National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Save Tara Valley Awareness March Navan
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Wednesday November 01, 2006 15:36
by M. Ni Bhrolchain - On behalf of March organisers

Valley awareness March in Navan
The March takes place on Saturday November 4 2006 beginning at the old CIE railway station in Railway Street at 2pm. This location was chosen to point to the lack of commitment to public transport in putting a motorway ahead of re-opening the railway line.

Interchange at Tara
The Green Party and the Labour Party have given their full support to the March.
Deputy Michael D. Higgins said: “I believe that this is an appalling decision which will affect not only this generation, but generations to come. There needs to be a change made in legislation to stop decisions being made which will have such an influence on future generations of Irish people. This has important implications not only for the people of Meath, but for people throughout Ireland”.
Ciarán Cuffe the Green Party T.D. and spokesman for the Environment will be addressing the March. He said “Carving a motorway through the Tara landscape would be an act of sacrilege. The Green Party believes that safety improvements on the existing road would be a better option.”
At this time of global warming, climate change and peak oil, people must voice their objection to the needless destruction of Ireland’s most sacred site to facilitate a twice-tolled motorway that will lead to the already badly congested Blanchardstown Roundabout bringing no real relief to the commuter. The M3 will bring unspeakable destruction to Ireland’s heritage particularly at the massive floodlit interchange planned for Blundelstown at the foot of the Hill of Tara.
A motorway attracts development and the planning permissions are already being lodged for property at the foot of the hill in the Tara/Skryne Valley.
The March will highlight the fact that viable alternatives do exist, such as an integrated transport system. Despite much talk of re-opening the Navan/Dublin Railway Line the chances of this vital transport link becoming a reality will disappear if the M3 with its two tolls goes ahead. As the M3 will be a Public Private Partnership it will require a specific number of cars through its tolls on a daily basis in order to make it viable. This viability would therefore be seriously compromised with the re-opening of the railway as the volume of traffic would be dramatically reduced and with it the profitability of the project. Ends.
Further information contact: Heather Buchanan, 087-6595056 [email protected] or Rosaleen Allen, 01-8027967 [email protected].
Further information on the aims of the March
The aim of the March is to create awareness throughout Ireland and internationally that the Tara Valley will be needlessly destroyed by the proposed M3 despite the fact that viable alternatives do exist e.g. an integrated transport system such as the Meath Multiway.
The main points are as follows:
1. The Hill of Tara, which includes the Skryne Valley, is the most sacred and sensitive site in Ireland and is recognised as such throughout the world. With a four laned, double tolled motorway about to be driven through its heart, we believe that there are many more favourable options which have been conveniently ignored.
2. This double tolled, four laned motorway, which all agree will bottleneck at the already seriously congested Blanchardstown Roundabout, will not serve the people of Meath as they are being lead to believe and is a poor substitute for the properly integrated transport system we believe that they deserve.
3. Our group have spoken to thousands of people since our campaign started three years ago. Most of these people are local residents, particularly from the Navan area. We have found that contrary to popular belief, very few people actually want to see the Tara Valley destroyed in this way. What they do want desperately, is a proper, integrated, transport system such as the Meath Multiway which will enable them to commute and move around the area with the relative ease one would expect of one of the world’s most affluent nations. However, all these people have been offered is a motorway and most feel that they have no alternative, irrespective of the destruction caused in its wake!
4. Those Meath residents who still believe that the proposed M3 is the answer to their commuting problem are going to be very sadly disappointed, if it is eventually built! There will be absolutely no benefit to commuters travelling from Navan and Kells as all traffic will simply backup on the existing bottleneck at Blanchardstown Roundabout. Even if there was a Flyover over the Hill of Tara, commuters would still land at Blanchardstown and the same old traffic jam!
5. There are no plans by the NRA to improve the situation at Blanchardstown Roundabout.
6. There are large areas around Clonee and Dunboyne now rezoned for housing development and they will soon also feed into the M3 and therefore add further to the existing congestion at Blanchardstown.
7. Most people are unaware that as part of the proposed M3, there is to be built a huge interchange at Blundelstown, at the foot of the Hill of Tara, where Dalgan Park is currently situated. Apart from also destroying Dalgan Park, this interchange will be floodlit 24 hours a day, lighting up Tara and increasing pollution on all levels. At present, this interchange is quite unnecessary as this is a country area with nowhere to interchange to. Clearly then, this whole area has been designated for redevelopment and will be destroyed accordingly. Is this really what people want? We don’t believe they do!
8. Many commuters will not pay the two tolls on the M3, preferring to cut across country and use the toll-free and under utilised M2 as many are already doing and thereby also missing the congestion at Blanchardstown. Others will resort to the old toll-free N3.
9. With a General Election due next year we propose that the viability of THREE motorways heading north in close parallel be looked at and that a properly thought out integrated transport system be put into place. The possibility of traffic from Kells and Navan being diverted into the under utilised and toll-free M2 should be considered, which would then free up the sensitive Tara Valley area. This would reduce the traffic from Dunshaughlin going south and therefore also at Blanchardstown.
10. The Outer Orbital Motorway which Michael McDowell is now proposing will make the M3 defunct as there will be little interest in a double tolled motorway when there are other cheaper, more efficient options available.
11. Although there has been much talk of a railway from Navan to Dublin, such a project would seriously undermine the financial viability of a PPP Motorway and the projected income expected from the two tolls on the route. Also, the proposed M3 will dissect the old railway line in several places which seems to be counter productive if such a plan is being seriously considered.
Even if people have no interest whatsoever in Irish Heritage and the Tara Valley, the M3 will not solve the current serious traffic problems. It is a lose/lose situation for all those involved – except for those with a vested financial interest in the development!

Possible routes

Chosen route

Toll stations

Photo of previous March - Green Party supporting
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7It won't cut the railway alignment between Navan and Clonsilla anymore - a bridge is to be included in the plans.
It will however cut the Navan - Kells railway alignment..
A simple bridge would sort that out, if the NRA or Meath County Council would just include it in the plans..
Its not their job. Their job is to provide the pretty pictures and videos for the corporations,
lackeys and cronies who will profit by this route. They are of course, not a statutory
organisation, the members of the NRA are appointed by the State (Noel Dempsey even
appointed his cousin to the board, when he was in Environment).
The logic that communities appeal for in relation to planning is absent here and in Rossport
because the State puppets insist on 'Value for money' for the corporate lobby. This increases
their ability to mint it when they work in concert with the lobbyists whose job is to get maximum
pay-back from the councils, who will: 1. Write injunctions against protestors. 2. Ensure that
re-zoning is 'value for money' .
The cycle of corruption within the State ( the legislation is drafted by the lawyers for the corps)
is unimaginable and indicates two things: 1.They have been in power so long, that they wrote
the book on how to screw people. 2. They have brough the PPP into being to accomodate
the interests of the crony lobby.
There is no logic to the planning process it is a get rich quick scheme for the friends
of the FF/PD(Ers). The only way to make them pay and realise that short term goals
of 'value for money' is to hit them where it hurts (in the power region-located next to
the groin). Targetting them in their electoral seats and running locals against them.
This should be happening right now- The Poolbeg/Tara/Rossport problems are going on years.
Re-focussing the campaigns on community efforts to expose the national disgrace that is
the FF party is a start: - The residents of Thornton Hall should speak to the residents of Ringsend
about what Mc Dowell is doing to their community. Unfortunatley for grass-root campaigns
they refuse to create strong links with each other and get hypnotised by the
focus groups and other paraphenalia utilised by the government to distract them from the issues. The problem with
community isolation in the teeth of negative and foolish planning is that an isolated community
is easy to isolate further through media and gardai , as we have all seen recently.
Hopefully the railway action group will support the Tara people and other activist groups
who have experienced this type of planning.
The only value for money is a short term shot in the arm- the environmental implications
are diastrous.
I agree that there is a lack of unity among groups dealing with their individual problems but in the case of the wider Tara campaign, there were very definite links forged with Rossport/Thornton Hall and others and a few meetings were held and we have also attended each others protests.
This is a tentative beginning but there is a need for coordinating such an alliance, not necessarily as a political party as has been mooted on some occasions, but as a wide lobby group that can learn from each other instead of having to invent the wheel each time a campaign begins. Each group has to start from scratch again every time a crazy planning decision is taken.
I don't believe that all FF back benches agree with the Tara decision. I know that not all FF supporters agree with it although they may feel the necessity to defend it.
Come to the March all of you ...
For those who are attending the march this might be useful. The March starts at Railway Street, at the old Railway Station. Its marked as 17 on this map.
There appears to be parking in the vicinity and there is parking in the Shopping Centre as well.
Street map of navan
Buses to Navan are 10 euro return , but you can carpool. the journey is about an hour
for those inclined to go and they are very regular- I think it's at the half-hour from
Dublin and they operate until nearly 11pm at night from Navan.
If people want to have their say - the platform will be open.
Bring children, dress up and be positive -
This is a serious post! I think we should re-form the Irish Citizen Army. We need to have a strong organisiation that will represent the Irish people. The government and it's pals are dictating what happens to our country, heritage, citizens etc and they don't really care what the affects of their decisions are. Rossport, Tara, Shannon Airport etc are examples of the government doing stuff on a whim that may not be in the best interests of Ireland and it's people. We need a , strong, united, apolitical pressure group to stand up for the people of Ireland.
Personally I think the Irish Citizen Army would be a good name for such an organisation as the original orginisation was made up of trade union members who were standing up for the small people, the workers. The ICA encompasses all Irish citizens and it is not devoted to any one struggle, of which there are many and there will be many more in the future. The ICA would lend it's support to such struggles.
I am not politcally motivated. I have just become more and more frustrated with the governments lack of consideration for our wonderful country and her people.
I would love to setup such an organisation but don't know where to start. I'm sure it's possible if we got the right people talking to each other, people with experience in this area.
What I say may come across as complete nonsense but thats how I feel.
All the best!!