Porco Dio Presents :
A New fortnightly Gig and Arts Night
Launch Night Featuring :
Los Langeros (Cork) (http://www.myspace.com/loslangeros)
Large Mound (http://www.largemound.com)
Born a Ghost (http://www.myspace.com/bornaghost)
Plus Visuals and Info Stalls
Get in touch if you want to do an info stall
Thursday 20th April
The Lower Deck
Portobello (beside Portobello college)
Adm €5 / €4 before 9pm
Email : [email protected]
About us:
Porco Dio is a fortnightly gig in the Lower Deck pub in Portobello, Dublin, featuring a mix of local, national and international bands/individuals from the underground music scene. We not only aim to transcend the usual genre boundries between punk and hardcore/hip-hop and electro/rock and indie, but also believe that there is more to gigs than just music and as such hope to incorporate visuals, art, political stalls/benefits and any number of other concepts into the usual well-worn formula of an underground music gig. Porco Dio is a merger between Gz (organises of lot of touring bands / local bands diy gig organisers) and Organised Ideas (Done lots of benefits for Anarchist organasations http://www.indymedia.ie/openwire?search_text=organised+...ideas )
You can find out more at our temporary internet halting site http://www.myspace.com/porcodiodublin