new collection of essays by poet Kevin Higgins
'Poetry, Politics and Dorothy Gone Horribly Astray'
a collection of seventeen essays and book reviews
by Galway-based poet, Kevin Higgins,
published by Lapwing Press, Belfast,
will be launched by Kernan Andrews,
Arts Editor of The Galway Advertiser
on Friday, December, 1st, 8pm
at Sheridan’s Wine Bar,
14-16 Church Yard Street, Galway
All Welcome.
In this potentially controversial publication, poet Kevin Higgins goes into detail about the often fraught relationship between literature and radical left-wing politics. He critiques Martin Amis, George Orwell, Che Guevara, Christopher Hitchens, Mao Tse-tung, Ruairi Quinn and many more. In the title essay he talks about poetry and the war in Iraq.
“In Kevin Higgins, the reviewer, a poetic sensibility is combined with a lucid, intellectual grasp of a book’s subject matter. First-rate analysis is delivered in prose that captures and holds the reader’s attention”
– Olga Stein, Editor, Books in Canada: The Canadian Review of Books
“Refreshingly iconoclastic, Kevin Higgins’ criticism takes a look at several sacred cows, from real politics to unreal poetry, and much in between.”
- Richard Montgomery
For further details contact 087-6431748 or 091-860910