Organisation formed to combat the use of fluoride.
At last, it seems that someone out there is getting the message!
An organisation has been formed to combat fluoridation. As a first act, this group is challenging international and national guidelines that allow (the highly suspect) usage of synthetic fluoride in infant formulas.
Robert Pockock of VOICE has been quoted as saying "“Since babies are among the most susceptible groups exposed, it is deeply irresponsible for any regulator to continue allowing this unlicenced drug to be used for babies.”"
The article, published by the Irish Medical News, can be found at:
Comments (7 of 7)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Here's a little admission that might help this new group. This exhibit was secured a couple of years ago. A recent request for the same information elicited a rude response.
Let's make dirty water
Irish Times ed Madam Kennedy entered the debate on fluoride today, taking a swipe at Johnny Gormley for having the temerity to raise what the freedom of expression campaigner labelled "this looney issue". Readers were asked by Madam to reflect upon the pain and misery of previous generations and she adverted to the fact that the fluoride in our water was a saviour for the kids of the 26 counties as oppossed to the kids of the six north eastern counties who suffered greatly. Appalling nutrition for these kids may be a factor with very high consumption of processed foods, but Madam put it down to the ban on fluoride in the water up North.
Strange is it not, that this stuff is also banned from the water supply in France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Belgium, 96 per cent of the UK , Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Japan, etc. A "looney issue" ? Is it's presence in the 26 county water supply a bad southern Irish joke ?
For much more info on this issue see
Patricia McKenna was excoriated by a PD candidate for advocating the removal of fluoride from our water supplies. Patricia effectively got the little hysterical woman "pseudo science" propagandist ,thrown at her on the Matt Cooper show by the PD gentleman. In view of the above countries banning fluoride from water supplies, the PD man's put down of Ms McKenna sounded strange, never mind nasty and quite condescending
Patricia McKenna is a proponent of mumbo jumbo pesudo science. Hence her stand on the MMR jab which has been shown to be perfectly safe. Same thing with Floride. Concenrate on World Hunger for God's sake and not this crap.
go on - you know the answer.
You're all on bottled water & any drip poured in the right direction is a torrent.
If former MEP still holding on by her gums to former Greenie credibility & loyalty can mobilise ordinary people regardless of their self-perceived socio-economic class or "itchy posh index" as the experts call it - then fiar play to her. If she can't do it on flouride or anything "they" put in the water, or the pathogen real or imagined which are mobile or wifi systems - but can do it when telling you the Special Olympic athletes in Shanghai were duped into showcasing human rights abuses - then it tells you more about ordinary people then what your brains would have been like without flouride.
Back when Dr James Watson, the main anglo-saxon proponent of human enhancement who is taken seriously because he got his Nobel prize in 162 bfor undswirling the double helix of DNA, the Irish people had just as much cryptosporidium but saw bottled water as a lordly thing available only in one French restaurant in the state of Eire. It is irrelevant that those prosperous enough at the time to enjoy Vichy or Perrier washed their teeth in flouride. It is not even topical to mention that their ugly teeth were a class symbol when everyone else had falsies. But back then the UK based anglo-saxon organisation and lobby (for want of a better word) MENSA decided the lower than average scores on IQ tests in Ireland compared to the south of England were proof positive that Irish people were genetically thicker. Dr James Watson as you need to know is being boycotted globally along with the sector he represents for his latest comments of awesomely racist nature. The Irish people aren't thick, they turned out of the highest per capita national crop of graduates in biotech & genetic science on the planet.
It's not what they put in your water - it's what they put in your head.
Well,the interesting fact is that this Hydrofluorosililic Acid along with the Cocktail of Alum.Sulphate does end up in your Head. Both lodge in the Pineal Gland and are then transfered to the Thyroid. Both fool the Brain protective barrier and Lobotomise the Brain.
A half decent Water Filter removes Cryptosporidium. No need for the proposed 5.8Billion to solve the problem.
Around rural Ireland are umpteen family water wells which have fallen into disuse since the implementation of all those group water schemes encouraged by the local authorities. If you live near one, you've got a plastic (not aluminium!) bucket and well oiled biceps you're well set up to stop drinking tap fluoridated water. Go to the traditional holy wells and you get a spiritual bonus. Allelulia.
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