Independent Media Centre Ireland
International - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

TaKe BaCk tHe tEcH.

category international | gender and sexuality | event notice author Thursday November 23, 2006 12:22author by Militant Milicent :-)

Womens Support NetWorking Programme

Between the 25th NoVemBer 2006-10th dEcember 2006, there is a global campaign to
highlight the difficulties encountered by women in cyber-EnVironments- yes there is....
Its called 'TaKe Back the Tech' and its open to all genders.

The campaign to end violence against women is centred around reclaiming iCT's to end
the violence- heightening awareness of women's experience through using postcards and

The postcard campaign has some images on the site already;

If I Had a Camera:

"I Could Unfold the Walls of Our Home Everytime He comes Home Angry'

The campaign is supported by the Women's Networking Support Programme
and you can write anything you want.

My personal favourite is:

" When I don't use the internet I begin to feel my Heart beating again"

Please visit the site and have a look around, get some ideas.
It was decided to put this on the newswire because it is not strictly 'an event' and many,
many women should be aware of the collectives and resources available to them online.

Internet sites can be intimidating and isolating for some people.

Related Link:

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