Trendy boutique Fran & Jane adopt a Fur-Free policy
CAFT Ireland have recently been doing a blitz on shops all around Dublin City- delivering our information packs to every shop that we find selling real fur items. Included in our packs is a pre-written statement of intention (to go fur free), which we ask for the shop to sign and post back to us if they decide on adopting a fur-free policy.
One of the boutiques we visited was Fran & Jane, of Clarendon Street, Dublin 2, where they had a range of Regine designer clothes with real fur trims.
We have just received a our pre-written statement of intention back from them (signed) along with a letter in which they say "we have now reviewed our policy on using fur in our designs and have now decided not to do this in the future. So, from next season onwards, there will be no fur used on any of our products."
They also went on to say "Apologies if there was any offence taken. This was an oversight on our part and trust that you will be happy with the decision that we have now taken".
CAFT Ireland is absolutely delighted by company Fran & Jane's decision, and will be sending them a thank-you letter shortly. So, from next season onwards, we encourage all our members to support this fur-free boutique!
Laura Broxson
CAFT Ireland
PO Box 4734,
Dublin 1.
[email protected]