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Depleted Uranium is WMD

category international | environment | other press author Thursday August 24, 2006 05:41author by reposted Report this post to the editors

This is a report by Leuren Moret, a renowed expert on Depleted Uranium explaining why delpeted uranium itself should be considered a weapon of mass destruction. This would largely because the dust which spreads widely in the environment, affects everyone exposed to it, both military and civilian alike and that its damaging effects continue for many many years afterwards. The use of DU also breaks many known conventions on war.

The full report is at the URL below, but here are some extracts: # Depleted uranium (DU) weaponry meets the definition of weapon of mass destruction in two out of three categories under U.S. Federal Code Title 50 Chapter 40 Section 2302.

# DU weaponry violates all international treaties and agreements, Hague and Geneva war conventions, the 1925 Geneva gas protocol, U.S. laws and U.S. military law.

# Since 1991, the U.S. has released the radioactive atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs into the global atmosphere. That is 10 times the amount released during atmospheric testing which was the equivalent of 40,000 Hiroshima bombs. The U.S. has permanently contaminated the global atmosphere with radioactive pollution having a half-life of 4.5 billion years.

# The U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons.

# DU on the battlefield has three effects on living systems: it is a heavy metal "chemical" poison, a "radioactive" poison and has a "particulate" effect due to the very tiny size of the particles that are 0.1 microns and smaller.

# The blueprint for DU weaponry is a 1943 Manhattan Project memo to Gen. L. Groves that recommended development of radioactive materials as poison gas weapons - dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets.

AND some more extracts about longterm effects:
# DU is the Trojan Horse of nuclear war - it keeps giving and keeps killing. There is no way to clean it up, and no way to turn it off because it continues to decay into other radioactive isotopes in over 20 steps.

# Terry Jemison at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs stated in August 2004 that over 518,000 Gulf-era veterans (14-year period) are now on medical disability, and that 7,039 were wounded on the battlefield in that same period. Over 500,000 U.S. veterans are homeless.

# In some studies of soldiers who had normal babies before the war, 67 percent of the post-war babies are born with severe birth defects - missing brains, eyes, organs, legs and arms, and blood diseases.

# In southern Iraq, scientists are reporting five times higher levels of gamma radiation in the air, which increases the radioactive body burden daily of inhabitants. In fact, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are uninhabitable.

Related Link: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0809-33.htm
author by Tpublication date Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here's a link on how to detox your body of DU residues which people might find useful some day. In fact this information will be useful to most Iraqis as much of the country is now contaminated with DU. Also parts of Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia are badly contaminated too.

Numerous reports also indicate that returning soldiers will have ingested DU having been exposed to it, while they were abroad murdering and repressing on behalf of their governments. Such individuals will also find this information useful.

It may also be useful should another major nuclear accident occur nearby. So again it is best to keep this information just in case.

Basically it outlines how the measures to take to deal with radioactive Iodine are ineffective (obviously) against DU, but goes on to say how in Japan after Nagaski and then again after Chernobyl that some people used various foods in particular seafoods which apparently are good at mopping these elements.

Quoting from the text:

....but the big worry is internal contamination. To gain some insights into what to do, we have to turn to the story of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. At the time of the atomic bombing, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D. was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis's Hospital in Nagasaki and he fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets since they suppress the immune system. By imposing this diet on his staff and patients, no one succumbed to radiation poisoning whereas the occupants of hospitals located much further away from the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities. Much of this positive result has to do with the fact that the sea vegetables contain substances that bind radioactive particles and escort them out of the body. This is why seaweed sales usually skyrocket after radiation disasters, and why various seaweeds and algae are typically used to treat radiation victims.

And it recounts how similiar measures were taken in some areas in Chernobyl and further discusses the role or use of seafoods:

In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity. Israeli scientists have since treated Chernobyl children with doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae and proved that it helped normalize their blood chemistry. Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder and heavy metal detoxifier, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because they bind heavy metals, algae should therefore be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive contamination. In 1968 a group of Canadian researchers at McGill University of Montreal, headed by Dr. Stanley Skoryna, actually set out to devise a method to counteract the effects of nuclear fallout. The key finding from their studies was that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance, called sodium alginate, which selectively bound radioactive strontium and eliminated it from the body.

Sodium alginate is found in many seaweeds, especially kelp, and since that time the Russians have been seriously researching the use of their own kelps from Vladivlostok, from which they have isolated the polysaccharide U-Fucoidan, which is another radioactive detoxifier. Because miso soup was so effective in helping prevent radiation sickness, the Japanese have also done research identifying the presence of an active ingredient called zybicolin, discovered in 1972, which acts as a binding agent to also detoxify and eliminate radioactive elements (such as strontium) and other pollutants from the body.

Full text can be found at:

Related Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AlasBabylon/message/27195
author by scaremongererpublication date Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In fact, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are uninhabitable

err yeh right, take your exagarations elsewhere, typical scaremongering
pretty much every serious army uses these types of bullets now, they are pretty much standard so why single out the US of A? 29 countries currently use DU bullets

last i heard the populations of all 3 countries you mentioned are thriving

author by Charles B.publication date Fri Sep 08, 2006 13:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors


DU baby
DU baby

author by Robynpublication date Tue Sep 19, 2006 07:03author email peacefulwarriorprincess at yahoo dot com dot auauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you look at the information available about the safety of depleted uranium in weapons, including Material Safety Data Sheets, you will find it focussed on unexploded weapons only, and says it is safe as long as it is not ingested.

I am yet to see any reports on studies on safety of exploded weapons with fine particulates in people's lungs and in the food chain. Iraq and Afghanistan would be good places for the scientists to be studying....

On a related topic, this was interesting from the Irish Independent. Don't these state nuclear watchdogs have scientists?

cheers, Robyn

"Watchdog rejects huge nuke evacuation claims

THE State's nuclear watchdog yesterday scotched fears that over two million people here would have to be compulsorily resettled if there was an accident off the Welsh coast.

New fallout maps indicate that an accident at the nuclear reactor at Wylfa, on the island of Anglesey, could result in large parts of the midlands and south facing radiological controls in the event of a wind from the east blowing towards Ireland.

Wylfa is just 60 miles across the Irish Sea from Dublin.

Among the counties worst affected would be Meath, Dublin, Kildare, Leitrim and Cavan, which were all highlighted as areas of rapid population growth in the latest census."

full story at http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=...14657

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