask this Gov stop US useing shannon mc garry voted against it along with FF"
And we are to beleive this because you say so. Because you have access to the voting records?
"As for working with builders the dogs in the know what ned is talking about"
Really? Oh wait you say that even the dogs on the street know this so then it must be really really true.
And what about water metering?
stop showing your lack of knowledge in local Gov Everybody had access to voting records and yes mc garry relationship with builders is all the talk around town As for water meters you can go to the thread mc garry/IFA and actualy read it shis time
Just when i taught it could,nt get any worse i heard the idiot spoofing on Ocean FM this morning,this time he was promising to deleiver a new Taxi Rank and to reopen O,Connell Street to traffic at weekends.He assured Gerry Farry that he would accomplish this at next monday,s corpo meeting,when he gets standing orders suspended,last weeks promise was to solve the anti social behaviour rampant in our Town,before that it was Stand by the Farmers their problems were his,at the first opportunity he sold them down the Swannee .This guy genuinely beleives his own lies,is he more to be pittied than laughed at. P.S.for the record i,m not a card carrying Communist,but i beleive like the great founder of the Labour Party James Connolly in a thirty two county Socialist Republic,he must be spinning in his grave when he see,s the likes of McGarry in his party and a louse like Rabbitt running it into the ground.
I hear the obituaries are now being written for Labours campaign to win a seat in Sligo/North Leitrim.Only eight or nine people show up on a regular basis to campaign meetings and much of the time is spent talking about possible scenarios after wee Jimmy WINS the seat!!...There is literally no party organisation outsde his own family except for a few ex Stickies that were sent in by Rabbitte to shaft Bree.I also hear that John McCarrick,SIPTU's Branch Secretary, is now Director of Elections for McGarry.Thats some turn around for him given his once close ties with Bree and the old Independent Socialist organisation in Sligo/ just goes to show how far up Rabbitte's ass that Jack O'Conner has gone.
And worse than that, I am just after going up up to the Union (SIPTU) Office at Cleveragh earlier this afternoon and seen two very large Jimmy McGarry Election posters being displayed in the front windows of the Office. Its a disgrace plain and simple.
And just to clarify a few points. McGarry did support the US invasion and war in Afghanistan. He did support the US invasion and war in Iraq. He did support the use of Shannon Airport by US troops. He did support service Charges. He did support privatising the Council refuse collection. All fact. And our Union is supporting him? Absolute disgrace.
Its an absolute disgrace to the memory of jim larkin James Connolly that an irish trade union are facilating this man with his track record.His posters should be displayed in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce, ISME,or IBEC,he has nothing in common with the ordinary working class,he is a big businessman owner of a large pub and has hugh property interests .Is this what the successor of the union that took on William Martin Murphy during the 1913 Lockout is now representing?
union shows it support for mc garry
Jimmy mc garry posters are up in the window of siptu offices
I was shock on thurday to drive by the union office in sligo and see jimmy mc garry posters in the windows at the estimates meeting last year the bold jimmy only got up and proposed that IBEC by invited in on talks before this years estimates I glad to say he got no support At a member of siptu for nearly 30 years i think someone should explain to me why the hall that members pay to run is supporting this business man
I to am a long time member of this union I think its a disgrace gavein this man record in the past The head office in dublin should be ask to comment on this. The grass roots around the country would not support this action
So what? Jack O'Connor supports IBEC. I dont see a conflict of interest here. Or did you think your union supports the working class?
Afraid not. Outside the SP that has been abandoned to middle-class protagonists and failed revolutionaries.
No story here. Move on.
The grassroots members in the west see IBEC as a enemy of the working class They spent 10 years fighting the min wage NO one with any connection with IBEC should be welcome in any union
If that’s the case then the 'west' grassroots (which of course is inimically more militant than that grassroots of any other region) should abandon the Union en masse. Partnership has put any notion of Trade Unionism engaging in class struggle to bed-with IBEC.
All Labour candidates are being represented by Unions across the country. The reason other regions are not up in arms is because they see this for what it is. Unions and Labour scratching each others back as is traditional.
The fact that Labour are moving to right should not cloak the fact that the Unions are moving with them.
A one man campaign in Sligo by a disgruntled overlooked has-been will do little to highlight anything other than his own bitterness.
Don’t expect the Unions to listen to you.
Sorry i bore you. If you have anger again the union please dont take it out on me. In your backward little corner of Ireland we dont understand what goes in the big bad world I though paying union dues i was intitled to have my say
Jim McGarry was one of only a hand full of councillors who passed an official picket out side the Council offices in Sligo, at a monthly meeting of the councillors, a number of years back.Pickets were placed outside the main entrance in Riverside Sligo by council operatives striking over a breach of their terms and conditions by management.Jim McGarry sneaked in and signed the attendence book for that day even though the meeting was abondoned,and claimed his expences.It was widely covered by local media.He is now the official Labour Party candidate for Sligo and his campaign is being run by the SIPTU Branch official.......Sickening, is the only word that comes close for me.
Scab is right.
I speak from experience, I once was a Scab who followed Trade Union Officials who sold us out and condemened men to an early death from asbestosis.
Times have changed, you and your trade union associates can protest and object without fear of a RAP ON THE DOOR.
You know what Siptu officials and Jack O'Connor are doing [exactly what ITGWU done betrayed Larkin and Connolly] so do something about it.
Generally speaking I find many of them to be a bit clueless see this for example
Des Geraghty seems pretty cool ( - he's managed to wrangle some fairly decent affordable housing out of Bertie recently. Though not everyone would agree with me one that one (
But of course he's no longer a politician
Have the posters of Jimmy McGarry been taken down from SIPTUS window yet? Or is all this falling on deaf ears?
Petty bickering and allowing blues-shirts into the ranks of the party has destroyed Labour in Sligo.
The left wing vote might very well collapse after this as the electorate sees the left for the shambles it is in Sligo/Leitrim.
Somebody said above that the SP should get active in the region. I agree fully with that.
We need someone like Joe Higgins to rally the left and give it a voice everyone can get behind.
They would have my support and more importantly my Vote. I will never vote Labour again.
Labour have failed and failed completely and so has SF.
Like england there is no where to go for the left in sligo/leitrim' people in england cant stand tony bush and the way the labour party had gone Here we have no one to vote for.I never though i say this but on voting day this year. I'll be staying at HOME !
Can anyone inform me about Monday nights Corpo meeting in Sligo. Was Jimmy good to his word?.
NO reopening of O Connellst. NO new taxi rank. the usual. a well there alway next week promises
Nothing happen at last monday nights corp meeting regrading o connell st. There is a big push from everyone to open after 6pm the taxi's, shop keepers,and for safely reasons for emergency services and for people security from all Clrs I think there will be a meeting in two weeks There is alot of work going on in the area I think when the main work is finish the town hall will reopen o connell st in the evenings No word about taxi rank
Wee Jimmy arrived into the Corpo Chamber all excited,the poor hapless Taxi Drivers in tow full of false promises just like the Poor Farmers who previously listened to his oul Guff,we all know what he did for them. Anyway as usual he was late the meeting had started,he was unable to get Standing Orders suspended,O,Connell is still firmly pedestrianised,the unfortunate Taximen are still waiting for their Rank in High St,and just like the Grand Old Duke of York he led them up and down the hill as predicted. When will people learn this guy is a total Me Feiner he will make any type of promise to get elected,but alas the only real interests he has are his Own.
The posting asked "is this man for real" The answer is unfortunately he is very real. He is the product of the failures of all those that preceeded him who were handed the torch of socialism and failed to keep the flame alight. That a member of the FIne Gael party could move with such ease into the Sligo Labour Party speaks for itself.
I live all my life beside two labour familys in sligo One member of one of the familys a ex LP Clr Brian Scanlon had just showed me a copy of a letter he had just sent to Dublin.. With the general election only months away i feel i cannot carry on as a member of the labour party in sligo It is no secret that i oppose clr mc garry entry to the party. HE is now the election candidate to run in sligo/n leitrim and i still believe this man does not belong in a party who claim to represent the interest of the poor,the underprivilege, or the working class.In my opinion it does not matter what party he belong to in the past,what party he belong to now or what party he belong to in the future clr mc garry is only loyal to himself. He's past pubic record shows he let down the very people who look to the labour party for support. The party today needs people who not only talks the labour talk but walks the labour walk clearly this man cannot. It is with saddest that i resign form the party my family had be associate with for over 80 years.. When this man resigns there is something very wrong. Its makes my life a little easier.
Labour under Rabbitte is now a social democratic slightly to the left of the Blueshirts and the Pee Dee,s Party.Harmless to the establishment and no threat to Big Business or the Multinationals,this is why an opportunist like McGarry can defect from the Blueshirts,have talks with Pee Dee,s and just when he discovers that they wont guarantee him a Senate seat approaches Rabbitte who sneak him into the east ward branch .The rest is history i.e.he enrolled his friends and realations to swing the selection convention and left poor Clr Cawley outsmarted is it any wonder shes conspicuous by her absence on his pathetic canvess.The labour Party nationally is a joke,tratiors to the class its supposed to represent and now in Sligo/Nt Leitrim is personified by Wee Jimmy the Blueshirt,is it any wonder that true Socialists like Cake have resigned long ago,what amazes me is that Comrade Bree still remains a member.
As a former party member and local election candidate, I can only imagaine what a tough decision this was for Brian.His roots in Sligos trade union and labour history go back to the turn of the century and he has been a solid voice for the left in Sligo both in and out of the council chamber.What Pat Rabbitte,that clown John Feeley(regional organiser), Veronica Cawley and particularly those brainless clowns on the east ward branch have done to the Labour Party in Sligo is shameless. They have destroyed what was a real alternative to the FF/FG monopoly of Sligo.I wish Brian all the best and hope he stays true to the cause.
Well done Brian. Though why you waited this long is a bit puzzling. However at least you had the gumption to do it, like Tim had a long time ago, unlike Decan who continues to remain in the Labour party. Shame on him.
what the hell was scanlon doing staying in that party he's grandfather was turning in he's grave James connelly party is dead and gone
I here there was a AGM for the north ward labour last friday. As scanlon was one of the big movers and him going last tueday how did the meeting go
Wee Jimmy was on Ocean FM this morning spoofing about how realistic a chance Labour has of winning a seat in Sligo/NtLeitrim.Will he ever learn,he has,nt a hope his only role in the election is to mop up transfers for the Blueshirts and i suspect if hes successful at this Rabbitte may give him what Harney refused a Senate seat.The third seat in this constituancy is a left wing seat and as Wee Jimmy is an extreme right wing politican he certainly wont get it.Once again the S I P T U offices were sullied by this little businessman, publican, and entrepreneur using a working class venue as a springboarb to an already doomed campaign.Fianna Fail will form the next government with either the Greens or Sinn Fein,maybe if Wee Jimmy had hedged his bets like Cake his dream would have been possible.
This man is a muppet. He sent a letter addressed to male voters
in my house even though 4 women are on the register. He did the same thing to my friend sent it to her husband and 3 female votrs in
the house. It would seem he doesnt want womens votes or is ANTI
WOMEN. Ladies be aware
Who are you talking about Helena? Ned?
I always did get the impression he was a bit of a misogynist as well as a crack-pot theorist.
What surprises me though is that after 30 years you'd expect him to be able to mount a better smear campaign than this repetitive nonsense.
That trip to Moscow was a waste of time and money after all if this is the best he can come up with.
You'd know there was no meeting in the town hall tonight wouldn't ya!
Ive always voted for Fine Gael ever since Mr Roddys time, but on this occasion im giving my vote to the Labour Party because I think Mr Jimmy McGarry is such a lovely polite man.I had the privilege of meeting him on his canvas accompanied by his lovely wife,they told me my hair was lovely and how well I looked.I told them I Would say a prayer to Saint Anthony that he would get elected and for all the nasty people posting on this site to desist,after all my prayers for the conversation of Russia were successful.
Another day, another psuedonym. McGarry sure has someone agitated.
This is my first visit to this site.
I am appalled at the comments against Cllr. Mc Gary. Obviously the people writing such insults do not know the man at all. Cllr. Mc Gary is well respected by those who know him and those that wish to sit at their computer and throw insults at him from behind closed doors should stand back and take a good long look at themselves for a minute.
I think they might find they are not half the man Jim is.
He is a very caring man and is surrounded by his lovely family that he and his wife have raised so well.
Keep up the good work Jim the people of Sligo still need you.
As for you sorry people who have nothing better to do than make dirt of good people. SHAME ON YOU ALL!
If this is your first visit to this site, why did you ressurect an old thread that no one was reading and has been forgotten? You had to root this thread out as it isn't a featured story or in the latest comments.
You've just given anti Mcgarry mud slingers another platform to throw insults at him. Which is an odd thing to do don't you think?
Well done.
The rumour mill is in overdrive in Sligo all week,and according to this weeks Sligo Champion front page a former Mayor and general election candidate was allegedly involved in a serious altercation with members of the Gardai at the weekend.,could this be the very same individual who addressed his party conference before the last general election on crime and anti social behaviour,the video is currently on his party website.
As the latest events unfold in Sligo.I took Red Roosters advice and watched the ex Mayor and former general election candidate addressing his party conference last year ,some neck,I think the proverbial jockeys you know what springs to mind.Its a priceless preformance well worth an Academy award.