Natascha Kampusch told viewers of Austrian television what it's like to be locked in a cellar for 10 years tonight. She's gone global. In fact she's top of the ratings. Natascha was all but forgotten about by Austrians a decade ago, but now reproduction and syndication rights of her interview have been traded worldwide. Each country & language giving it's own spin & peculiar title. I phoned my local television station which airs the interview tomorrow to complain at its choice of title which in English is "Natasha's confessions".
I'm not really sure how you spin that sort of thing. But its bigger than Crocman or 911 or even Guantanamo. & it is most certainly not a story from someone who has to confess anything. Behind it all I feel very disturbed by the media attention being focussed on this case & the possibility it may influence other criminals in the future.
Maybe there will be allusions made in our movies, video games, and future magazine features. So that every kidnapped person gets out of the dungeon safely.
Meanwhile has told world media that she only thought of escaping during her 8½ year ordeal and also of wishing to decapitate her captor. In addition she left the house where she was kept hidden in his company & did her best to attract attention. But people don't notice that sort of thing & had forgotten what she looked like perhaps.., Already close to 20 photographs of her as an 18 year old and multiple statements have appeared in two european-wide circulation magazines usually dedicated to gossip & lifestyle options.
But like this or not. & does anyone read or hear this without nausea?
It's the news in Europe & much of the USA tomorrow. Let's see if we deal with it better than 911
Comments (14 of 14)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Hope the movie starring Kirsten Dunst comes out soon
The front page photo of the girl in today's Irish Times is juxtaposed with
the Mc Dowell story on the Protection Bill. She is very pretty and wears a red
collar, (piece of Jewellery) round her very white neck.
Angela Carter swings to mind:- The Bluebeard story.
Each of the wives who has been murdered was endowed on her wedding night
with a piece of jewellery that pre-figured her end.
The virgin (almost) who defeats bluebeard is given a red velvet ribbon
which is encrusted with rubies, her sacrifice is to be be-headed in the
yard of the house by the sea. except that the mother comes flying up on a horse
and shoots the villain.
Her daughter was crying over gold taps shaped like dolphins in the well
appointed bathrooms. she looks well on it, media manipulation of a victim
in PTS and the victims collusion in that manipulation are interesting stories.
Oral history made for us these tales and the bluebeard one dominates
many folktales, and hollywood movies including The Piano. it is not the
virgin who wins through but the wise woman who is fully grown.
Bluebeard was a conniseur of women, so its a mirror reflection in a sense
a role reversal of the oral tales. He liked porn and was possibly an adept.
So the girl is the virgin, he is the demon. we are not in little red cloaks anymore.
interesting that she used the be-heading issue and it caught the headlines.
Bushes metaphor/hawk metaphor was be-heading, except they were warned
about hydras.
either way placing someone with PTS on the world media stand is abusive,
she obviously has been through enough. very blonde. aryan-what colour was the perp?
who posed her in a veil , looking to the right?
this is basic iconic manufacture-bit like cherie in a veil clasping the hand of Benedict
discussing the EU birthrate in fortress europe.
Joan of arc was disembowelled after burning. this is a bluebeard story.
especially in the abuse of a girl with PTS (not PMT)
now did she collaborate in the image creation- cos she looks like a virgin warrior
who is managing her, protecting her, taking the money?
is she a ward-is there an education fund?
why does Louise Woodward come to mind?
disgusting is the abuse of person and media dominance of the issue during the
fall of Blair and the introduction of anti-citizen laws in Ireland.
a dragon worthy of slaying.
She is the moon goddess Diana.
Depends how it sells really.
fish out a bethrothal portarit of the Princess of Wales: Other images are venus
arising from the sea (Botticelli), the birth of venus.
Diana was the hunteress , the virgin goddess- greek myths of dryads
and nymphs, metamorphoses. Maybe unconscious keying into mythological
One thing for sure is this, she is an icon , she is not confronting the camera
and she collaborated in the above image.
Control of the image and tale decides how this girl is presented but often times
images bulit up and manipulated for a mass-market have a habit of
meeting sticky and ignominious ends. V interesting reptilian, the birth
of a moon-goddess of aryan extraction in the midst of global conflict.
if she has PTS, then she needs strong help not an ad-man.
I think the media should back off and leave her alone and let her reflect and decide in her own time what she wants to do. I read in the Irish times that she wants to study law and maybe become an actress.
it would be nice if all our mythos-constructed or not were unaryan.
& almost to a one, we agree she should be left alone to recover & decide what she wants to do with her life. She needs time to build a new relationship with her parents, to meet the little sister she didn't know she had. That little sister was probably told she had died. Her parents must have found it easier to join with the thousand other family members who every year adjust to life after a disappearance & if not actually say or believe simply assume she was dead. They didn't see her grow from a ten year old girl into an 18 year old. They missed her first period. They missed her progress to adulthood which is now almost finished.
We know a lot about what happens to people psychologically & physically in long-term hostage or captivity situations. As just one example :- when I was much much younger, younger indeed than Natasha is now I read a diary kept by someone who had been held hostage. It's a very weird relationship, and one which must prove a perniciously treacherous background to adolescence.
But there are less metres of meticulously written reports & thesis on what happens to family members. Natasha's return has not only prompted for the very beginning what she understands as invasion of privacy . Though her first statements are now being compared with her tv interview yesterday & how her description of her abductor has moved from describing his pathetic orders that she call him "master" to how she now calls him "the criminal". But in both statements she expressed anger that her room, the cellar dungeon was photographed. It was more than just a teenager's bedroom, it was probably the only private space she had in over 8 years.
She wants to work with abduction victims in South America. That's what the tv viewers know. But I hope she works with her family first.
sometimes a group of people who experience loss on a cultural or community
level manufacture an image to allay the loss. yeats did it in poetry, through his
poetry- and his countess.
Toni Morrisson addressed the issue of the murdered child in 'Beloved'
wherein the child murdered because of mother-trauma and the stealing of
her breast milk emerged from water as a fully formed woman.
they become iconic and slavishly devoted to- they are at risk from the
pushing of identity on them by the collective need of the mass and sentiment.
A lot of questions in the comments which could be answered by the people asking them themselves. e.g. who is presenting her image,
"Over the past two weeks of blanket coverage of the case in Austria, concerns have been expressed that the victim has shifted from being the hostage of a deranged man to a different form of captivity, under siege from the international media.
Her media adviser, Dieter Ecker, a former political spin doctor, said there had been more than 300 requests for interviews, book contracts or film deals. "The only one not in touch has been Steven Spielberg," Mr Ecker told the profil news magazine."
Less questions more answers. Stop being lazy and self-indulgent.
I wrote this piece. I hadn't intended on it, I had thoughts about including the image - & wondered why I hadn't reported it before.
& I thought long about which author name to put.
simple :- it disturbs me & I somehow thought Irish media coverage would be small. For several reasons - including the practical financial nature of the EU continental channel's syndication deals.
One thing though has really got me - why aren't we talking about Wolfgang Priklopil? Not only because he's dead - but there's something else there. Europeans seem ( it is being hinted again & again) to be more interested in how Natasha lost her innocence or virginity than how she dealt with her first period.
Was Wolfgang Priklopil typical of such criminals? In recent years we've seen how his Belgian equivalents didn't bother furnishing their converted cellars & didn't seem relent in their "predation" or show any signs of suicidal guilt when their prey escaped.
As I pointed out in my last comment, as a society we know about psychological trauma patterns such as Stockholm Sydrome. But we know very little about what happens to parents - our services are trained (if at all) to tell people their children are dead - their corpses have been found - that's it.
But from Natasha Kampush who today is being feted throughout the world as a heroine - we may learn more about men such as Priklopil. We may all look at his photo - buttoned shirt without a tie - parsing his features for some sign of evil.... or we may ponder his obssessions with building the perfect car - or a house perfectly suited for such a wicked purpose. But at end such reactions are little more than something I called "physiognomy" during Ireland's "underage sex" & Mc Dowell troubles in June c/f I remember in that article I wrote "am very concerned that too much attention is being given in Irish publick life and general discourse to small & confined groups of people. One lot use letters, Mr A., witness B., chid C., Fr D., ex-Fr E., on holidays now still Fr F., not yet heard victim G., not yet other heard victim H., seen on TV but not let in give testinomy victims I through to U, recently deceased person V, poor little case X,............." (& hence the illustration to this comment) For as we really ought know - you can't spot a paedophile by the way they wear their shirt or the face they have.
Natasha has a name & a face & it seems a future & she says she wants to be left alone - but we all know she won't be.
Let's examine Mr W.P. instead. It is a fact that in several EU states under law one is required to register how many rooms any household has. In France failure to provide this data at census time earns a fine. I learnt about this oddity from jewish families who pay the fine rather than reveal if their house has a hiding place. Natasha's abductor Wolfgang lived proximate to his victim. That is quite typical - people tend to be brought to cellars and basements not too far from where they were snatched. Is it too ridiculous to suggest { or does it infringe core liberties or civil rights} the police be given the equipment they need to ultra-sound buildings of such criminal suspects?
I have decided I don't want to watch Natasha's interview on spanish TV, but I'm glad she's alive & free - but I can't stop the nausea every time I think.... "she had a radio - she saw TV - somewhere else someone else has just seen their escape route close".
some topics defy words..... I feel nausea.... did someone else somewhere else see their escape route close?
That photo was ripped off from
That site being the work of one Dr. Anthony A. Walsh.
I sincerely hope you are not claiming to own the copyright, iosaf.
We should be talking about overthrowing Bush and liberating Iraq from US occupation.
We should be talking about our dying planet.
We should be talking about combating capitalism in the streets.
mass-media maniputlation and juxtaposition of images to create
chains of connections in the psyche of a people are common propagandic tools.
It's not just what the papers say- governed by the small % of media moguls that own communication infrastructure, but how it is presented, how it makes people react.
Two or three men in Ireland control local and national radio- they are hand in hand with legislators. look at Berlusconi, Murdoch.
*open your eyes, for christsake*.
How can people overthrow systemised capitalism when it brands accquisitive culture,and non-democratic ideals based on market manipulation into the minds of the mass of people.
Steve Bell is good on Bush.
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