More abuses enviromental abuses by Roadstone
The fight to save Arklow Rock became embittered last week when the organizers of a protest meeting walked out claiming that it had been “hijacked by political opportunists”.
In a statement to the wicklow times paper, Chairman of Arklow Rock Preservation Association explained: “ We are a non- political association. We have achieved the full support of all our local representatives in trying to ensure the preservation of the south side of Arklow rock. We are prepared to give our elected representatives time to persuade Roadstone to postpone any further work on the south side of the rock until the planning and heritage issue has been clarified.
“It was decided to post-pone this meeting and to sever any links with the people before profit alliance as these people appear to have a political agenda and a view to using the rock issue as a base for a candidate they wish to run in the next general election”.
This point is clearly displayed on a flier distributed in Arklow town (Co. Wicklow) last week by them. It must be made clear that this group approached us on the grounds that they were a non- political Bray based association, and they wished to offer there full support with the regard to saving the remaining peak and the amenity of Arklow rock”, said Mr Gleeson.
Green Party county councilor says the key issue regarding Arklow Rock is weather the roadstone company needs to apply for planning permission to quarry the upper sections of the rock.
De Burca says that she has had previous experience of the Roadstone Company through its quarrying operations at GlenDing in Blessington where the company was responsible for the illegal quarrying and removal of 67,000 tonnes of material from Glen Ding”
Links to information about Roadstone’s involved ment in building the Separation Wall inside the West Bank,
Raodstone’s illegal dumping in county Wicklow
Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6I am grateful that the Arkow group has made its position, in relation to political truth, very clear.
Political truth must be a feature of today. Irish society is taking action on real issues that matter to it. It is moving away in front of the political. It is a measure of its sucess that polical groups have to settle for a chance to piggyback. Arklow and Bantry and Pallaskenry and Bantry and Rossport and Tara show us the way. Keep going.
It is disappointing that political groupings have to resort to subterfuge and shows great immaturity. Once crediblity is suspected one has enemies now instead of, at worst, neutrals.
I totally accept political groupings but be fair and earn your credibility. Have events, give support but name and identify yourselves. There is a growing dicontent among honest supporters when they find themselves drawn into meetings, petitions, table quizzes, awards etc. organized by bodies that are political by intent but who hide the fact and do not poster themselves adequately. Full marks to those who do.
At this level of dishonesty, these groups are no more perfect that we claim for the Department of the Marine...and Shell. It needs serious consideration within such groups. Otherwise we have to accept that for many, the issues are like footballs. And have to regret that very noble names and titles are hijacked in pursuit of selfishness.
Deirdre Is a woman of the highest integrity and a fighter.
(If she were a man she would be a TD, but that is for the Greens to address).
She is also too humble, she has fought on the issue of CRH dumping and illegality
for many years, often alone and nearly always maligned. She was a founder member
of the Green Party Women's Group and she works tirelessly on environment and gender
issues in relation to this issue , she has the knowledge and expertise to see it through.
The PBP alliance, on the other hand are an off-shoot of a socialist party, with a leader
(de facto) who will not stand down from the anti-war chair and address with honesty
the issues of environmental concern to communities. In the case of the mentioned cases
Pallaskenry, Tara, Rossport- the effects of corrupt planning are and should be community
led- political elbow and nowse should only be welcomed by the community.
One other purported left wing party high-jacked issues of community concern for years
to gain political capital-their quietness in the face of the other environmental campaigns
speaks volumes. it was a means of acessing power and they let down communities.
Using the concerns of a community to target votes and achieve power instead of allowing
the community to lead and direct its own campaign is simply opportunism.
This article is very misleading - it suggest that Deirdre DeBurca is aligned to the people before profit group - I don't think this is the case
Sorry I did not make this point clearer in the article
Two points should not be confused here. One is that political groups or parties should not attempt, especially covertly, to dominate or use a campaign. If this has been tried here then it is wrong and only adds to a long litany of that type of operation.
The other point is about the right of political groups to get involved in a campaign in an honest, democratic and supportive way. It seems that some of the people in this campaign, while putting total reliance on POLITICIANS to win a postponement, are against LEFT wing political participation of any kind. However the Green PARTY seems acceptable to them.
Is this Carmel McKenna someone involved in environment/heritage campaigns in Wicklow before she hooked up with PB4P or the SWP.
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