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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30what time can the jury carry on till?
Is there a limit to how long they can deliberate for this evening until its called off til the morning?
in a few hours, if they havent agreed, the judge will probably send them to a hotel for the night. thats the standard practice.
The information I have is that a verdict is expected this evening. But I am not sure that is cast iron certain.
Thanks, I want to get down there before its over today and was afraid i wouldn't get out of work on time.
From what Ciaron said after court on friday it seemed like they expected it to go on till tuesday, but sure the jury might just decide very quickly.. unless they're after some free room service :)
Much appreciated!
Le cúnamh Dé beidh deireadh ceart agus cóir leis an gcás seo faoi dheireadh agus siúlfaidh an cúigear saor ón gcúirt go luath.
Please God there will be a fair and just ending to this case at last and the five will walk away free from the court shortly.
As one who never fancied the idea of jumping over fences at Shannon during the initial anti-war days, but who understood and admired the actions of both Mary Kelly and the Ploughshare when they occured, I grew to understand that there are times when the laws regarding tresspassing and respect for private property may justifiably be ignored.
Hopefully the same will be true of many others in this country who have choosen to ignore the use of Shannon by the US military, the shame of the Irish government allowing this travesty of Irish neutrality, the consequent complicity of our nation in the killing and torture of people, and our refusal to make a stand for peaceful means for resolving conflict.
The latest report from the Four Courts is that the jury will be going to a hotel for the night - so the verdict will be reached tomorrow at the earliest.
The jury have been given until 7 pm to reach a verdict, if they can't reach one by then they will be sent to a hotel for the night.
This is really bad for my nerves guys, been sitting here refreshing indymedia all day. I don't know how the 5 are managing to cope with this!
yeah waiting all day on the other side of EUroLand...
ex-pioneer and i are having a party this friday to explain the latest chapter of the story to comrade here
Thoughts and support going out to all the Ploughshares and their constant support who have remained resolute over this last 3.5 years of struggle and resistence.
Here's hoping for an acquittal and the setting of a new era in peace making in Ireland!
Failing that (God forbid..) let's rally around them with prison support and increased anti-war activity.
Let's roll with an acquittal verdict as they've been through the mill more than enough.
Good luck to the defendants, fingers are crossed.
The jury retired at 7.30 p.m. for the night from their deliberations which will resume at 10.30 a.m. in the morning. Good luck to all and goodnight.
this is driving me nuts!
a sleepless night ahead! :-)
so.... now the endless speculation is going on I'm sure.
Does the delay (including theweekend of thinking about it) help the Ploughshares or hurt?
anyone wish to speculate?
Probably better not to speculate on that at this stage. It can't affect things for the better and could for the worse. Fingers crossed that we will toasting "lawful excuse" tomorrow!
that's all I reckon. PPL are nervously hopeful round the court in general.
Approx 40 people walked to dublin's Four Courts with the Pit Stop Ploughshares Monday July 24th.
On arrival Paula from Galway sang "The Green Fields of France" & Eileen from Liverpool sang "You'll never Walk Alone". Carmen Trotta gave a farewell speech before departing for NYC. Deirdre, Damien & Ciaron spoke to issues of the war & soldiartiy. Present were folks from Liverpool, London, Galway, Bulgaria, Japan, Poland, France, Wales & Dublin.
11am The Judge continued reviewing the Prosecution case, then reviewed defense witnesses.
Jury was sent out at 3.15 pm.
Defendants movements restricted to the entry of Court 23, build up of Garda presence around Court 23. About 30 folks gathered in support, media presence, vigil maintained outside. Syd & Teresa setting up for food at Francisvan church opposite.
Jury requested to request the "Statement of Faith" left at the disarmament scene....that should have been included in the evidence bag.
Jury requested the written "Criminal Damage" law.
Jury returned from jury room have relevant sections read to them.
7.30 pm Garda sworn in to accompany jury to hotel.
Jury taken to hotel for the night.
Defendants & support adjourn to Franciscan church for food, coffee etc.
Court resumes at 10 .30 pm.
*8.30am Anti-War Vigil at the Spire
9.45 am Peace Walk to the Four Courts (silent single-file in memory of the war dead)
10.30am Awaiting Verdict at Court 23 (defendants movement restricted to just outisde Court 23, while court is in session).
*Due to legal advice, defendants provide all the visuals (placards, banners etc). Please respect, travel light!
Deirdre, Fintan, Ciarnonand Damien walk from court this evening.
Ed Horgan
Am I right that the verdict - should the jury agree on one - will not be read until 3pm tomorrow? By the way what if they can't agree will they be able to settle for a majority verdict ?
Good luck & fair folks for everyone who has turned out today and throughout the trials.
Sri Lanka, Iran and, of course, USA, Limerick/Clare, Maynooth, Cork . . .
Tense nerves inside, outside the colour and sound of Sister Martha and a faithful band of vigillers, none more constant and colourful (orange jump suit) than Colm Roddy. The names of the dead lying quietly on a tree, the well-known banners strewn across the ground. Especially for today the familiar pink No To War posters placed carefully along the railings.
Other accused persons inside and outside asking how the trial was going.
Inside the Judge went through the evidence on the nine defence people (including the five defendants) who had given evidence, at break-neck speed and she sent the jury out at ten past three to consider if they could reach a unanimous verdict. They returned twice looking for more information and as they had not reached a unanimous verdict at 7.15, they were sent to a hotel for the night, to return at 10.30 a.m.tomorrow. It looks now as if tomorrow (Wednesday) is D-day.
No-one can read a jury.
Besides the regular attenders many, many old friends from the Anti-War spectrum turned up throughout the day. It was great to see them. Sad to part with overseas friends, especially Carmen and Kathy
Pitstop Ploughshare friends, it has been a long journey and it may not be at an end yet. Whatever happens, it has been a privilege to have walked a little of the way with you. I wish you a great return for the goodness and bravery you have shown.
Tomorrow, I have just realised, is Tuesday
Unanimous Verdict could be as early as 10.30am in the morning. At some point the Judge will call in the jruy and say she'll acccept a majority (10-2 or 11-1) this could happen at any point during the day. jury has been out for 4 hours so far. Clock starts ticking again at 10.30 am
It's a nervous wait for the verdict.
But irrespective of the verdict, the disarming and trial are triumphs of conscience over war.
When I read the account of counsel summing up, I was caught up in the hope and power enmeshed in this witness.
Four members of our group face trial on 3 October, facing up to seven years imprisonment for breaking into the Pine Gap Terrorist Base in central Australia.
In the US, Lt Ehren Watada is facing up to seven years imprionment for refusing to be deployed to Iraq, and for giving a public speech in which he explained his reasons.
I'm praying for an acqittal.
One thought that has come during our time in jail has been the importance of bringing the message of disarmament and transformation to new areas. In Duluth, many people write letters-to-the-editor denouncing war crimes and lies of the administration, and some even call for impeachment. After reading the "Bismark Tribune for 2 weeks, we notice some differences. There are fewer editorial letters, and those so far have not been critical of the war in Iraq or the weapons of mass destruction that are buried in the local fields. Another difference in the paper is that the world news is sometimes placed in the C section behind the comics.
In Duluth, the media used to report that President Bush's approval rating had dropped to around 30%. here there is very little public opposition to Bush's policies. The question arises; why? We know North Dakota is more sparsely populated and more rural than the Duluth area. Carl, Michael, and I grew up in rural areas of the Midwest. Looking back at our experience, it is possible that in rural areas the centers of power may seem more remote, far away, and removed from daily life. People are polite and decent, but the decision-making regarding war and sisters and brothers in other countries may appear to be distant and not something on which people can have an effect.
Thus, it can be helpful for peacemakers to enact Isaiah's message of transforming swords into plowshares where the weapons of mass destruction are. The people of North Dakota can have an important role in the issues of war and justice today. How could the crises with North Korea and Iran be affected if the people here rose up and our nation changed towards nonviolence? What would result if our country set an example for others by adhering to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by disarming our weapons of mass destruction?
If the people around the weapons said "No More!", that could be part of a process leading policy-makers to turn around and leave the age of nuclearism and barbarism. We know from reading "Nuclear Heartland" that in the 1980's, there were vigils, teach-ins, and opposition by individual farmers to the missiles. Perhaps due to psychic numbing, the missiles have moved into the background of people's lives and minds.
After we three lived in other areas of our country where non-violent resistance is a way of life, it is rather eerie to drive on a highway here and pass missile after missile in farm fields by the side of the road. Here are weapons of genocide and illegal first strike nuclear weapons in tidy areas with a white spear pointing to the heavens.
We wonder, do ministers here speak out against unlawful, indiscriminate weapons? Do they name them as grave social sins? Do they read the prophets which proclaimed that the land mourns because of the sins of the people?
Our inner voices ask, what would be the effect if farmers allowed signs to be placed near missile sites announcing "War Crimes Here", Nuclear Terrorism Here"? Such actions could be like the mustard seed parable, growing to where groups of people would come together and say "The engines of crimes against humanity are not welcome in our midst". "What sort of example are we giving our children by allowing these nuclear horrors"?
We are reminded of Phil Berrigan saying, "Don't get weary in the struggle to resist nuclear evils and to promote justice and love". Each on of us can take more steps to further peacemaking.
Consider writing a solidairty or sending a postcard to
Greg Boertje-Obed
Burleigh County Jail
P.O. Box 1416
Bismarck , ND 58502
The RAAF has recently outsourced their maintenance to contract labour employed by Boeing under the Australian Government’s anti-worker Industrial Relations laws. Perhaps the only benefit of these new IR laws is that the standard of maintenance of the warplanes seems to have fallen (see picture).
F111 Plane crash landing at Amberley July 2006
I am humbled by the work and court testimonies of the Pitstop Ploughshares. I was a Crew Chief on the aforementioned F-111,s in the early 80's at RAF Lakenheath. I wish I had the courage to undo all of the work that I had done in order to keep them flying. So it is with great esteem that I hold the 5. We should all pray and hope for their aquittal. As Ciaron says, "Much Peace" to all who have been supportive. Scott
Not Guilty!
not guilty
barristers given round of applause,
verdict declared "very important"
after 3+ years of hanging around, justice is done
brilliant news, thanks so much to 5 again for taking step they did, hope to get down after work to celebrate.
Deadly, well done to you all, legend! Looking forward to catching up with everyone this evening at some stage. The 5 of you put in so much of your lives into this, years on at last it was all worth it.
What this verdict will mean... I'm looking forward to seeing the impact.