2pm to 6.30, Saturday November 18th in the McClelland Room, Central Hotel, Exchequer St, Dublin 2
Tickets €2 unwaged €5 waged
2-3.15 Marxism, Islam and the Enlightenment
Introduced by: Neil Davidson
3.30 -4.45 Hezbullah, Hamas and anti-imperialism
Introduced by Barbara Muldoon
5- 6.15 The left and Islam
Introduced by Marnie Holborow
6.15 Summary
Melisa Halpin
In the “war on terror”, Islamophobia has become the new racism. Muslims in the west are branded as terrorists and targeted by states as the enemy within. The film director Oliver Stone claimed that the world faces a twin extremism, the neo-cons and Islamic fundamentalists. Many on the left see islamicism as being as dangerous as Bush.
What attitude do socialists have to religion? Is Islam particularly conservative and “unenlightened”? Why does resistance to US imperialism often go under the banner of Islam? Why does the left sometimes side with those attacking muslims?
This socialist day school aims to address some of these issues. The Scottish Marxist, Neil Davidson, who has written recent articles on Islam and the West, will be introducing a session on Marxism and religion as it relates to Islam today. There will be plenty of opportunity to participate and ask questions.. More information from 087 9889244