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Thursday January 01 1970
Bringing the Gaeltacht to Finglas - CANCELLED
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Tuesday May 30, 2006 12:02
by Feirsteach - Feachtas
feachtas at gmail dot com
10 Sráid na Mainistreach Íochtarach, Baile Átha Cliath 1
01-8786424 nó 0872688539 (Félim)

Campa Samhraidh Feachtas 2006
A spokesperson for the organisers says that the Mullingar Summer Camp went ahead, but that the Finglas event is cancelled.
The Irish-language youth organisation FEACHTAS is bringing an Irish-language summer camp to Finglas for the first time ever. The week-long pilot summer camp will commence on the 17th of July and end on the Friday, the 21st of July.
Le foilsiú láithreach: 29/05/06
An Ghaeltacht ag teacht go Fionnghlas: Campa Samhraidh nua FEACHTAS 2006
Tá an óg-eagraíocht Ghaeilge ag bunú campa samhraidh nua i bhFionnghlas i mbliana. Tosóidh an campa samhraidh laethúil píolótach ar an 17 Iúil agus críochnaíodh sé ar an Aoine, 21 Iúil 2006.
Tá an óg-eagraíocht Ghaeilge ag tógáil ar an bhforbairt agus an bhfás atá tagtha ar a gcampa samhraidh i gColáiste Naomh Finnian, sa Mhuileann gCearr, i gCo. na hIarmhí.
Tá an campa samhraidh sin, a bunaíodh i 1999, ag mealladh breis agus 100 duine óg anois chuile bhliain.
Tá an campa samhraidh nua i bhFionnghlas dírithe ar dhaoine óga idir 10-15 bliana d’aois, nach mian leo nó nach féidir leo, mar gheall ar cibé cúis, freastail ar champa samhraidh sa Ghaeltacht agus is de bharr seo nach bhfuil ach costas €65.00 ar an champa seachtaine.
Tá go leor díospóireachta sna meáin i láthair na huaire faoi stádas an Ghaeilge sa chóras oideachais i ndeisceart na tíre, agus ba mhian le Feachtas léiriú do dhaoine óga nach ionann an Ghaeilge agus ábhar scoile, ach gur theanga bheo í. Feictear seo le borradh na nGaelscoileanna fud fad na tíre, fás i ranganna Ghaeilge agus fás i líon na n-imeachtaí sóisialta, na gclubanna óige agus na gcampaí samhraidh do dhaoine óga trí mheán na Gaeilge.
I rith an champa, tógfaidh na daoine óga páirt sna himeachtaí seo a leanas: ceardlanna drámaíochta agus ceoil, peil Ghaelach, sacar, cispheil, corr, ceardlann scileanna sorcais, badmantan, unihoc, Lá Spóirt, tóraíocht taisce, agus turas rúnda ar an Aoine deireanach.
Dúirt Félim Borland, Oifigeach Forbartha de chuid Feachtas,
“Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a chur in iúl do Mheánscoil Mater Christi as ucht cead a n-áiseanna nua-fhorbartha a úsáid don champa, agus do chomhphobail Fhionnghlaise as an dea-thoil a léiríodh dúinn agus muid ag fógairt an champa sa cheantar.
Nótaí do Eagarthóirí:
Maoinítear Feachtas ag an Rannóg Ghnóthaí Ógra den Roinn Oideachais agus Eolaíochta faoin bPlean Forbarhta Náisiúnta, 2000-2006 agus le síntiúisí deonacha.
Eagraíonn Feachtas Comórtas Náisiúnta Thráth na gCeist Boird do dhaoine óga go bliantúil. Chomh maith leis sin eagraítear comórtas díospóireachta, turais go Scléip na hÓige, cursaí eachtraíochta, cursaí cinnireachta, campaí samhraidh agus ceardlanna ealaíona agus drámaíochta.
Is balleagraíocht í Feachtas de Comhairle Náisiúnta na nÓg (scátheagas na n-óg-eagraíochtaí in Éirinn) agus Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge.
Seán Ó hAdhmaill & Félim Borland
Oifigeach Forbartha
Feachtas, Óg-Ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge
10 Sráid na Mainistreach Íochtarach,
Baile Átha Cliath 1.
Teil/Facs: (01) 878 6424
Fón Póca: 087 268 8539 (Félim)
Rphost: [email protected] nó [email protected]
For Immediate Release. 29/05/06
Bringing the Gaeltacht to Finglas
The Irish-language youth organisation FEACHTAS is bringing an Irish-language summer camp to Finglas for the first time ever. The week-long pilot summer camp will commence on the 17th of July and end on the Friday, the 21st of July.
The youth organisation currently has a hugely successful annual Campa Samhraidh (Irish Language Summer Camp) in St Finian’s College in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
That summer camp is in its fifth year of running, and attracts more than 100 young people to the Summer Camp every year.
The Finglas Summer Camp which is scheduled for the 17-21st of July is aimed at young people between the ages of 10-15 years, who for what reason choose not to, can’t attend the Irish-language summer camps in the Gaeltacht.
There is much talk in the media at the minute about the status of Irish-language in the education system, however we want to show young people that the Irish-language isn’t just a school subject but a vibrant and growing language, evidenced by the increase in the Gaelscoileanna throughout the country, the growth in Irish-classes, and by the growth in numbers of young people attending youth clubs, social events, and summer camps through the medium of Irish.
Throughout the duration of the camp the young people will take part in the following activities; Art and Drama Workshops, Gaelic Football, Soccer, Basketball, Rounders, circus skills, Unihoc, Badmington, Orienteering, a Sports Days, and a mystery day-trip on the Friday.
Félim Borland, Development Officer for Feachtas said,
“We are delighted at the positive response to our Campa Samhraidh (Irish-language Summer Camp) by the Finglas community and especially by the young people who have showed an interest in attending the Campa Samhraidh, and we hope to develop this pilot scheme next year.
“In terms of our Irish-language policy, we encourage the young people attending to use the Irish they already have, we encourage those attending to ask the youth leaders how to do say words they don’t know and we also give them the vocabulary they need to fully participate in the days activities at specially designed fun- and games-based Irish classes in the morning.
“We would like to thank the board of governors and the staff at Mater Christi Secondary School for their help and for allowing us to use their newly refurbished school in which to hold the camp.” said Mr Borland.
Notes to Editors:
Feachtas, Óg-Ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge is a voluntary youth organisation, and is funded by the Youth Affairs SubDept. of the Dept. of Education. Feachtas was founded in 1980 and has since then been organising a wide range of recreational activities for young people through the medium of Irish, including Debates, Table Quizzes, weekend adventure trips, and arts and drama workshops. We also organise youth clubs and after-school groups nationally.
Feachtas is a member organisation of the National Youth Council of Ireland (umbrella organisation for youth organisations) and Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge (umbrella organisation for Irish-language organisations).
Seán Ó hAdhmaill & Félim Borland
Development Officer
Feachtas, Óg-Ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge
10 Sráid na Mainistreach Íochtarach,
Baile Átha Cliath 1.
Teil/Facs: (01) 878 6424
Fón Póca: 087 268 8539 (Félim)
Rphost: [email protected] nó [email protected]
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Jump To Comment: 1I think I read in D Ireland this was called off?