Israeli Torture of Palestinians
international |
anti-war / imperialism |
other press
Sunday September 24, 2006 13:41
by Miriam Cotton

Sickening details of how Palestinians are torutred in Israeli jails. Report posted on Medialens earlier today.
To read this item you will need to go to the Medialens message board:
and scroll down to the item headed:
"Not pleasant reading; Israeli Torture paralyzes Palestinian detainee"
Every Palestinian detainee has his own story of the horrors of being held in Israeli detention facilities, but in the case of detainee Luay Al Ashqar, 28, from Saida village, near Tulkarem (in the northern part of the West Bank), the result and the outcome are clearly apparent on his body, which has been paralyzed due to Israeli torture. Al Ashqar is currently in Majeddo prison after the Israeli Salim military court sentenced him for 26 months. Here is his story, in his own words, of how he became paralyzed:
“During interrogation, I was seated on a chair, my back was bent backwards, and my head nearly reached my legs (a common torture technique used by Israeli interrogators that has been documented by human rights groups and condemned on multiple occasions). Then an intelligence officer who was interrogating me started pressing hard on my chest, he pressed twice at first, and on the third time my back cracked and i felt that something big had happened, that something broke....I immediately had the feeling that something had been taken away from me."