Job losses expected in Timber Processing Sector of Irish Forestry Sector
Press Release
Issued by Irish Forestry Contractors’ Association (IFCA)
The importing of a boat load of wood pulp from Scotland via Waterford Port on the week ending Saturday 23rd, October, 2006 by Coillte has caused consternation among members of the Irish Forestry Contractors’ Association. The wood pulp was imported by Coillte for use in the production of OSB board timber product in its timber mill in Belview, Waterford. IFCA is a stakeholder in the Irish forestry sector and it was not consulted prior to the making of the decision to import the boat load of wood pulp in Waterford Port. IFCA is concerned about the prospects of contamination of native Irish timber products, which is a distinct possibility as a consequence of importing wood pulp.
Coillte Teoranta was established as a private commercial company under the Forestry Act 1988 and day to day operational matters are the responsibility of the company.
The Competition Authority is currently examining the purchase by Coillte of the Weyerheaueser mill in Clonmel.
Contractors were assured that they would financially benefit from the purchase by Coillte Teo of the Weyerheaueser timber mill in Clonmel. Contractors were led to believe that the purchase by Coillte of the of the Weyerheaueser timber mill in Clonmel would consolidate employment in the timber
The purchase of the Weyerheaueser timber mill in Clonmel by Coillte was deemed to be the ideal solution, which would guarantee current levels of employment in the timber processing sector of Irish Forestry.
Mary Wallace, Minister of State, Department of Agriculture & Food was informed by Coillte that the possible importation of wood pulp from Scotland or elsewhere was under review. Ms. Wallace conveyed this information to Eamonn O Cuiv TD, Minister for Community Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in a letter dated 19th, October, 2006.
Harvesting Costs in the West of Ireland.
A significant volume of timber raw material, which is currently harvested in Irish forests in The West of Ireland is transported by train to Waterford for use in the production of OSB boards in the Coillte manufacturing plant in Waterford. Timber raw material from forests in the West of Ireland is also transported by timber haulage contractors to the Weyerheaueser timber mill in Clonmel. The supply of timber raw material from Irish forests in The West of Ireland is the most expensive material supplied to these mills due to the significant haulage distances and the quality of the raw material (high % of low grade pine and difficult terrain). Coillte incurred significant financial losses in some Irish forests in The West of Ireland. To date Coillte has not imported wood pulp from Scotland or elsewhere.
IFCA is dismayed by Coillte’s decision to import wood pulp from Scotland for use in the production of OSB in Waterford at a time when a quota system exists in some areas to slow down the intake of pulp wood by the OSB mill in Waterford.
IFCA calls on Minister Wallace:
1. To intervene immediately to halt the importing of pulp wood by Coillte until an inventory is completed to determine if this practice is justified
2. To address the current chaotic Irish Forestry planting programme
James J. Bunyan
Business & Public Affairs Consultant
Co. Cork.
Tel. 353 25 32168 Fax 353 25 32639 Mobile 086/2634492