SWP international theoretical featuring in thjis issue an analysis of the ongoing revolutionary upheavals in Nepal, a look at how the bolshevik revolution related to the large islamic minority in trhe Soviet Union, more on tyhe movement in Venezuela, and much morte full story list below. Follow thios link: http://www.isj.org.uk/
Analysis: the faultlines grow deeper
Chris Harman
Nepal on the brink
Yuri Prasad
Venezuela: the popular movement and the government
Roland Denis
The Bolsheviks and Islam
Dave Crouch
Marxism and terrorism
Gareth Jenkins
Enlightenment and anti-capitalism
Neil Davidson
Pakistan: on the edge of instability
Geoff Brown
Mao out of context
Charlie Hore
The light that hasn’t failed
Kevin Murphy
The anger and ethics of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Mike Eaude