Muintir Chorca Dhuibhne ag tacù Pobal Rosdumhach
14 a bhí i láthair ag an gcruinniú neamhfhoirmiúil a thionóladh in Ostán Benners sa Daingean, Deardaoin an 16ú Samhain.
Rinne Darryl Broe agus Gearóid Mac Giobúin réamhrá gearr ar cúrsaí mar atå siad faoi láthair i Rosdumhach. Tar éis sin, pléadh an conspóid go h-oscailte. I ndeireadh na dála, thángthas ar roinnt pointí arbh fhéidir gach a raibh ann aontú orthu, beag nó mór. Déanaim achoimre orthu anseo thíos(cur síos pearsanta atá ann anseo, nílim a rá gur seo VERBATIM a bhí ráite agus aontaithe. Gabh mo leithscéal má tá aon rud mícheart):
1. tugaimíd ár dtacaíocht do phobail Rosdumhach, agus impímid ar ár dteachtaí tofa dul i mbun dian-obair go práineach chun teacht ar réiteach a dhéanadh cóir agus ceart do muintir Rosdumhach. Cuimhnígí go bhfuil toghacháin ag teacht!
2. Níl chuirimid an milleán ar na Gárdaí, (cé gur léir go bhfuil roinnt acu ro-dhíograsach i ndiaidh a chuid dualgasaí) mar go n-athnímid go bhfuil siad fhéin i droch-chás, mar gheall ar an bpraiseach polaitiúil agus pleanáil atá mar chúis ar an ngéarchéim seo.
3. Tugaimíd cuireadh oscailte do mhuintir Chorca Dhuibhe freastal ar lá náisiúnta tacaíochta a bheidh ar siúl i Rosdumhach ar an Aoine, 24ú Samhain. Bheidh orainn fágáil Dingle ar an Deardaoin i mean lae, fanacht thar oíche i gceantar Rosdumhach, chun a bheith í láthair ar an agóid go luath ar maidin.
4. Tugaimíd cuireadh do mhuintir Chorca Dhuibhne freastal ar an gcéad cruinniú eile don Fheachtas Tacaíochta Phobail Rosdumhach, a bheidh, ndiaidh ar ndiaidh, ag teacht le chéile.
5. Athnímid go bhfuil sé fíor-thabhtach go mbeadh réiteach sásiúil ar an gceist seo, mar go mbeidh an-thionchur ag an cás seo ar chúrsaí a bhaineann le acmhainní nádurtha na h-Éireann as seo amach. Ba choir go mbeadh ról níos gníomhaí, níos thuillmhí ag an stat i bhforbairt na h-achmainní siúd, ar leis sinn fhéin do cheart iad.
6. Athnímíd go bhfuil an neamh-eolas agus mí-thuiscint i measc an phobail mar gheall ar an gconspóid seo, agus déanfaimid iarracht teacht le chéile arís chun tuiscint níos cruinne a bheith againn ar an scéal chasta seo, agus chun an t-eolas sin a scaipeadh i measc an phobail, chun go mbeadh muid in ann freagra ceart, dea-eagraithe a bheith againn
We had an interesting meeting tonight in Benners Hotel in Dingle. There were 14 people present and events commenced with Darryl Broe and Gearóid Mac Giobúin giving a short introduction about how they had called the meeting in an attempt to find some sort of collective response from the Dingle area to the dispute in Rossport.
After this, an open discussion occurred. Most of those present were either Irish speaking by choice or by birth, so most of the meeting occurred, naturally, through Irish. Two of those present didn’t have fully conversational Irish so their points were raised and discussed in English. The language politics of Irish-speaking areas is quite difficult to grasp. Perhaps, with proper facilities of simultaneous translation, future meetings could continue to be held in Irish? Here’s a summary I’ve written up about what people felt and agreed, more or less. Bear in mind that this is my own subjective description of what happened. Apologies for any errors.
1. We declare our support for the people of Rossport and we implore our elected representatives to get to work immediately to find a resolution to this conflict that would give proper justice to the people of Rossport. We will be watching their actions closely, and their response on this issue will influence how we will vote in the upcoming election.
2. We don’t blame the Gardaí for the current crisis(even though some of them have behaved very roughly and improperly), we recognoise that the political and planning mess is the ultimate cause of their being there.
3. We put out an open invitation to the people of Corca Dhuibhne to travel to the National Day of Support which will take place in Rossport on Friday 24th of November. It will be necessary to leave Dingle midday on Thursday, stay over night in the Rossport area, in order to be present for the protest early on Friday morning.
4. We openly invite the people of Corca Dhuibhne to take part in the next meeting of the Rossport Support Campaign, which hopefully, will come together bit by bit.
5. We recognoise that it is of utmost importance that this dispute be resolved in a just manner, as the outcome will have an effect of Irish Natural Resource issues long into the future. The Irish State should have a much more active and profitable role in the exploitation of the natural resources of this country, which are the property of the Irish state, by rights declared in the constitution.
6. We recognoise that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding this situation. We will meet together again to better inform ourselves on the important issues at stake, and spread awareness of these issues so that we’ll be empowered to provide and adequate response to this crisis.