Call to a watching but silent world: Let Vanunu Go!
(Vanunu's 20th year and counting. . . 11 in solitary, 7 more allowed contact only with unsympathetic Jewish prisoners, 2 more unfree to leave a hostile Israel - this is the process of attempting to break an indomitable will.)
Following the decision by Israel in defiance of the Declaration of Human Rights, to renew the vindictive restrictions on Mordechai Vanunu for another twelve months, ( Mairead Corrigan Maguire has decided to stay indefinitely in Israel.
The Nobel Laureate is outraged at the continuing efforts being made by the State of Israel to try to break Vanunu's spirit by denying him his freedom after completing his eighteen years sentence and a further two years of restrictions on the freedom he so richly deserves.
Maguire has been in Israel since April 18th with Peace People colleagues, Ann Patterson and myself. We returned without her today. During our stay there she engaged in a four day fast. This morning she felt it imperative to stay in Israel indefinitely to show her support for, and solidarity with, the nuclear whistle-blower
The Nobel Peace Laureate has called on politicians of every hue, leaders of States, religious leaders, human rights organisations, public bodies, trade unions, and individuals who believe in what is fair and right to renew the pressure on Israel by all non-violent means to release Vanunu from the prison-State in which they hold him captive.