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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35What , you may ask, can we do to stop the IDF and Isaraeli state agression against Lebanon and the Occupied Territories. Not much, the powers that be, would like you to think. You are one person, small ! counting for nothing. One solution is to use the old gangster adage "hit him (your enemy) in the pocket". We should DEMAND that Ireland, as a member of the EU, moves to revoke the "most favoured nation status" enjoyed by Israel with trade with the EU. The agreement between the EU and Israel demands adherance to international law and compliance with human rights, both obviously violated by Israel. Individually we should support a BIGS, boycott of Israeli goods and services, and collectively insist that the EU repudiate its trade agreement with Israel.
A campaign, similar to the Apartheid boycott, should be instigated immeadiately by individuals and collectively as a people so we cannot be simulataneously condemning Israelu actions while supporting their economy.
Boycott Israeli Goods & Services now !!!
Write to your elected representatives and demand they end the EU's trade agreeement with Israel
If the Israelis are using 155mm Howitzers (M109's if I remember correctly) why would they mention using DU rounds? Indirect fire tube artillery doesnt use such things in "Fire" missions, thats more of an anti-tank type ammuniton, like in a merkava? or a Patton tank where their direct fire capability comes into play.
"white phosphorous, a substance that literally melts through skin but leaves clothing relatively intact" -Thats an odd description? I've actually seen during Korea (1950) White Phos casualties ( mostly North Korean's around Pusan & Naktong)& their clothing was just as Incinerated as their poor souls. It is used as a Smoke/Incen. munition with anti-personell effects(obviously).
Zionism is the new Naziism today? come now child , while the Israeli's are heavy handed to a level hardly seen by the west, it is not even close to actions of Jordan against the Palestinians in 1970. The Indonesians in East Timor, Uganda, Rwanda, etc. Ridiculous rhetoric will not find support.
Compare the Genocides of the Serbs vs. the Bosnians, Kosovars, Croats- find the truth, there are many things to criticize israel for, genocide isnt even a real issue here. Many are upset that the Hezbbollah are Losing this engagement, & doing everything they can to help bring Israel's downfall.
You know exactly how the Israelis operate with their army. Stop trying to criticise me for not supporting their genocide. Nobody is trying to justify the firing of the qatusha rockets into Israel either but Israels response is completly disproportionate. The Israeli's always moan about their holocoust and at the same time, they are happy not to learn from the consequences of land annexation. They seized this opportunity to pound Lebanon to the ground because they don't want prosperity in any other country next door to them. They want to see all arab countries being undermined and outcasted by the west.
You poor deluded child, No One is saying support Israels actions, you simply make the wrong comparisons to Naziism. That word Loses all real Meaning when used with abandon against political opponents.
Muslim Indonesia has done FAR more in the way of Genocide towards Non-Muslims than the Israeli's have. Idi Amin in Uganda Killed FAR MORE innocents than Israel , is it because these peoples are not white, that you dont care?
Rwanda with it's genocide was far more insidious than anything Israel has done too date. There are Today, Far worse crimes being committed (Sudan) than what is happening in Lebanon & Israel, yet no Protests, Outrage, & beating of ones chest for the Media.
Well why don't YOU organise protests about them rather than having a go at people who are trying to make a difference.
Go on put your money where your mouth is.
Dude, you make a good point, why is there all this attention paid to lebanon, while the Sudan, burns? I havent seen anything that compares to the beheaded child in East Timor, what kind of f-ed up people defend that? Your probably right, there not white enough for some groups to worry aboout, shame .
... in what? misuse use of language, since 1948 it seems that a lot people have been waiting for Israel to do anything that could be deemed nasty just so they can jump up and down screaming "Nazi, Nazi, Oh isn't life ironic the Jews are now Nazis".
Because the perpetrator of these crimes against humanity is a so-called democratic government "Israel".
Bear in mind that Israel claims to be doing us a "service" by doing our "dirty work" in the so-called war on terror.
As previously stated you can not declare war on something that is not even a noun ie terror.
And secondly the extremely broad definition of what terror is allows pretty much anybody to settle old scores, as in this case, as long as they are on side with the US and their adversary is not, and is ideally Muslim!
Surely we have the right to expect better than this from so-called civilisation?
Israel deserves and is entitled to peace and prosperity as is Lebanon and in particular the occupied Arab zones within Israel's control but while Lebanon is happy to allow Hezbollah into the corridors of power, to organise militarily in South Lebanon, then it must be seen as a co-conspirator against Israel for surely it knows full well what Hezbollah's aims are and what it is very actively seeking to do ... time and again we've witnessed weak Lebanese regimes bowing to tyrants within their own borders, allowing armies to form under the noses of a supposedly neutral Lebanese populace and then screaming foul when Israel attacks, which as we all know by now it will do if it is attacked ... get your house in order Lebanon, make peace with your neighbours, expel the hate-mongers from your national territory and then know peace for your people deserve peace ... And Israel too, stop being a cheerleader for US aggression against the Arab world ... love thy neighbours ... peace to all men ...
Ali H,
Sir, "Terror" is a noun.
The point you make is correct. Robert Fisk, I am almost certain, made the point that the terms, Zionist and Terrorist are defunct, useless, confusing at best and divisive at least.
Dont use them. They are tools of propaganda.
Terror : is simply a state of total fear. Like the Lebanese are currently feeling due to the open ended Hi-Tech bombing campaign they are suffering.
Zionism : was a political movement geared towards the foundation of a Jewish State. It succeeded.....Well Done Zionists.
Modern day Post Speudo Zionists are confused bullshitters at best, propagandists at least, Anti-Arab racists at worst. Or they are of the unknown variety that elude characterisation.
Yeh, they are like Anarchists.
I agree with the main facet of your argument, that the Israeli people expect to enter the conmmunity of nations as equals. They should, when their government stops acting like despots and when it's people and protagonists reject the despotic policies that characterise Israeli foreign policy and also stop incessantly asking the international community to compare them to despotic regimes, in order to gain moral or social equivalence.
lebanon is been hit by a Israeli Genocide again, please view this site :(
thanx all
Israel is doing nothing wrong in Lebanon. Any country like Israel would react the same if this happened to their soldiers. For example, look what the SS did after Reinhard Heidrich was killed by terrorists in Lidice, Czechoslovakia.
We know what the SS did. BTW that was two generations ago.
We also know what America did in Japan, What was/is the death toll there?
Israel has done a terrible and legally obvious wrong by destroying civil culture in Lebanon. . The continuous shattering of International law may be inaudible and invisible to some people but they are painfully obvious facts. They are documented in pictures and words everywhere.
They are ongoing. So, where are the solicitors?
"We know what the SS did. BTW that was two generations ago.
We also know what America did in Japan-( BTW that was Two Generations ago also -Cunt ), What was/is the death toll there?-(Hiroshima/Nagasaki 214,000) how many in the death camp genocides? Now , be a good little man & Feck off, adults talking here Boyo.
You were always terrified that somebody was going to disentagle the sporadic and plentiful crimes of successive Israeli andiminstrations from the Jewish community's history and identity.
You used to say , "Boyo, when they manage to root out the hateful anti-semites , like me , that use the Jews to screen the mass murders conducted in Palestine and Lebanon for corporate pleasure then there will be some tricky questions to answer."
You used to insist: " Its the job of liars like me to drag the Jews into every filthy crime committed on behalf of the Oil company executives, and root out their painful history and wave it around like a cheap flag in a pub on All Ireland Day."
Remember? Then you would disappear out to the shed with the dog and a pound of butter.
Read this and weep. This is education. These people have made a difference. They have something you cant beat with bullshit, they're called "morals".
Well done the Pitstop gang.
"This refers to the 'Pitstop Ploughshares' action against US warplanes, which resulted in five peace activists being acquitted of all charges on
25 July 2006 (almost exactly ten years after the 'Seeds of Hope Ploughshares' action led to an acquittal on 30 July 1996, after the disarmament of a Hawk fighter jet destined for Indonesia).
So it appears that the 2003 civil disobedience action (and its successful legal defence) has had a material affect on US military operations in 2006, possibly prompting the Irish Government to refuse to take the 'bunker-buster' bombs, and forcing airlines to consider re-routing US military personnel to avoid Irish airports"
I dont need to be a middle East expert to know that the ISraeli army killed 56 women and children in Qana the other day. The same location where they mass killed 106 (half of them children) defenseless refugees ten years before. I dont need to be an expert in anything to know that the weapons had to be channelled through Europe from America to get there. Anybody who stands in the way of those weapons being transported through this country, whether they are an unemployed Australian hippy or a retired Mongolian goat herder, is a hero in my mind.
Your ridiculous suggestion that Ireland should allow America to transfer WMD through Ireland to be handed to it's client governments in the ME in order to save jobs in Shannon is utterly devoid of intellegence. What about the millions of Lebanese taxpayers put out of jobs for nothing. Not to mention the 600+ put out of existence? What about the tax paying employees of the third Reich ? Should they have been put on the dole ?
What about the 6 billion in weapons going to Saudi Arabia, should we facilitate that ? Or should ragheads not be trusted with weapons in your view? Only the pseudo-zionists can be trusted with Apaches and bombs and White Phosphoros.
What a circus you are operating in your head. You are the ringmaster in clowns costume.
Your clueless 99.99% assertion i.e. 400 people support the actions that hinder the American War Machine is not held up be the 10,000 marchers and more against the war. People in this country who rummage around on Pseudo-zionist websites looking for ever new methods to tie in the Jewish identity with Mass murder and crimes against humanity(i.e. Anti-Semitic Islamophobes) are a merciful minority.
Personally Im delighted to see tax-payers money being used to defend democracy and peace instead of some greedy corrupt politician for a change. Wish I could join them for a drink Tomorrow in Brogans, Id buy them a pint and thank them profoundly on my own behalf and for all my family.
Your clueless 99.99% assertion i.e. 400 people support the actions that hinder the American War Machine is not held up be the 10,000 marchers and more against the war.
The Unions have a lot to answer for on that score and everyone knows it
If the Israelis are nazis for killing 54 people what is assad and Sama, Or indeed the Jordan state and black september? Or saddam and the Kurds and the marsh peoples?Or Iran and the east kurdistan massacre? Indonesia and east timor?The taliban and Mazar-e-sharif?
like i said before, educate yourself before you try to criticise an entire nation, i am against any nation slaughtering civilians but it happens, all the time,everywhere. The states surrounding Israel have more muslim blood on their hands than Israel can ever have
You are completely lost.
I did not equate the Israelis with Nazis.
You are not opposed to slaughter of people by armies, because you protect and condone it here in writing. So you dont even know your own standpoint on the issue. When you know what you believe, then have a debate with me and I will make you look stupid , for now, you may continue to make yourself look stupid.
The Israeli army with American weapons and political support are carrying out crimes against humanity all around them in Lebanon and Palestine. The israeli people are kept in a paranoid bubble that is ventilated with war inducing propaganda. That is their excuse for not deploring the crimes that are being committed by their country. They are riding a freight train and with all the weight behind it pushing forward it will take five miles to stop.
You are a citizen of a stable peaceful and supposedly neutral country with a relatively free press.
Whats your excuse ?
Your ridiculous suggestion that Ireland should allow America to transfer WMD through Ireland to be handed to it's client governments in the ME in order to save jobs in Shannon is utterly devoid of intellegence
That is what is the govt. of Ireland has done--but only for UN **endorsed** conflicts, according to Irish law, and the Irish people voted for them, so congrats for calling 99.99% of Ireland devoid of intelligence
as far as **paranoid Israelis** i would say after being attacked so many times by so many of their neighbours that they have a right to be paranoid wouldnt you? hizbollah want to drive them into the sea, as does Hamas, Iran wants to wipe them off the map as does syria, and really if hizbollah had the firepower of the IDF, how many Israelis would they have killed so far, 1mill? 2mill?
I defend the Israelis for the simple reason that they do not **slaughter** civilians on purpose, if they did there would be noone left in Lebanon
The people they fight on the other civilians and make no bones about it---in fact they are very proud of it
Israel has every right to protect itself against such murderers
We live in interesting times.
The game is up for Hezbullah and the tyrants of Syria and Iran.
Israel's troops could annihilate Hezbollah in a matter of hours, however, they are skirmishing for two reasons - battle readiness and deliberately delaying the total destruction of Hezbollah until a hot-headed Syria joins the fray.
Iran will then seize their opportunity to wipe Israel of the map and the US will be in.
Simple yet ingenious.
My money's on a comprehensive Israeli victory in the region - the end of Hezbollah and the overthrow of Syrian and Iranian dictatorships.
Interesting times.
Your argument here is extemely dull. Your first thing about the 99.99% of the people is incomprehensible. It's basically rubbish with your favourite number added in as some kimd of cartoon statistic.
The reality of what has happend here with the Pitstop Ploughshares successful and legal action against the American Warplane has proven that we the people (99.99%, if it lenghtens you attention span) did not sign up to allow warplanes through the country unchecked and uncontrolled. They were tried and found to have been right to do what they did. Can you try and understand that?
It has far reaching implications that already has the criminal lackies in America scurrying to protect future shipments of weapons from being stopped in our country. They will draft up highly dodgy laws that will allow them to kidnap people who are engaging in peaceful and legal operations against their weapons tranfers. These illegal kidnappings, however, will probably not be facilitated by Irish airports thanks(again) to the Pitstops.
The Israelis certainly do not slaughter civilians on purpose it is the Israeli Army that does that. They have slaughterd over 600 in this operation so far, which they purposely started and purposefully planned months ago. They knew all those deaths , and more, would be inevitable, but deemed it acceptable. That is purposeful slaughter of civilians, dress it up any way you like.
The propaganda line is that is being done to safeguard the future of Israel from Hizbullah terrorists. The israeli people are passionately hyped up to believe that sending their sons and daughters into Lebanon will terminate the existence of Hizbullah. A very brief glance at history will tell you that it was this exact action that gave birth to Hezbullah and their eventual defeat of Israel and the setting up of the Hezbullah strongholds in South Lebanon. Who would risk their childs life to achieve peace with a plan that had the exact opposite effect to what you seek the last time it was deployed? Somebody who is tanked up on patriot juice by propaganda. Thats who.
So again, What is YOUR excuse for calling for a continuing massacre of helpless unarmed civilians in Lebanon.?
Below are The words of an Israeli citizen, who refused to take part in the madness anymore.
"The general theme is the tribal theme. A very very loud voice (and in Israel nowadays, it is the only voice that is allowed to be fully heard) keeps shouting that we are in the midst of a war between two tribes: a tribe of human beings, of pure good --the Israelis -- and a tribe of sub-human beings, of pure evil -- the Palestinians. This voice is so loud, that it has found its way even to the op-ed pages of the New York Times (William Safire, March 24 or 25). To those who find this black-and-white picture a bit hard to believe, the same voice shouts that this is a war of life and death. Only one tribe will survive, and so even if we are not purely good, we must lay morality and conscience to sleep, shut up and fight to kill--or else, the Palestinians will throw us into the sea. "
They will draft up highly dodgy laws that will allow them to kidnap people who are engaging in peaceful and legal operations against their weapons tranfers. These illegal kidnappings, however, will probably not be facilitated by Irish airports thanks(again) to the Pitstops.
Thx for the crystal ball approach there, zip it please or post it in the pitstoops post
What u cannot understand about the irish govt ruling to allow weapons transfers through ireland to UN affiliated wars i am not sure. i presume your brainpower is limited.
What you are saying about Israel is that they should withdraw and let hizbollah rain rockets down on Israeli civilians. Nice solution and your petty excuse that hizbollah is a defensive force is torn to shreds when pointed out that the main thrust of their arsenal of weapons are offensive i.e rockets
Israel actually completed their last objective in lebanon--the exciling of the PLO, and when you think about it --the PLO have now become moderates--do you think that would have happened if they were left to fester in Lebanon all those years ago? yep thats right you dont think!
the bottom line is that if the lebonese government actually disarmed hizbollah like they promised the UN all those years ago, there would be no need for israel to destroy hizbollah, but the lebonese allowed this thing to fester and grow with the blessing of Iran and Syria
Lebanon govt. can blame noone but themselves for allowing a militia to control over half their country, a militia that is actually better armed than the lebanese army itself--100mill a year from Iran did wonders for hizbollah
I feel i shall have to repeat this in various forms to you before it sinks in though
I was being sarcastic about the SS in Czechoslovakia. IDF=SS, Lebanon=Czechoslovakia, Hezbollah=Czech Resistance. Get it?
There is no relevance in what you are saying about "UN affilliated Wars"- the phrase does not even mean anything. Its just dense.
It has recently been proven to be a legal act, to damage American Warplances that are possibly en route to aid in the killing and maiming in Iraq.It has sent a panic wave into the criminal American leadership who fear that a dangerous legal precedent has been set. They are legislating against it, dodgy laws, like those used to kidnap innocent people and smuggle them to Guantenamo torture camp in contravention of their basic human rights.
Israel achieved nothing in Lebanon the last time apart from widespread death and terror. They had to go in to stir up a hornets nest because things were getting too peaceful for comfort, people might have started to expect the Israelis to sit down and talk. They went in to destroy the Palestinian resistance truce, they managed that. They tried to install a compliant government so they could squeeze a peace agreement out of it, they couldn't. They tried to maintain an occupied security zone in Sovereign lebanon , they were kicked out.
They left behind them a streamlined cohesive paramilitary fighting force, Hezbollah, who are now legitimately represented in the Parliament, and provide a wide array of social services to the Lebanese. That is the same Hezbollah that is tearing lumps out of them now. The PLO is not moderate it is insignificant. Hamas led government, the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people have agreed that they could recognise PLO as the sole representatives of the people after dramatic reform has taken place. Hamas/ PLO is a lot less likely to agree to the concessions that they nearly got out of Yasser Arafat/PLO.
Hezzbollah's Offensive weapons, what a pile of crap which has no relevance? The Israeli DEFENCE Forces, who exist only to provide Israel with Security(ZZZZZ ! But i'm sure you will agree) has the most devastating array of offensive weapons in the ME. Including the pinacle of achievement in Attack capability against defenseless people, the Apache ATTACK Helicopter.
They even have the endgame defense : 250 - 400 nuclear warheads, so that they can kill everyone in the world in self defense. They supposedly defend themsleves by attacking all around them, that is why we are having this one-sided debate.
The Lebanese army cant disarm Hezbollah. They are too popular and too powerful and now Israel has ensured that this situation will solidify permanently by destroying Lebanons democratic administrative capabilites and simultaneously making superheroes out of Hezbollah.
What is your excuse for being supportive of the Massacre of Lebanese people by Israeli attack weapons? The Israeli excuse is that they are wound up on high octane propoganda , what's yours?
Have you regrets about civilian deaths ? You dont seem to and your not alone, kid.
"None of them regrets. They say Hezbollah is a cancer in the body of Lebanon. Sometimes, to kill the cancer, you end up killing the body. Or bodies. Bodies of babies. Lots of them. Go to the website and take a look. Then sign the petition on the site calling on the governments of the world to stop this barbarity."
They went in to destroy the Palestinian resistance truce, they managed that.
I could disprove every single statement you have said but there is no point, i will just take the most erronous of your statements and again say
educate yourself on the middle east before you spout trash
In July of 1981 Lebanese-American Philip Habib was sent by the Reagan Administration to negotiate a lasting cease-fire between Lebanon and Israel. On July 24 Habib announced agreement that all hostile military action between Lebanese and Israeli territory in either direction would cease. For the next eleven months the cease-fire was in effect as a formality, but the PLO repeatedly violated the agreement. Israel charged that the PLO staged 270 terrorist actions in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and along the Lebanese and Jordanian borders. Twentynine Israelis died and more than 300 were injured in the attacks. In April 1982, after a landmine killed an Israeli officer, the rocket attacks and air strikes recommenced.
Israeli strikes and commando raids were unable to stem the growth of the PLO army which built camps, trained thousands of fighters, and stockpiled arms in south Lebanon. The situation in the Galilee became intolerable as the frequency of attacks forced thousands of Israeli residents to flee their homes or to spend large amounts of time in bomb shelters. Israel was not prepared to wait for more deadly attacks to be launched against its civilian population before acting against the PLO terrorists.
The final provocation occurred in June 3, 1982 when a Palestinian terrorist group led by Abu Nidal attempted to assassinate Israel's Ambassador to Great Britain, Shlomo Argov. The IDF subsequently bombed PLO bases and ammunition dumps in Beirut and attacked other targets in Lebanon on June 4-5, 1982. The PLO responded with a massive artillery and mortar attack on the Israeli population of the Galilee. It was the PLO shelling, and not directly the Argov shooting as is sometimes assumed, that triggered the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Other Names
Fatah Revolutionary Council
Arab Revolutionary Brigades
Black September
Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims
The ANO international terrorist organization was founded by Sabri al-Banna (a.k.a. Abu Nidal) after splitting from the PLO in 1974. The group’s previous known structure consisted of various functional committees, including political, military, and financial. In November 2002 Abu Nidal died in Baghdad; the new leadership of the organization remains unclear.
The ANO has carried out terrorist attacks in 20 countries, killing or injuring almost 900 persons. Targets include the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, moderate Palestinians, the PLO, and various Arab countries. Major attacks included the Rome and Vienna airports in 1985, the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul, the hijacking of Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi in 1986, and the City of Poros day-excursion ship attack in Greece in 1988. The ANO is suspected of assassinating PLO deputy chief Abu Iyad and PLO security chief Abu Hul in Tunis in 1991. The ANO assassinated a Jordanian diplomat in Lebanon in 1994 and has been linked to the killing of the PLO representative there. The group has not staged a major attack against Western targets since the late 1980s.
Few hundred plus limited overseas support structure.
Location/Area of Operation
Al-Banna relocated to Iraq in December 1998, where the group maintained a presence until Operation Iraqi Freedom, but its current status in country is unknown. Known members have an operational presence in Lebanon, including in several Palestinian refugee camps. Authorities shut down the ANO’s operations in Libya and Egypt in 1999. The group has demonstrated the ability to operate over a wide area, including the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. However, financial problems and internal disorganization have greatly reduced the group’s activities and its ability to maintain cohesive terrorist capability.
External Aid
The ANO received considerable support, including safe haven, training, logistical assistance, and financial aid from Iraq, Libya, and Syria (until 1987), in addition to close support for selected operations.
Firstly, when you cut and paste shit from pseudo-zionist sites like wikipedia and jewish virtual library or palestine facts , you are supposed to attribute them so that normal people can rebutt them at source. I wonder what other propaganda you cut and paste and try to pass off as your own ? But that minor detail aside.
Please go ahead and rebutt every point I made in my piece, I need to learn, we all do, from the maestro.
The latest quote from Irans leader:
"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate ceasefire must be implemented,".
wipe Israel off the map
As a former IDF soldier, I can tell you the following with great confidence
1. The image shown is of an IDF soldier carrying a thermobaric (air-fuel) bomb used to clear mine fields. If you pay attention you can notice that the type of APC behind him is one used by IDF engineering core. So this is definitely not a checmical weapon.
2. White phosphorous is used mainly to create smoke screens. I am aware that it may have hurt people in the past, but that is not the intent of its use.
3. the most important fact for you to know about the IDF is that it is a people's army and a small one in a small country. There is absolutely not a chance of something like chemical weapons being used without everyone knowing about it.
I have served for 9 years in different jobs in the IDF, and never heard of anything like deliberate targeting of civilians (although there is with no doubt frequent endangerment of civilians), not to mention anything as horrific as using chemical / phosphouros weapons against civilians. We are just not that way ! Throughout my service I witnessed only training and education of the individual soldier to abide by rules of conduct and to value life.
There probably are occasions of cruelty by soldiers (like in any army), but these would be in contrast to policy.
The posting of this child, her body ash grey from phosphorous. War is history but alas history has taught us little about negotiation and peace. No doubt, this is the fault of the human condition. August was the month of Nagazaki and Hiroshima - the Mushroom cloud. We have learned so little from such an appalling catastropic use of nuclear weapons to destroy people. Thomas Merton (Cistercian priest) wrote a poem called the Original Child; all 40 verses take the reader through each stage of the creation of 'Enola Gay' and it is my view that this poem should be on the lips of every child in primary education instead of teaching religion.
Read the Atlantic magazaine, select the photos and realistically commit to what is witnessed by the brave journalists who track what this war and others is all about. I don't know if this is true or not but it was said that the war industry needed something like 66 wars being carried out in the world at any one time to sustain itself. War is an industry and a wealth generator for some. The missiles that are on the destroyers come from Raytheon, which once, if not still was based in Northern Ireland. War now relies heavily on software and as we all know countries like Ireland can now be the location of creation and even tax breaks.
To the photo of the body of that little girl, what can we say? what can we do? Dictators abuse power and nepotism creates monsters who continue to act viciously. The awful part about Assad and Syria is this man is a medical doctor, his wife is the daughter of a cardiologist in Chelsea, London. Education and medicine created greed and murderous intention over their fellow citizens including children by the most vile methods of all, or so it appears, chemical weapons.
For those who take the time to look at this child; add what Wolfhound writes in an earlier posting:-
"white phosphorous, a substance that literally melts through skin but leaves clothing relatively intact" -
'Thats an odd description? I've actually seen during Korea (1950) White Phos casualties (mostly North Korean's around Pusan & Naktong & their clothing was just as Incinerated as their poor souls. It is used as a Smoke/Incen. munition with anti-personel effects(obviously)'.
“The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown. As per the scheme ‘Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to usechemical weapons,’ the Daily Mail reports.”
Welcome lian.
Israel are really just nice folk and all the white phosphorous we saw them dropping on gaza on our tv screens was all just them being caring and it was just a bit of smoke.
The people it burned were just unlucky. it was never intended to hurt any one. honest.
And those flechette shells were really harmless. All the barbs were made of chocolate. And the depleted uranium ammunition and bomb casings were full of soft walnut whip cream.
Blowing the shit out of all the basic infrastructure was all an accident.
good to know lian. Yeah right!
Great name. You are almost certainly "lian" for Israel.
Stick your hasbara up your ass ok? nobody around here is swallowing that nonsense.