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Comments (19 of 19)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19Having failed to take over the issue the swp once again try to represent themselves as being the main activist organisation behind the protest.
Every organisation has the right to put out press statements but you'd expect them to do a bit more than that on this issue. The IAWM have spent most of their time drawing up press releases and 'support leaflets' with their details and IAWM emblazoned all over them The leaflets have been much more about publicising the IAWM than helping the Afghans.
Has Richard Boyd Barrett even appeared outside the cathedral??? As far as I know he has never turned up for any of the vigils.
Same nonsense. There have been a good number of IAWM people down at the vigil over the past few days. The IAWM have made a leaflet and poster to publicise a demo for saturday and your giving out? So they are wrong to try publicise the issue and draw in large numbers around the issue? I wouldnt think so
And are they wrong to put their name on the poster- I wouldnt think so either. I dont see the same response to anarchist youth turning up with a banner with their name on it- The fact is thats what one would expect that people would carry banners with message of support with their organisations name on it. Give up the moaning- real activists my arse.
The IAWM put their name on a poster advertising the 2pm Saturday Residents Against Racism demo? Are you kidding?
Yes they have put their name on a poster advertising a demo on saturday at 2pm.
Thats awful- the IAWM are putting put posters for a demo supporting these people.
Btw- Now that You know this- when you have gotten over your 'shock'- stay on you pc for the next 2 weeks and post loads of boring repetitive stuff about it- like a good real activist you are
I dont know whether he was ever there or not. He certainly wasnt there at the crucial times after the racist taunts and threats. At no stage was there more than a handful of SWP members at the protest. At last nights vigil the vast majority of those present had no connection with the IAWM or SWP. I do object to RBB using this as yet another opportunity to get his name into the media. If the IAWM were serious about offering a gesture of support then they would have kept RBBs name off the press release and they would have made iy clear that they were not the main group behind the solidarity protests.
RBB has been down to the vigil
Last night- the vast majority- total was at most 40- 4 swp members there.
Joke- to say the press release should have section explaining that the iawm were not the main group behind the solidarity protests. This shows that pat c himself sees this as a game.
Its the SWP/IAWM who are treating this as a game. Why are they trying to make it look as if RBB is a spokesman for the Afghanis? Why couldnt the SWP mobilise more than 4 people in the whole of Dublin to support the protest last night?
If the IAWM/SWP are genuine then they would be selflessly arranging a call out of all their members. That has not happened. Instead we have the bizarre situation where an SWP member is boasting that the SWP had four of their members on a demo! Surely the SWP would have about 100 members on the books in Dublin. Michael Y of the IAWM is certainly working but hes one individual.
As for the IAWM/SWP supporting the rally on Saturaday, unfortunately the only organisation named on their poster for the rally is the IAWM. An oversight by the IAWM/SWP who would never try and claim responsibility for organising the demos.
To all those at and in St Patricks Cathedral right now. I wont be able to get along until this evening.
It is essential to continue to build and create more solidarity and Momentum.
The, initiation of, the ins and outs of, and the Solidarity provided - and not – to both the strikers and the calls for solidarity - can be followed -and is - already recorded here.
While indeed others will write of it, who attended, what support {why, why not] - after the issue is over.
Of course such questions of the issue of support or lack of from aspects of the left - and the reasoning behind it - is important to take up - More especially as in very real terms - human lives are very well at stake
-- but lets wait - and lets continue to build and create that Solidarity NOW
- {I also ponder,in part, at the ironiy given the relevance of this month., and 25 years prior}
In the mean time though there is much Solidarity to given and sought to extend. D
Don't forgot the 6pm picket of Michael McDowell's clinic/office in Ranelagh this evening. It's important that we put some focus on the Minister for Injustice.
McDowell's office is right in the centre of Ranelagh by the triangle.
Michael McDowell Constituency Office,
54 Ranelagh Village,
Dublin 6
google map,-6.256199&spn=0.006...&om=1
An SWP member wrote that there were 4 SWP present last night, I will believe him on this occasion. There is a reason why activists are suspicious of SWP involvement in campaigns, its because of their history. If you have been involved in left politics then you would be aware of this. AY, LY, SF, SP, SY, WSM are not treated with the same suspicion because they have a history of working with others without wanting to hog all of the publicity or take over campaigns.
Back to the original post on this thread...isn't this the same crowd that was condemning the government for not having ENOUGH of a Garda presence when the racists were shouting?????
I started reading this thread genuinely puzzled and curious to know who might have issued a press release on behalf of me and all the other members of the Irish anti-war movement, and I am dissatisfied to find that the statement was made by a group that has made no effort to consult with me.
Even from the perspective of somebody who has no real knowledge of what has gone on before my return from exile in March 2004, it seems to me inappropriate and unwise that the IAWM should present itself as THE voice of the Irish anti-war movement - as it has done by using lower-case letters for the w and the m in the headline of the press release.
I think we must work in solidarity and collaboration with each other, but no group must pretend to speak for all of us.
I am an active member of the Irish anti-war movement, but not a member of the Irish Anti War Movement, and I know dozens of people who are also members of the Irish anti-war movement, but not members of the IAWM. In other words, the name of the IAWM is something of a misnomer.
While I think it is vital for peace and anti-war groups to engage in branding - i.e. in creating and promoting strong brand images for themselves in the media and in the public consciousness - I must point out that we, the active members of the movement, are not stray cows to be rounded up and branded by an enterprising rancher. We are cows of different ranches.
From conversation with an old friend who is a long-standing, active and committed member of the SWP, it seems to me that key members of the IAWM are sincere in their efforts to create and promote unity within the Irish anti-war movement, but that the way they have gone about this has created and promoted division and discord. Big paradox!
Since the outcome has been the opposite of the intention, the intelligent thing for the leadership of the IAWM to do might be to start a consultation process with other members of the Irish anti-war movement and to modify their actions accordingly. In other words, start asking how you can participate on an equal footing in solidarity with those people who are, in word and deed, active members of the Irish anti-war movement, but not members of the IAWM.
But even if you do nothing more, please stop the cattle-rustling. Keep your brand for your own cows, compadre!
This sounds like a scene from the Life of Brian, hey coilin, have you recovered from the kicking rooster gave you on the F14 thread yet?
Bush: "Welcome to Police State USSA. And sorry to Oil the Gestapo Tactics but Oil comes First. Fill her up ?????"
The point being made by Coilin seems to be that this a case of cynical branding that any neo-lib capitalist would be proud of. It's not a "coaliton", it's not an "organisation" If you're anti-war, you're in Ireland and you're not standing still, they claim to speak for you. They claim to be the whole "movement".
Warch the "Life of Brian" again Prodolic, it is a critique of how left sects operate. Muggridge and the conservative Christians got all hot and bothered thinking it had something to do with Jesus, who makes an initial appearance and then walks off centre stage in the initial " blessed are the cheesemakers" scene. The rest of the movie is about left sects and how they operate. This one has run the anti-war movement into the ground in Ireland.
Doh! I won't do that again!
I don't think any peace organisation can be blamed for running the Irish peace movement into the ground. A consideration of peace movements around the world shows that most of them have gone through a brief period of intense activity, where masses of people demonstrated just before the invasion of Iraq, followed by a period of decline, where many people have gone quiet for various reasons:
- disheartened by the failure to stop the invasion
- satisfied that the invaders will learn their lesson without any further comment from us
- distracted by the day-to-day concerns of life, such as job, family, etc.
Also, some people have gone over to less visible forms of protest, besides mass demos.
Blaming others must not be used as a convenient pretext to distract from the need to get on with the work of demilitarising Shannon, making sure Ireland does not participate in any more invasions, etc.
Finally, I should say that many of the activities of the IAWM strike me as well worthwhile, e.g. the tour where Abu Baker Deghayes will talk about Guantánamo: