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A Call for Solidarity with the Pit Stop Ploughshares
dublin |
anti-war / imperialism |
press release
Tuesday May 09, 2006 13:59 by Pit Stop Ploughshares - on Trial Dublin Four Courts July 5th 2006 ploughsharesireland at yahoo dot ie At Large!

The War is the Crime!
To Help The
(Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien
Moran, Ciaron O'Reilly)
Dublin Four Courts, July 5th. 2006
Dear Friends,
It has been a long journey to
trial for the "Pit Stop Ploughshares" community, since
our February 3rd, 2003, non-violent disarmament of a
U.S. Navy War Plane at Shannon Airport, Co. Clare,
It has been a long 3 years for our ploughshares
community, but a much longer two years for the
people of Iraq suffering an invasion, occupation and
plunder of their homeland.
The Irish State's attempt to criminalise our
non-violent act of peacemaking complements their
militarisation of the civilian Shannon Airport to
service the U.S. war machine. We are not alone, as
other peace activists, and also resisters within the
British and U.S. military are being dragged before
courts & court martials, imprisoned in jails &
stockades for their non-violent resistance to this
war. In war, authentic peacemaking is criminalized,
as killing, theft, torture, incineration, internment,
rape and sexual abuse are legitimised as policy.
Over the past three years the lies that were employed
to market this "illegal war" have been exposed;
No WMD has been found during the two years of
U.S./U.K. military occupation of Iraq.
U.S. destruction of Iraqi civil society through its
1980's support for Saddam Hussein, 1990's imposition
of a genocidal sanctions regime and now a brutal
bombardment and military occupation has transformed
Iraq into a swamp of vengeance and a breeding ground
for terrorism.
U.S. colonial rule by decree from Saddam's former
palace, trans-national privatisation of Iraqi
resources, and evidence of crimes Abu Ghraib &
Fallujah puts lie to this mirage.
Over the past three years, 100,000 Iraqis mostly women
and children have been slain. Over the last two
years, over 2,400 U.S. soldiers, many who passed
through Shannon Airport, have returned in body bags.
Uncounted thousands of Iraqis, Americans, Britons and
others have lost limbs, sanity, loved ones and homes.
As the late Peter Ustinov reflected, "War is the
terrorism of the rich; Terrorism is the war of the
Over the past three years, following our remand time
in Limerick Prison, the State has tried to keep the
Pit Stop Ploughshares in a state of suspended animation
on bail. We have tried to remain faithful to the
non-violent disarmament we undertook and vigilant to
continued Irish complicity in this war. We believe if the
Irish state granted us a fair trial,we would be acquitted
of all charges. We hope they will grant us one on their
third attempt.
We have refused to see our jail time, bail time,
2 trials thus far and the threat of future punishment as
apersonal predicament to evade or disown. We have
seen thesephases of our non-violent disarmament
witness as opportunities to speak truth to power and
to expresssolidarity with the people of Iraq & the young
Americans being shuttled through Shannon to Iraq, to
kill and die for the rich and powerful.
We are on a journey inspired by the ancient prophecy
of Micah and Isaiah to "beat swords into ploughshares
and study war no more". We invite you to join us on
this journey.
We see our act of "beating swords into ploughshares"
at Shannon Airport as a non-violent gift of faith
enfleshed, hope enacted and freedom offered at a
time when the war machine is deployed at full throttle
to invade, occupy and plunder. In turn, we have been
sustained over the past two years by the gifts of
solidarity from old friends and new. Gifts of
hospitality, friendship, transport, musical talent,
legal expertise have accompanied us through the
roller coaster ride of the courts. A judicial process
designed to isolate, intimidate, and defeat the war
resister. The only sustenance we have is our faith
and your solidarity.
We hope to join with you to take this witness of
non-violent resistance to the ongoing war to
Dublin’s Four Courts from July 5th., 2005.
We hope our trial, beginning on July 5th., will
be a time of celebration and a catylyst fornon-violent
opposition to the war. We hope friends from around
Ireland, and from overseas, will gather in Dublin to
celebrate non-violent disarmament as an authentic
option for
the human family.
We hope the trial will non-violently confront the
U.S., British and Irish institutions that continue
to wage war on the people of Iraq. We hope other acts
of nonviolent resistance and solidarity will grow out
of the trial and our time together - whether we are
acquitted or imprisoned.
"Ploughshares Defence Fund"
134 Phibsborough Rd.
Dublin 7
Donations can be lodged at any
Bank of Ireland branch:
"Ploughshares Defence Fund"
Account No. 80965573 Sort Code 900551
More information
[email protected]
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Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6If you think you can offer floor space to an international peace activist for a few nights during the trial. (any dates between July 5-19th...from experience the need for accommdation is higher at the start of the trial).
Please email the dates & numbers you can accommodate to [email protected]
Hey Folks,
Looking forward to "putting the band back together" (Jake & Elwood) and taking this thang to a third trial. I've been back in OZ since early Feb. Have been keeping busy doing anti-war talks in schools, churches, on campuses and some straight and alternative media. Here's some stuff....
Speaking at Murdoch Uni, Perth
Straight Media/Call for further nonviolent resistance to the war
Alternative Media/ Interview by Perth Indymedia
Somewhere in Between Media/Triple J Hack Interview
I'm available to do school, uni, church, peace group pre-trial/anti-war talks, weddings, parties, anything back in Ireland from June 10th. If you can organise a speaking event just email [email protected] or phone mobile 087 918 4552
It's been good to be back in OZ, primarily hanging out with the folks, chasing down old friends. The politics is screwed government deploying more troops to Afghanistan, another Australian death in Iraq,, some Catholic Workers have been hit with a Defence Act from 1952 that has never been used before for their December citizens inspection of US NSA base at Pine Gap, PM Howard has just ruled (in repsonse to the West Papuans arrival & facist Indonesian demands) that all refugees making it the shoreline will be imprisoned off shore in Naru etc. Howard will be addressing the Dail soon, so maybe you could take some of these issues up with him?
Sad news is that local muso Grant McLennan of the "Go Betweens" died at 48 in our neighborhood this past weekend. The "Go Betweens" like "The Saints" were one of the great bands that emerged out of the hillbilly repression trhat was Queensland in the late '70's.
See you soon, seems like some great signs of resurgence in anti-war activity in Ireland of late. Keep the faith.
'Howard will be addressing the Dail soon, so maybe you could take some of these issues up with him?'
yeah something should be done about that
OZ Mainstream media reorted a few weeks ago that Howard would be addressing the Dail in May.
Maybe call a sympathetic TD and sak for details.
Australian national televison news carried Australian Prime Minister Howard attempting to hold an outdoor press conference in Washington DC today (Sunday). He was continually interrupted/distracted by a solo anti-war person demanding he withdraw Australian troops form Iraq. The man spoke from across the road. his voice and message were carried around Australia today.
As secret service lead the man away he turned to the camera and tated "Look, it only takes one person to speak the truth"
Australian Prime Minister Howard andf chief Bush cheer leader is due to address the Dail in the next two weeks.
22nd May UCD http://www.ucd.ie/austud/pm.htm
23rd Dail
Australian Wheat Board Oil for food contraversy. Contracts not democracy http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/05/340329.html