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Anti-mast groups from Ireland and U.K. meet World Health Organisation

category national | environment | news report author Tuesday January 23, 2007 08:00author by hanorah - BALLYVOLANE ANTI-MAST GROUP Report this post to the editors

W.H.O. acknowledges victims and activists

An historic meeting between victims of radiofrequency radiation, activistists, representatives of the Irish Doctors Environmental association and senior officials was held on Tue 16th of Janurary at the headquarters of the World Health Organisation in Geneva.
The meeting was held in memory of the Late Dr. Denis O' Connor and his Late wife Ann of Kenmare, Co Kerry. Dr O 'Connor had written to the W.H.O. after they both contacted cancer while living under the shadow of a mobile phone mast.

In response to a written request by the Late Dr Denis O' Connor, Kenmare, Co. Kerry to the World Health Organisation, an informal meeting took place on Tuesday 16th of Janurary 2007 at the W.H.O. headquarters in Geneva.
In the final stages of his illness, Dr O' Connor wrote to the W.H.O. expressing his concerns regarding the close proximity of a mobile phone mast to his home and surgery in Kenmare. In his letter he expressed particular concern regarding the siting of the mast, specifically in relation to it's impact on his deteriorating health and the recent death of his wife Ann, who also suffered from cancer. As a family doctor he wished to draw attention to this issue on behalf of his patients and the wellbeing of his local community.

This landmark meeting was attended by nine representatives of voluntary groups including, Better Environment and Safer Telecommunications (B.E.S.T.), The Irish Doctors Environmental Association (I.D.E.A.), The EM-Radiation Research Trust (RRT), Northern Ireland Opposing Masts (N.I.O.M.) and EHS victims suffering from electromagnetic/radiofrequency radiation. The informal meeting took place in the offices of Dr Maria Neira, "Director for Protection of the Human Environment" and was attended by Dr Emily Perkins Van Deventer, "World Health Coordinator for Radiation and Environmental Health and Dr Chiyoji Ohkubo., W.H.O. scientist at the Radiation and Environmental Health Dept. This meeting was particulary special to the group as it was the first occasion that an international organisation of the stature of the W.H.O. has afforded the group an opportunity to present their views and concerns. It is also noteworthy that the nine delegates were so keen to express their concerns in person that they incurred all the travel and accommodation and loss of a couple of days work personally. Many of the group also have unfortunate personal experience of the ill effects of masts placed in inappropiate locations i.e. close to schools, homes and hospitals.
The delegates had a very positive exchange of views and are appreciative of the opportunity afforded them to bring this important issue to such a high level platform for discussion. Particularly welcome was the wllingness of the W.H.O. representatives to afford them an open line of communication and an invitation to share information on an ongoing basis which may be relevant to their further research.
An open letter to Dr Emily Perkins Van Deventer, written by Jean-Luc Guilmot, Bioengineer, was presented as the letter shows details of eight published epidemiological studies on phone masts. All have been published in peer-reviewed journals and are refereced on the W.H.O. database and are all reporting POSITIVE results. Several of the studies provide accurate RF exposure measurements. It was pointed out that there is a conflict with regard to the message given out on the W.H.O. website which claims "the weight of scientific opinion is that there is no substantiated evidence that living near a mobile phone mast station causes adverse health effects". this is cearly incorrect and misleading as 80% published peer-reviewed studies point towards POSITIVE results: microwave syndrome, increased risk of cancer, absence of psychological factors etc. This allows Governments and Industry to incorrectly quote from the W.H.O. as a seal of approval with regards to safety.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands (1.4 million in May 2006) phone masts have been deployed worldwide and new sources of low level RF chronic exposure are continuously being added.
People continue to suffer.
The group urged the W.H.O. to take emergency action and to reject the ICNIRP guidelines (which Ireland adheres to) as the guidelines are NOT sufficent to protect the public health. The ICNIRP guidelines only take into account the heating effect and are meant for short term exposue only.
We hope the W.H.O. representatives will take time to reflect on the research and information presented at the meeting and we intend to follow up in writing asking for their plan of action as all agencies refer back to the W.H.O. Also the legalities need to be examined as to who may ultimately be held responsible.
We urgently requested that the W.H.O. advise Governments to adopt THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE for mobile phones/masts, DECT phones, microwave baby alarms etc.
At the conclusion of the meeting it was agreed to build on the contact between the W.H.O. and the Group and to maintain the lines of communication at an informal level. An invitation was extended to Dr Van Deventer to speak at a two day conference in the U.K. which is hopefully due to take place in London in November 2007. A workshop/scientific forum on the issue of 'individual sensitivity' is currently being considered by the U.K. EMF Discussion Group which is chaired by Sir William Stewart, chairman of the U.K. Health Protection Agency. Dr Van Deventer agreed that it is important to gather all sides together, W.H.O., Industry, Media, HPA, and independent scientists. She will consider the invitation provided it goes through the proper channells.
The group would like to thank the W.H.O. for enabling the meeting and for acknowledging their work in their local communities.
We hope that the meeting will help to carry out the wishes of the Late Dr Denis O' Connor that this important issue be investigated.
Delegates; Eileen O' Connor (sister of Dr O'Connor), John Cummins (Chairman of BEST), Con Colbert (IDEA), Walter Graham (NIOM), Clara Leahy Breen (Kerry) Eileen O' Connor (Trustee- EM Radiation Research Trust), John Ryan (Tipperary), Pauline Keely (Dublin), Noreen Murphy (Cork)

Related Link: http://www.radiationresearch.org

PDF Document whodrvandeventer1.pdf 0.13 Mb

author by crackle pop static *wow*!publication date Fri Aug 24, 2007 15:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

& I thought - well now, which "mast" thread will I leave this near Bolivarian display of little people power news? Will I append it to the protest in Iveagh Gardens "they're hiding their masts in floodlights" thread http://indymedia.ie/article/83596 or will I add it to at the bottom of the expertise Clondalkin "those in the copshop are going to have tumors" thread http://indymedia.ie/article/83473

The tiny village of Los Villares near Granada in Andalucia in the South of Spain have voted 38 to 37 against the erection of mobile telephone masts in their municipality thus ensuring there will be no mobile reception and as the Spanish press and telly scoff - the siesta will be undisturbed. Here's the report where I first picked up on this (french language) http://www.liberation.fr/actualite/instantanes/histoire...=true & here is the verification signals (spanish language) a national telly station - http://www.antena3.com/a3noticias/servlet/Noticias?dest...94901
and a national newswire http://actualidad.terra.es/sociedad/articulo/granada_so...5.htm and a bless them the RC way & keep them out of nirvana or away from reincarnation even if they're budhist - right wing newspaper http://www.larazon.es/noticias/noti_soc34245.htm Yes indeed.

One of the threads of derision which skeptics and so forth undermined a potential working class mobilisation on environmental concern stakes was that anyone who opposed mobile masts (regardless of scientific reasoning) but continued to use them was a hypocrite. & everyone was so sure no-one woud or had exercised a democratic process to prevent a mast. Well now. that's just changed. So read this thread again.

** [an explanation of the wow! reference in the author name of this comment ::: it's just over 30 years since the wow! signal was received & now the folks over in the US are going to go looking for it again with an even bigger set of radio antennas. that's an aside, I couldn't squeeze the anniversary in. if you don't know what the wow! signal was & how it links into radio babble read this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_Signal & here is the latest news http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/08/15/31912....aspx don't worry, the mast in Clondalkin isn't in on that one. still a dodgey mast though.

author by Phaserpublication date Fri Aug 24, 2007 15:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The only thing the WHO have agreed to is to meet with these groups. WHO have not accepted any of their assertions.

If people are writing nonsense then they deserve to be derided. It doesnt matter what their class background is. Scare stories which have no scientific foundation should be exposed as the nonsense they are.

How many of the people involved in these groups use mobile phones? If you were realy opposed to this "killer radiation" then you demand that mobiles be banned. No mobiles, no need for booster masts.

author by black smokepublication date Fri Aug 24, 2007 16:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

& in so doing I referred to the two other threads this year which saw 2 communities mobilise some people only to be discouraged by hard scientific evidence & industry expertise. At no stage did I suggest "phaser" that the meeting with WHO had vindicated the claims, nor on the other 2 threads did I move to vindicate the assertions of the groups. I remember noting the lack of birds on tetra masts & that was it. Oh yep - I remarked that anything that gets people asking the department of the environment for answers is a good thing in my book. I'd rather they get answers from them than in comments here. It matters nought if they are the same answers. When the experts here are in the department of the environment maybe I'll see it differently.

So - recap - for the first time (that I can find) a village has vetoed a mobile phone mast. What makes it even more curious is that this tiny village (With less than 80 voters) can stop a tetra mast but their neighbours in the north of the state can't stop a trans-pyrennes high tension pylon of double circuit 400,000 volts which we seemed to agree on the other threads does cause cancer http://www.nomat.org/

there is something in this........ you know............... little village councils.........chavs and nochavs............

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