his Saturday, July 22nd at 2pm in St Kevin’s Park, Camden Row,
Multicultural picnic uniting migrants and Irish in Dublin this Saturday July 22nd.
This Saturday, July 22nd at 2pm in St Kevin’s Park, Camden Row, the People Before Profit Alliance is holding a free multicultural picnic to bring local Irish and migrants together and promote mutual understanding and solidarity.
Multicultural picnic uniting migrants and Irish in Dublin this Saturday July 22nd.
This Saturday, July 22nd at 2pm in St Kevin’s Park, Camden Row, the People Before Profit Alliance is holding a free multicultural picnic to bring local Irish and migrants together and promote mutual understanding and solidarity.
The picnic is organised to counter some of the myths being spread around about asylum seekers and immigrants, particularly during the recent hunger strike by Afghanistan asylum seekers. It will counter the demands being made by some people that it is time now, given the census statistics, to reduce the number of immigrants coming here. We welcome migrants to Ireland. It will also encourage migrants and Irish to unite and get involved in trade unions and campaigns for better local services. There will be food from around the world available, face painting, music and more.
Speaking at the picnic will be some of the asylum seekers involved in the hunger strike, local community activists, People Before Profit Alliance campaigners, African and Polish migrants.
Some politicians, the media and others are claiming that migrants are to blame for people losing jobs, housing, access to health. The facts suggest otherwise:
* It is ruthless employers who are firing workers and replacing them with cheaper labour.
* The health crisis is as a result of cutbacks in the 1980s. The government's
promise to provide 3,000 extra beds has not been delivered.
* The housing crisis is a result of the failure of the government to fulfill its promise to provide 40,000 affordable homes.
* Asylum seekers only get €19 a week. They are fleeing war and torture.
* It is important to counter the demands being made by some people that it is time now, given the census statistics, to reduce the number of immigrants coming here. We welcome migrants to Ireland.
There is enough wealth in this country to provide housing, jobs and a decent quality of life for everyone here, local Irish and the 'new' Irish (migrants and asylum seekers). But those running the country at the moment don't want a country for the people. They just want it to be a paradise for big business to make profits.
If migrants and Irish can unite in, for example, the trade unions and campaigns for better local services (like the Irish Ferries and Gama disputes) we can win improvements in the conditions for everyone."
St. Kevin's Park is on Camden Row
(Off Wexford Street, beside the Village)
Contact Rory Hearne at 086 1523542 for details