Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
The Dublin LGBT Pride Parade 2006
The Dublin LGBT Pride Parade 2006
Saturday 24 June
Assemble Garden of Rembrance, 1.45 pm
Parade kick off at 2.15 pm
to the 2nd International Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival!
This year we are continuing with our International theme. We endeavavour to make Pride as inclusive as possible, building bridges between different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, breaking down language barriers (watch out for our Irish class in the listings). We have two weeks of events both new and old lined up and hope there is something that will appeal to everyone.
So get out your rainbow flags and we will parade through the city in all our glorious diversity on June 24th. We wish you all a safe and happy Pride 2006.
Céad Míle Fáilte Romhat...
go dtí dara Féile Idirnáisiúnta an Bhróid...Mná agus Fir Aeracha, Dé/Trasghnéasacha.....
Táimíd ag leanúint lenár dtéama Idirnáisiúnta i mbliana. Deinimíd iarracht gach aicme/cine a chur san áireamh i bhFéile an Bhróid, gan aon bhac ar theangacha. Beidh Ciorcal Comhrá, Seisiún ceoil traidisiúnta, agus Céilí imeasc na n-ócáidí (féach clár). Tá lán coicíse d'imeachtaí idir shean agus nua, eagraithe, le súil go mbeidh rudaí ann ag oiriúint do chách.
Cuir ort do bhalcaisí, buail umar do bhrat tuar-ceatha, agus siúlóimíd tríd an gcathair at an 24ú Meitheamh, le Bród inár n-éagsúlacht.
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can't someone explain why the "Lesbian" always goes in front of the "Gay" and the "Bisexual" always goes in front of the "T" which is taken to mean both "Transvestite" and "Transexual"?
is that a chivalrous gentlemanly thing?
oh yes, dear, you go through that door first, it's lovely to hold it open for you.................................????????
or perhaps it was a laliophobic phenomona of the post Stonewall generation who couldn't get their tongues around saying "BGLTvTs" at top speed, and settled for "LGBT" instead?
or maybe the sapphics were considered scarier & thus put in the front ranks?
( no offence meant - we are all descended from a lesbian )
it flows off the tongue easier. llll ggg bbb tttt is easier to pronounce than gggg lllll bbb tttt. hard g followed by soft l almost results in a glottal stop as in the !Xhosa language, but can be managable if followed immediately by a vowel as in glottal or GLEN (Gay & Lesbian Equality Network).
the other combinations also have flow problems.
I suggest you consult Chomsky if you wish to discuss this further.
no need to bring Chomsky into it. I suggested it might be laliophobia or some such associated aphasia or merely as you have countered "elocutory ease".
But! (big but this) most people don't pronounce the acronym. I have never heard someone say "LGBT" and I assure you it is just as difficult to pronounce as "BLGT". Each consonant requiring vocalisation.
Rather people use the acronym when writing. Now as one of those splendidly cultured individuals whose eccentricities harken back to a far gone time, I can touch type. That means I don't have to look or visually perceive the keys on my computer's "teclador". After running some non-scientific experiments (on myself), I have concluded that it is marginally more difficult to type LGBT than BGLT for the simple reason that the left hand most see one digit used twice or recourse made to the left thumb.
As for full vocal enunciation of the phrase "Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans" as it is most typically uttered, I am not convinced it "trips" off the tongue easier than "gay lesbian bisexual trans". But I will concede that beginning the phrase with "bisexual" tempts the public speaker to elide the dypthong "ual" with the "l" of Lesbian.
you at least know what a fnord is Pat C & how many of them there are to be ignored.
;-) have a good day.
"I have never heard someone say "LGBT" and I assure you it is just as difficult to pronounce as "BLGT""
But if you never heard someone say LGBT then how would assess the ease or difficulty of its pronunciation.
Anyway, good Pride Parade 2day. I got to do my superman act stopping a mercedes that was trying to drive into the Parade. No more cars!
sorry I had to miss this years, damn work! any photos?
I personally hate this Pride Parade, I find it such an embarassment to see people with little or hardly any clothes on parading down O'Connell Street in broad daylight about how fu_kin great they are and how much they love themselves and it also gives a very bad impression of Ireland to tourists. I saw the Parade once and I was mortified! I personally couldn't careless whether people are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual mar sin de, I mean it's not as if I'm going to fu_k everyone I meet, yet some people have this compulsion if they are gay, lesbian, whatever your having yourself, in telling their friends, making them feel uncomfortable, when it's really nobody's business but their own. People should keep this class of a thing to themselves and if they feel this compulsion to show-off and parade themselves they should hold the Parade very late at night.
Slán anois!
I am gay and I hate the Pride Parades... Somehow they have devolved into this endless display of flesh and flamboyance and crassness. In the US, we are treated like freaks, because well.... most of us act like freaks and the Pride Parades are a case in point.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not some frigid, icy, closet case... but I am just offended by guys running around flashing their dicks at one another. What the hell? Unfortunately, this is what the mainstream sees and they think that all gays are freaks.
Is it any wonder the Gay Marriage ban was upheld in WA state? ANd in New York?