American War against Iran set for 22 October
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Sunday September 24, 2006 11:10
by Akrasia

An Open Letter to the American People
Only you, the Ordinary American People can Stop World War 3

U.S.S. Eisenhower
Your government appear to be preparing for their 3rd new war in 6 years, this time it's against Iran. They are beginning their military build up as we speak, moving minesweepers towards the persian gulf, the U.S.S. Eisenhower and it's entourage of warboats are due to leave for Iran on the 1st of October, months before it was due to return to active service following extensive refurbishment.
Colonel Gardiner, who has taught military strategy at the National War College, says that the carrier deployment and a scheduled Persian Gulf arrival date of October 21 is "very important evidence" of war planning. He says, "I know that some naval forces have already received 'prepare to deploy orders' [PTDOs], which have set the date for being ready to go as October 1. Given that it would take about from October 2 to October 21 to get those forces to the Gulf region, that looks about like the date" of any possible military action against Iran. (A PTDO means that all crews should be at their stations, and ships and planes should be ready to go, by a certain date--in this case, reportedly, October 1.) Gardiner notes, "You cannot issue a PTDO and then stay ready for very long. It's a very significant order, and it's not done as a training exercise." This point was also made in the Time article. ---quote----
Your insane leaders believe that they can go into Iran and bomb 10,000+ targets from the air and that this will make the world a safer place. They are so far detached from reality, that they believe that bombing Iran will weaken their theocratic regime, and not make it much stronger (as every tiny scrap of available evidence screams out) Your Asshole government is even prepared to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS against Iranian targets in the hope of taking out some of their underground bunkers.
"I think the plan's been picked: bomb the nuclear sites in Iran," says Gardiner. "It's a terrible idea, it's against US law and it's against international law, but I think they've decided to do it." Gardiner says that while the United States has the capability to hit those sites with its cruise missiles, "the Iranians have many more options than we do: They can activate Hezbollah; they can organize riots all over the Islamic world, including Pakistan, which could bring down the Musharraf government, putting nuclear weapons into terrorist hands; they can encourage the Shia militias in Iraq to attack US troops; they can blow up oil pipelines and shut the Persian Gulf." Most of the major oil-producing states in the Middle East have substantial Shiite populations, which has long been a concern of their own Sunni leaders and of Washington policy-makers, given the sometimes close connection of Shiite populations to Iran's religious rulers.
Is there any other explanation for the current Military Build-up?
Of course, Gardiner agrees, recent ship movements and other signs of military preparedness could be simply a bluff designed to show toughness in the bargaining with Iran over its nuclear program. But with the Iranian coast reportedly armed to the teeth with Chinese Silkworm antiship missiles, and possibly even more sophisticated Russian antiship weapons, against which the Navy has little reliable defenses, it seems unlikely the Navy would risk high-value assets like aircraft carriers or cruisers with such a tactic. Nor has bluffing been a Bush MO to date.
So your government are Fuckin Idiots if they intend to attack Iran, and Fucking Idiots if they're only Bluffing.
This is very very serious, and the only people in the world who can do anything to stop it, are the Ordinary American Citizens. You are being ruled by a bunch of Crazy people. They have NOT got your interests at heart. They are NOT making america a safer, more secure place. You have to get rid of them. and Soon.
You need to gather on the streets of Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, everywhere. You need to gather in your millions and you need to stand there bravely demanding that your military disobey these insane orders and that your government be Immediately removed from power.
The time is now. Every individual must act. If you don't do anything then the consequences of Bush's actions will be YOUR FAULT TOO.,9171,1535817,00%20.html
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Something needs to be done.
Has anyone every read Thomas Merton, Cistercian Monk, poem (over 40 verses)? The title is the 'Original Child'.
Stanza 18
'That afternoon Mr. Stimson called on Mr. Churchill, and laid before him a sheet of paper bearing a code message about the successful test. The message read 'Babies satisfactorily born'. Mr. Churchill was quick to realise that there was more in this than met the eye. Mr. Stimson satisfied his legitiimate curiosity'
Stanza 34
'Over the radio went the code message that the bomb had been successful. 'Visible effects greater than Trnian....Proceeding to Papacy.
'Papacy was the code name for Tinian'
We are talking Horishima. This poem by Thomas Merton is worth reading................
Someone gave me a present of May June 2006 Foreign Affairs:-
Only today did I open it and with intrigue I read it.
Page One Orange background, white words (very few).
Did you know 'Russia, Iran and Qatar have 58% of the world's natural gas reserves.
The US has 3%.
The Question being:
'What does this mean for all of us? War not Peace is our priority.......
Michelle Clarke
Edmund Burke quotation: Famous Irish Nationalist and Patriot
'Evil Results when Good men Do Nothing'
It doesn't matter what the American people think. The Congress and the Senate rubber stamp everything our asshole President wants.
I've marched with friends and family, voted against this horrible mess, supported brave people who stood up and protested--and we were ignored.
I'm truly sorry.
the Bullshites deep in here, Bolshie Bollocks, get out the Anoraks
To whomever the moron who wrote the note, in regards to US preps to go to war with Iran in late October, is:
Iran has been at war with the US since 1979. For many years the US has stood silent and put up with all sorts of shit from the Mullahs. They invaded the US embassy in Tehran, killed American peace keepers in Beirut, blew up numerous buildings and killed numerous American citizens. And now they've taken Iraq hostage. All this without officially declaring war. That's stuff of cowards; Common thugs and criminals.
The hypocracy of the Mullahs and their regime is to the extent that many of them have American Express cards, own businesses in the US, and are very heavily invested in the US equity markets (the same country they call the Great Satan).
The day our bombers finally start pounding the shit out of the Iranian regime, will be a joyeous day.
President Bush is a real shitty speaker, his manerisms and accent are not refined, and he looks hoky.... But thank God for a leader like him, who has a pair of balls, and a cock big enough to shove down the throats of the Bin Ladins, Saddams, and Iranian Mullahs.
Your note in regards to October 22nd., or whatever day you claim D-Day is, is flawed by nature; the US has enough fire power in that part of the world to begin the bombing tomorrow, if need be. But Alas, how wonderful it would be if you, despite your stupidity and ignorance, were correct.
Written by an Iranian-American.....
It is to enforce the UN sanctions that will be handed down soon....very very soon...not for a war...un approved the sanctions so now they will enforce em
Since when is it the USAs business?
Who says they should be the ones to overthrow or destroy any regime. Americanise a culture that is proud and Persian because in the ethno-centric eyes of the west, our way is the best way. Right now there are many problems with human rights, unemployment and diplomatic relations, but at least these problems are Iranian, to be reformed by Iranians to come. If the Iranian population wish to change Iran, it will happen gradually over time. Progression is inevitable with a population 70% under 30 who are for the most part disenchanted with the state of affairs and the theocracy. If you push a society, or drag it into a place that its not ready for (across the scale), its common knowledge that great social disparities, discontent, suspicion and fundamentalism will be created.
Those who know of Irans history and culture will know that one thing that can unite such a paradoxical and divided country is a war and fear of neo-colonialism. After all, who are we fooling? Would the crusade for democracy and WMD without oil, be so crucial to anti-terrorism?
Geographically this seems to be coming along time and I feel so sorry for all those poor people that have seen so much blood spilled in their generations. From a revolution, to a war for 8 years. We see Mullahs on TV, but at the end of the day, civilains will suffer, and this will breed hatred, anger and jihad.
If we could believe that money doesn't make the world go round, and that the USA and the UK governments were actually 100% ethical and had the best interests of the country that they want to "liberate", and not send in their own companies to rebuild the damaged areas...then I could agree with our American-Iranian friends comments.
Its so sad to feel like the world is a selfish place, that in reality its all one great power struggle for economic dominence.
So is the drive for freedom right?? How can it be, when we look at the facts on Iraq and Afganistan?? Is it freedom or putting people in a new cage with bars of false hope and under riding currents of people who want dominence and profit whatever the cost the humanity? Educate your country and those around you. Look at, , even, and realise that so far people want reform, but not another revolution. Its taken them too long to have this much inching back of the hijab as it is. The last thing anyone wants is a new re-inforced radical outbreak in the area. Threat does that to people. There are examples all around us.
Lastly, they have a saying in Iran that goes something like " If you stir a bucket of shit, it will only start to smell worse".