Latest stop in WSM speaking tour
As part of a nationwide speaking tour (there have already been meetings in Limerick, Waterford, Derry and Dun Laoghaire and further meetings are planned for Kilkenny, Belfast and other venues over the coming months), the Workers Solidarity Movement in association with Anarchist Youth present a talk and discussion on What is Anarchism? in Galway Sat 27 May
'What is Anarchism?'
in An Pucan (upstairs), Eyre Square, Galway
on Sat. 27th May
at 3pm
Speakers from WSM and Anarchist Youth
Plenty of time for questions and discussion.
So if you live in or near Galway and have often thought that there must be a better way to organise society, why not come along and find out what we have to say.
NB If you would like to help us to organise a similar meeting in your town or area, please Email us at [email protected]