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The USA pushes Australia into the arms of China
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Wednesday June 28, 2006 16:51 by Kwang zi

The Zionists in Washington (Perle, Wolfowitz etc) have the entire Bush regime distracted. While America fights all of Israel’s major wars in the Middle East – to no advantage whatsoever for America – the most strategically important regions in the world are left to other nations. As world power shifts inexorably eastward, to China, America is at a loss to meet the challenges of the future. Richard Perle and his Zionist cronies were happy to exploit the confusion and succeeded in implementing a variation of Trotsky’s doctrine of “permanent revolution”, America’s new foreign policy became the ‘permanent war’ doctrine of the Washington Zionists. Not surprisingly, few other nations, including former allies, were interested in pursuing the insane politics of death and destruction. One of the few, however, was John Howard’s Australia. Howard seeks to compensate for his personal failings and cowardice by desperately clinging to a (failing) super-power for support. Howard’s recent disgraceful and cowardly performance in Indonesia betrays his inability to confront challenging situations without his protector sheriff, George Bush, to watch over him.
Howard is presently in China desperately trying to remove the odour of Indonesian shit from his breath. China will no doubt rectify that problem for him!
Some background information follows:
Indonesian is known for its (domestic) periodic killing sprees and attacks on minority ethnic Chinese communities and Christian organisations. The US-backed former Soeharto regime considered it a sport to persecute and kill ethnic Chinese on a regular basis. The Americans ignored Soeharto’s ‘sporting’ activities as long as he maintained a strong anti-communist stance – Soeharto was actually placed in power by the CIA, but that is another story.
Times change, enter the fledgling super-power, ‘Communist’ China. Always ready to exploit a weakness and capitalise on an opportunity, the Mainland government seized their chance the last occasion ethnic Chinese were persecuted. The Chinese issued a strong warning to the effect that Indonesia faced direct intervention if the persecution of ethnic Chinese continued. Have no illusions regarding ethnic allegiances or humanitarian ideals from China, the real issue behind ‘protecting’ the Chinese minority was to gain a foothold in the region and establish a permanent presence – after all, this region is South Asia.
The Americans (surprisingly) also detected the Chinese strategy and instructed the Indonesian authorities to cease its persecution of the Chinese minority. Faced with pressure from China and America the Indonesians toed the line and no instance of Chinese persecution has occurred since. [Considering the long history of previous persecution, the above outcome is a minor miracle.]
However, old habits die hard and the need of a barbaric culture to kill has found expression in a new target, western tourists, “bule”, as they are known locally. It is not a coincidence that the Indonesian Islamist and known terrorist, Abu Bakar Bashir, expresses a doctrinal need to target “infidels”. Bashir’s ‘charmed’ life in Indonesia in circumstances that would have earned him twenty life sentences in Guantanamo Bay have not gone unnoticed by the UN or Australia.
Enter into the rich barbaric history of Indonesia, the present Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard; to be fair no Australian government to date has effectively dealt with Indonesian – a situation that is easily rectified! I cite the cold-blooded slaughter of five Australian journalists as the glaring UNRESOLVED example.
Every society has their share of cowards but only in Australia are cowards able to rise to the leadership of a nation! John Howard has faced extreme ridicule from most leaders in the region but particularly from Indonesia and Malaysia. These two Muslim nations torment little Johnny whenever the opportunity arises. The last occasion, resulting in another embarrassing ‘cave-in’ for Howard, was the West Papuan refugee issue. John Howard and his foreign minister, Alexander Downer, were depicted in the Indonesian media as two ‘male’ dogs copulating! These cartoon representations were accompanied by angry and threatening outbursts/diatribes from the Indonesian President and some of his ministry. Howard’s response was in character, he ‘caved-in’ to Indonesian demands.
Soon after this event a face-saving opportunity presented itself to the Australian government. The early release from jail of the UN listed terrorist, Abu Bakar Bashir, for his involvement in the Bali bombings, which killed over two hundred western tourists (mostly Australians). Bashir was to be released after serving only twenty-six months of his paltry thirty-month sentence for conspiracy. Remember that a person can receive the death penalty for marijuana offences but only thirty months for complicity in the murder of over two hundred innocent tourists (‘infidels’).
Prior to his scheduled visit to Indonesia, Howard made every effort to imitate a strong leader. He dispatched ‘firm’ letters of demand and made numerous verbal remonstrations to the Indonesia President regarding Bashir’s recent behaviour; Bashir openly taunted Howard and the families of victims of the Bali bombing soon after his release. During a media conference Bashir stated that the murders in Bali were the result of (his) God’s will and that Howard should convert to Islam to save his soul – how much can a Koala bear? And I do not make light of the issue.
However, faced with the actual confrontation with the President of Indonesia, Howard, true to his despicable cowardly nature, ‘caved-in’ yet AGAIN! Indonesia did not accede to one of Howard’s legitimate demands to limit the activities of Bashir. In view of the above comments by Bashir, the exceedingly light sentence and favoured treatment he was given by the Indonesian regulatory authorities, it is little wonder that Australia is now the laughing stock of the entire region/world. Well-done Howard supporters, and it HAS ‘come to this’ – as a brave Australian once said.
Due to a lack of able leadership and the resulting tragic circumstances in which Australia now finds itself, traditional Aussies are now forming grass roots level organisations free of unionist and conservative influences. In times of disaster and tribulation the Australian tradition is one of mateship and mutual cooperation; the present is one of those times.
The future in this region revolves around relations with China not America, you will note that China is ready and extremely able to deal with the Indonesians. China like Australia is a truly secular society and offers far greater solidarity against fanatical and extremist nations ruled by violent and murderous theological ideologues. Know that there exists in Australia an extremely broad network of Australians, from professionals to factory workers, who would welcome China’s participation in the region, notwithstanding the existing huge presence of resident Asian Australians. This region is Asian and the sooner cowards like Howard and his ilk are displaced, the better for everyone.
Be comfortable in the knowledge that you are welcome – America is a failing influence in world affairs and most Australians do not wish to follow the US into a world of ‘permanent war’ and certain destruction.
This is the Australian platform, the southern land of South Asia and Indonesia will soon serve the interests of the most powerful nation in the region.
‘Such is life!’
See also: