Invitation to Introductory Seminar on Community Television in the Navan area
Until recently, Province 5 TV had been broadcasting in the Navan area for many years. It is now in the process of being revamped and will soon go on air again as P5tv - a new, non-profit, participatory community television channel that will welcome input from all voluntary/ community organisations in the locality.
As part of this process, an introductory seminar on Community Televison is being held for all interested groups and individuals on Saturday October 21st at Claremont Stadium, Commons Road, Navan, (9.30am to 3.30pm). The seminar will address such issues as What makes Community Television different from the rest? Who and what is P5tv? How can local organisations get involved? What kinds of programmes might local organisations be interested in producing? Where can groups get trainig and funding for this purpose?
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