Independent Media Centre Ireland

RIP: Alexander Litvinenko

category international | crime and justice | other press author Friday November 24, 2006 16:16author by Obit

Russian Spy Filmed in his last hours

"The Bastards Got me, They won't get us all"

London Independent Front Page. A Filmaker and friend of Litvinenko filmed
a final cut of the Spy's defiance after he was poisoned allegedly by a cocktail
of lethal radioactive materials used in the Russian Space Programme.

The spy was involved in exposing the Kremlin's connection in a series of explosions
at apartment blocks in 1999- which led to Vladimir Putin's ascent to power.

He was attacked in Central London and ingested something on the first of November.

Mr Blair's G8 ally has not responded to allegations of poisoning.
Mr Litvinenko had a massive heart attack on wednesday, the film-maker and
friend who filmed the fil said that he had detiorated massively and doctors
remain baffled at the speed on virulence at the poison used.


(details in today's London Independent).

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author by Obitpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 16:24author address author phone

author by CLpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 16:54author address author phone

author by Obitpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 17:08author address author phone

The g8 was overshadowed by that specific 'border operation'.

The death of Politkovskaya shed light on the Kosovo cantacts group and
the death of the spy highlights 'dirty ops' programmes by the Kremlin.

The British Police are searching for radioactive materials in relation to the death.
No comment from Mr Blair's Office on the murder of a foreign national in his

author by Cpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 17:14author address author phone

that there have been plenty of other murders of foreign nationals in Blair's jurisdiction that he hasn't commented on, either.

author by Obitpublication date Fri Nov 24, 2006 17:20author address author phone

not to mention the countless victims of the beligerent and illegal war.

but- there is a difference between 'black ops' undertaken by ones own security services
and facilitating a foreign powers dirty work????

The dying man most definitely accused Vladimir Putin in this case-

author by Dinny Faheypublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 03:29author address author phone

... Litvinenko's links to known criminal oligarch Boris Berezovsky?

The left make me laugh - why do you always end up defending those who you claim to oppose? Putin comes out against the war in Iraq, against American military aggression, and against the worldwide hegemony of the dollar.

And yet you still come out in full support of Anglo-American interference in Russian politics. Berezovsky is known capitalist scum with his own motives - what are the chances that he is behind Litvinenko's death, in the hope of making him a martyr, while undermining Putin?

For people who claim to be so "rebellious" against the mainstream media, you seem to be tailing the line of the London Times and other establishment papers or media sources, who seem to "know" beyond all doubt that Putin has blood on his hands. These, remember, are the same people who lied to the world about Iraq. Putin, and the Russian press, certainly didn't.

You people need to learn how to think rationally and intelligently, and stop latching onto emotionally charged, alleged deathbed pleas (supposedly uttered by a comatose man dying of what was supposedly radiation poisoning). I'm sure Litvinenko was a good guy (despite the questionable company he kept), but this sudden anti-Putin martyr myth is a load of crap, and works in favour of the infamous neo-cons. It affords perfect protection to crooked oligarchs and criminals like Berezovsky, who just happens to be under the protection of one Tony Blair.

author by Obitpublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:04author address author phone

The Obit is an anonymous kind of thing, where the facts and sometimes the
circumstances of a death are published. many writers do 'em. In fact John Paul
the second's obits were constantly updated because the many illnesses
send out world alarms.

Some obits are in the making 4 years and people(writers) add as they go along,
they create a kind of 'living' obit. Then people add to it- (info and knowledge).

Some people may not agree with what is said, but always keep in mind
the fact that the person mentioned at the top of the thread has died.

also Putin may seem an angel to some but there is evidence that he is not.
the book, Litivenko published 'The FSB blows up Russia' would attest to that.

using an obit to speak ill of the dead is bad- what is worse is the laziness
go and write up somewhere else what you think and allow others to
take it on.

author by Dinny Faheypublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 19:15author address author phone

That's a ridiculous and cowardly dismissal of the issues. Litvinenko's death is already being turned into a political football, even in the above obituary (hence the spread of the "the bastards got me" quote - which can never be satisfactorily attributed to Litvinenko).

The fact that he wrote a book on Putin's Russia doesn't mean a thing. "Exposés" have been penned throughout history, and some - while appearing "legit" - function solely as the crassest of political propaganda.

The fact that this gentleman WAS an associate of Boris Berezovsky - a capitalist criminal who looted Russia of billions of dollars, while its people starved and lived in squalor - DOES mean something, and you won't often hear that floated on Sky News, as they tut and drop hints about Putin.

Now, given Russia's ambitions to ditch the dollar as the world's premier currency - not alone in the oil industry - given his stance against the Iraq war, AND his stance against NATO's interference at Russia's borders, Putin is not a chap that Western financiers and plutocrats want to deal with. Whether Putin is "an angel" or not is not the main issue - that his government is under siege from sustained foreign manipulation is. This latest development is wholly convenient if you're in Washington, Downing Street or even Brussels, and while the investigation is conducted in Britain, you can be sure the final verdict is predetermined.

author by Jimmy from Ballygomartinpublication date Sat Nov 25, 2006 21:37author address author phone

The Guardian says that Beresofsky has hired the Tim Bell PR Organisation (the one that brought us Mrs Thatcher), to promote this freedom seeker murdered by Russian state story. Beresofsky certainly got his money's worth with the BBC giving wall to wall coverage of opinion, supposition and innuendo to report the two bare facts that someone in London had got ill and later died. Perhaps it is time Mr Putin started to finger the gas pipeline controls again.

author by The Great Djerginskipublication date Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:13author address author phone

Well said Jimmy. Putin should simultaneously request Berezofski's extradiction and repatriation of the stolen billions and twiddle the knobs on the gaspipe controls.

author by Cpublication date Mon Nov 27, 2006 22:30author address author phone

Already has been requested, there was a hearing last week. Interesting timing, no?

author by obitpublication date Wed Nov 29, 2006 16:01author address author phone

Anti-secession muscovite group- The Kosovo Contacts Group was highlighted
by the death of Politkovskyaya on the 7th October 2006. The group are
focussed on Russian satellites Georgia and Chechyna-

A close associate of Politkovskya- Litvinenko died from poisoning.

It's contagious- former Russian PM yegor Gaider took ill in Dublin, recently
and is in a Moscow Hospital- (maybe lactose intolerant?)

the bigger story is the effecdt o poisoning stories on the Money-,,1959526,00.html

well stories and conspiracies emerge when leaders treat human beings
as pieces on a chess board and fuck with the pieces in the big power games.


Hands off Georgia and Chechnya.

Cloak and dagger politics- the pope meanwhile is in Turkey- afraid to apologise.
too near the disputed zones??
The vicar of Christ is choking on 'sorry'

author by Scary Updatepublication date Thu May 31, 2007 14:00author address author phone

Fancy that. I suppose it works like feeding pigeons baking powder, but I'm still holding out on the culprit who was witty enough to do him with Polonium being someone who makes cigarettes..... or smokes a pipe.
Most of Europe though is not interested in that shite. We have instead gone up a fair grade on our hardly ever referred to "threat index". Like honestly. & to illustrate a related point on how we all cooperate on that - the M11 trial just got to how dodgey the Italian state's translations were in relation to the Egyptian They Spanish inquisition are at work.., quite busy too - they just brought back a boat load of africans who Malta wouldn't accept even though they were nearest to them (half the bloody med. away). A lot of people are dying trying to get the crumbs at our table. Just as long as they stay Christians and are uninterested in martyrdom it will all be ok.

Things were much simpler when it was just the Ruskies and the Brits. Cigs didn't kill you and Omar Shariff hadn't left Lebanon. He was the last positive global role model for a one sixth of this planet who have suddenly become the lumpen enemy. & if Italy can't get translators together to distinguish real enemies from harmless cases, or properly assess real ones once distinguished before they've done their whooshie thing! then I reckon Mc Dowell's Justice department didn't get that far. Who are you scheduling for that in the 30th Dail?

Meanwhile innocent people die and we don't accept them in our cities, in our seas, over our walls and France sends 8 year olds to prison for being "without papers" & from a dodgey poor muslim former Soviet republic.

but before that as you think locally and act globally you've got to think how McDowell is coming back..... Do you have translators for PD alien speech? Why when there was no reason to be on alert we were scared and now there is reason - not a peep from retirement land. You'd swear he had left the room, just dropped all his minister for justicing as you drop a ungripping spy novel.

Never mind mcdowell or the cry wolf threat. Worry about the Brits and Ruskies. Here's Ivan's news agency as they just broke their shock "return of jackal era" story. I'll have my blog back soon and stop disrupting. Sorry. But I was just doing my best to tell you about the big white flash.

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author by The Return Of Gubupublication date Thu May 31, 2007 14:27author address author phone

Tom Gilmartin has been taken ill at the Mahon Tribunal.

author by ipsiphi .:.publication date Fri Jul 20, 2007 17:52author address author phone

I'll tell you straight all this tit-for-tat expulsion thing is very hard on the kids. They just settle into school, find mates, learn a bit of the local language, adapt to the games, curb the bullying "i'm a shark in the paddling pool biting your face off" & then - bam - they're moved on like pawns. Shame on you Kremlin & FCO/HMG ! You're the worst scoundrel bullies after the FF builders & the USA.
All they (the Brit huns & Ruskie scourge really need to do is swap two pieces of equal value
- Boris for Lugovio
you know - the billionaire scumbag no-one likes for the man who put polonium in the muesli.
you know - the man who can plop Blair in the brown for the man who'd shove Putin in the shite.

oh but I hear you clever types cry - they'd never do that - they'd rather just liquidate those two pieces instead. Liquidate. oh. that's a bad word. Back when Madame Curie invented Polonium and lab workers had no trade unions & no-one complained when the first (& till recently only person) [her assistant] died from Polonium, no-body but no-body - not even macavity nor fu manchu used the word liquidate. That was the Americans who invented that.

The Russians say it's all the new Brit PM's fault for not letting Boris be liquidated :-
The Russians say it's all the Brown's fault for not letting Boris be liquidated :-
The Guardian say the BBC are a left-wing conspiracy but fall short of naming me & getting libel letters, injunctions or on the banksy/ o as if " we sent Paris Hilton to jail" fan mail list.,,213068....html
The Guardian say Boris still isn't liquidated & still going on about it whilst your man who owns Chelsea only has a bodyguard retinue of 40 people complete with SAM missiles on the yacht.,,2129021,00.html
Kasparov isn't saying anything about Boris at all - he's sort of stalemated now.
c/f (& all comments)
9mm Willy O Dea really doesn't do this stuff coz "dr Roberts" & the odd terraced house arrangement at Shannon free trade area was well before his time & sure we won't go into that now. The US run Shannon now & we've still got over 100,000 unaccounted for Eire passports for a future generation to inquire about.

This isn't the Boris we're talking about :- that's the pillock boris johnson of the Brit conservatives who wants to take Red Ken Livinstone's job & tax mosques.

I hope I'm making myself clear - we swap. tit for tat. ribbid gurgle. love tara. hate mafia. ridiculous & sublime.
Know your Boris is my motto....

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author by tom eilepublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 13:23author address author phone

Isn't the most politically important thing about this affair the means used to murder Alexander Litvinenko ? Nobody can say for sure who killed him ,but whoever did, was surely linked to a security service of a nuclear armed power . Within three or four weeks of the assassination stories started to appear in papers like the Sunday Times quoting "sources close to " the Israeli military saying their country was considering a nuclear strike against Iran.
The KGB , Mossad , MI6 and of course the CIA have been murdering opponents for years without using nuclear technology to do so - and without attracting this sort of attention.. Whoever carried out this action was sending out a message .
Was this the first unambiguous use of nuclear weaponry since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings?

author by iosafpublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 19:05author address author phone

Madame Curie discovered Polonium & her lab assistant trusted her to employ him in safe conditions and not as it happened bring him to lose all his hair and teeth & be forgotten about for the rest of the 20th century. In this thread we explored many of the possibilities for getting your hands on polonium (it's a cigarette ingredient for those too lazy to click on the links and read the material) & thus had to extend our usual suspect list to include Marlboro man, Mr Morris, the Benson family the Hedges family ad finitum cough cough.
But this case illustrates mutual trust. In my comment above I made a very oblique "knowledge only" reference to the peculiar arrangement at Shannon airport back during the cold war when the Riardans were the most exciting thing on Irish telly. [ for a photo of the Riardons go here You see many young people & you might be one Tom might have forgotten that during the cold war mutual trust was really important in averting mutually assured disaster. Accordingly while "mr nice" was bringing in hashish through Shannon for most of the northern European market under the watchful and acquiescent eye of the IRA & MI6 (who both thought good smoke was in their long term interests) the CIA and KGB took possession of houses in a terrace so they could look at Shannon and its duty free, trans-atlantic stopovers and Cubans. That was just one example of how trust worked. They were both stationed up in the same terrace of little houses and yet they could go about their business without much fuss or inteference and generally were quite pleasant to each other - doffing the cap, cups of sugar & of course leaving the door open with the latch-key in it. oh yes Tom. simple times they were.

Now we have a situation where HMG UK doesn't want to extradite Boris and is demanding the Ruskies send "with love" Mr Luviov. The widow of Litvinienko is being reported after a lengthy discreet silence in the Spanish press as having a real high opinion of the CNI (spanish secret service) coz they didn't like the mafia & you know this week a high member of the Catalan government went to jail for giving a wad of visas to mafia dudes from Georgia...
Georgia former USSR not Georgia just north of Texas - that's where Kasparov is from btw. So the Spanish opinion gurglers are all behind new premier Brown asserting that trust has gone. Once upon a time you didn't give visas to mafia ruskies or yacht berths to football club owners with SAM missiles aboard coz there was a sort of "c-o-d-e" of decent behaviour. It was in a way an ordinary spook's version of the red telephone, or a less formal version of the park bench in St James park London feeding the ducks. Old Ivan would go out the door of his the terrace house in Shannon or wherever else & call in to his neighbour Hank & say "hey dudeski you've got an incoming bad mutharfucker". The reply was often quick and pleasant -"cheers Ivan old bean we'll liquidate him". (the yankees liked speaking the brit way when chitchatting with Ivan).

However, we are now at the awesome unpleasantry of :-
the Kursk mystery.
the Georgia political direction.
people putting polonium in the sushi.
people using recreative sailing craft all over the shop with heat seeking missiles aboard.
Poland & the telly tubby mystery.
Yer man Georgie Bush wanting to put his missiles in Poland. poland.
poland. poland. p-o-l-e-l-a-n-d.

I hope you Tom, & whomever is interested in this ping - will see that you've got a bit more "for your eyes only" ra ra ra to go on & start seeing - (1) it's a swap (2) as I wrote last December 3rd we're still at that lovely moment when the sub sailors went uptop and lit their cig & smiled wistfully as the coast of Poland disappeared over the horizon. Sure you could write a book about it - but if you do- I'll bite your face off.

Related Link:
author by Ruthpublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 20:00author address author phone

The enlargement agenda( 48 hour negotiation/90% of Nice II retained) is pissing off the Russians.
The EU bloc expansion and the negotiations in Kosovo have hit stalemate. Interestingly the
deposed minister for Tara (Dick Roche) has already launched the 'Yes' campaign.
Elections in Turkey soon too. This comprises another EU border and is on the verge of Civil war.
google The Knights of Colombanus site and see the prayers for the Catholicisation of
Turkey and the fomenting civil Wars during the recent visit of Benedict XVI to the region.
The 2016 trade agreement with the States and the creation of a US satellite bloc would piss
off many, Bertie , it seems needs diplomacy now , cos he is on the wrong side of the EU traditional
Russian ally support mechanisms.


author by MichaelY - iawm -per cappublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 20:11author address author phone

author by Ruthpublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 20:27author address author phone

relentless expansion and political instability on the menu:-

my personal favourite is :-
'about dick'= scroll down the left column.

author by gurgle ribbid yawn iosafpublication date Sat Jul 21, 2007 20:35author address author phone

Michael our concerns for the turkish state & its kurdish residents who presently suffer both Turkish & Iranian rule as much as our concerns for migrant Lebanese, Palestinian & Syrian workers doesn't really belong on the bzzting traitors & making Brown a household name in Moscow thread. But it's great to see you're dotting the dots & seeing the bigger picture without the need to invest in your own spy satelite or risk the hassle associated with hacking weather satellites. For indeed since the Romanians caved in to pressure from US based "pay-for-view" telly entities & "you try sinking my boat" Murdoch - it's just not as easy-pizzy.

OK. we're all sitting comfortably..,

Mrs widow Litvinenko appeared in the Spanish press as I mentioned earlier after some time benig discreet to not only have a go at Putin (whom no-one can trust either more or less than Blair) but to remind happy Spaniard newspaper readers that her hubbie had been one of the long list of people charged with the onorous task of "bzzzting boris".

oh yes. Of course it's not all about Blair, or Putin or whomever follows them. Without the quid pro quo swap of diplomats this week most Russians (who don't whore, sell arms or buy 501's btw) wouldn't have learnt the new prime minister of her majesty's government's name...... The things Irish people take for granted & just to think most can't even pronounce or spell the prime minister of Iran's name.

This is a photo of Blair & Putin together which of course appeared on the thread I want you all to apreciate about the "cigarette thing"
. It was taken less than a week after the Ruskies decided to call the Brits in on leaving fake rocks on the street with very high tech equipment inside. There were no expulsions for that. Just a load of giggling.

link to mr luvey Lugovio's condemnation of Brown's hassling him coz it's like he didn't do it. Put it this way - quite a few of the characters were in Dublin restaurants and no-one from big swinging Mickey Mc Dowell's office or 9mm Willy O Dea sent geiger counters round - ¿ did they?

Anyway he made this statement after I made my one yesterday.
very polite.

you'd be on the crystal meth or crack or something with teeth like that.
you'd be on the crystal meth or crack or something with teeth like that.

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