The Good News by Jacques Dauphin
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other press
Tuesday December 26, 2006 11:36
by François Beaune - Louche Publishings
objetlouche at gmail dot com
Irish Museum of Modern Art, Military road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
01 474 14 46

Jacques Dauphin turns news into good news
The Good news or how to aprehend corporate media’s distorsions and lies
“Reading tabloids at work put me in such a state of distress I had to do something about it. So I took my scissors, rearranged the images and rewrote the issues so at least I could get a laugh out of them.” That’s how Jacques Dauphin decided to turn corporate media’s brain-washing newspapers into ridicule.
Tabloids are part of english and irish life, a complement and justification to the millions of CCTVs now hanging at every street corner. Fearful tragedies fuelled with drugs and poverty seem complementary with a fascination for the rich, powerful and famous.
In a humorous way, Jacques Dauphin denounces the state of alienation tabloid readers are kept in by pushing irrelevance and unprecedented rumors even further than tabloids dare to.
Jacques Dauphin’s Good news are strictly copyleft, can be sent on the internet without permission and printed as long as people ask him at: [email protected]

A Good news cover: episode 10: Adoption
The Good news or how to aprehend corporate media’s distorsions and lies
“Reading tabloids at work put me in such a state of distress I had to do something about it. So I took my scissors, rearranged the images and rewrote the issues so at least I could get a laugh out of them.” That’s how Jacques Dauphin decided to turn corporate media’s brain-washing newspapers into ridicule. Every mondays and thursdays, he sends a powerpoint document made of cuttings of newspapers to everyone interested (see attached examples).
Tabloids are part of english and irish life, a complement and justification to the millions of CCTVs now hanging at every street corner. Fearful tragedies fuelled with drugs and poverty seem complementary with a fascination for the rich, powerful and famous.
In a humorous way, Jacques Dauphin denounces the state of alienation tabloid readers are kept in by pushing irrelevance and unprecedented rumors even further than tabloids dare to.
Jacques Dauphin’s Good news are strictly copyleft, can be sent on the internet without permission and printed as long as people ask him at: [email protected]
François Beaune
responsable de la rédaction
Les éditions Louche
14 Montée Allouche
69001 Lyon

Episode 5: The long lasting pregnancy

The normality crisis cover

The normality crisis: page 1

The normality crisis: page 2