by Rosemary Byrne (MSP) and Tommy Sheridan (MSP), MSP's for Solidaity-Scotland's Socialist Movement
Ms Rosemary Byrne (South of Scotland) (Sol) : Justice for the Kurdish People— That the Parliament condemns the decision of the Cypriot government to deport Kurds living in Cyprus to Syria; notes that these Kurds played an instrumental role in the refugee protests in Cyprus last May; further notes that the Kurds who participated in the protest successfully gained their legal rights as asylum seekers through this struggle, were given medical cards and valid residence permits, temporary housing for all in need, an emergency lump sum of money and work permits complying with existing collective agreements; recognises that the Kurdish people are an oppressed nation, that their territory is occupied by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, all of which refuse to recognise the Kurds as a nation, that they are denied their national rights, such as being taught and participating in public life using their own language, that they also face general forms of discrimination and that they are refused access to high schools and universities and experience difficulties finding employment and receiving ID papers and passports; further notes that the Syrian government is extremely repressive of Kurdish protests against their own oppression, that many of the 100 Kurdish refugees in Cyprus who participated in the May protests were also activists in Syria and are wanted by that government and that during the May demonstrations the families of those who participated were visited by the Syrian secret police to be informed that the authorities knew about the activities of their family members in Cyprus; expresses its complete opposition to the Cypriot government’s present treatment of the Kurdish refugees, and calls on the Cypriot government to offer asylum and a policy of tolerance and hospitality to the Kurdish refugees.
Supported by: Tommy Sheridan
Protest tomorrow, Friday, November 10 at 1pm at the Cypriot Embassy on Leeson Street on this issue. Please show your support