Dublin no events posted in last week
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A bird's eye view of the vineyard
Alternative Copy of thesaker.is site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz Alternative site: https://thesaker.si/saker-a... Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb
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Barred from the pub!!
Garry Toner, an Equality Studies student here in UCD is trying to organise an awareness campaign at a national level in relation to the rights of people with disabilities after an incident that occurred last weekend.
I am currently doing a Masters degree in Equality at UCD. I am an electric wheelchair user who has limited mobility. Last Friday night one of my classmates had a birthday party in a bar in Dublin. She had checked with the owner that the pub was wheelchair accessible to which he replied "yes, certainly, your friend will be able to access our pub". However, when I arrived there was a large step which I couldn't possibly access. At this point the owner suggested that the bouncers would lift my chair; to which I replied no as my chair weighs approximately 15 stone without me in it. They then suggested making a makeshift ramp with wood. This consisted of two pieces of wood which was extremely dangerous. Again I had to refuse, so finally they said they would make another attempt.
So what happened? Well, first of all wood was put down on the ground, followed by bricks and finally this huge metal, shutter contraption. I took the risk and went up this contraption. I made it in and then got a swift drink! Then I began to worry how I was going to get out again.
I was again placed on the ramp in front of the pub, with about 20 people outside looking on, and another 20 looking through the window; which made me feel extremely embarrassed and as if I was on public display! It was obvious risks were being taken with the make shift ramp. Before the wheelchair went down the ramp one of the staff accidentally pulled at the bar on my wheelchair, nearly breaking it. My wheelchair shot down the ramp, I lost control of it and nearly went over the curb into the traffic. Fortunately, I was able to somehow regain control of my wheelchair; narrowly preventing what could have been a very serious accident.
While the manager was helpful in organising the night, he wasn’t truthful in saying that the pub was wheelchair accessible. I like everyone else, love the craic. But it is very difficult when faced with obstacles like this when I want to go for a night out. I am from the North, where due to the Disability Discrimination Act, all public buildings must be wheelchair accessible, otherwise they could face court action. Why can’t we have the same legislation here?
We are currently running a campaign at UCD looking at how these difficulties could be overcome. What we are suggesting as a solution is that every pub, café, restaurant and bingo hall in Ireland should be in possession of a removable wheelchair ramp that cost only €87.00. The profits that pubs make on a Friday night would make this a drop in the ocean. And these removable ramps could be stored anywhere in the pub.
These ramps are available online at www.yourableshop.co.uk/modules/shop/products
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Garry Toner.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Another article on this was posted over on http://www.ucdsu.net/newswire.php?story_id=1076.
Tell me about it
Thanks for the tip. I am a crip and also part-owner of a small biz I can't get into in my chair. Most quotes have been well over €250, and some way beyond that. I am off to check link now,
If a ramp costs only €87.00, then there seems to be no reason why every pub should not have one. The failure to have one might be a breach of the Equal Status Act.
(You could check with the Equality Authority who might be interested in pursuing this. The email address is info -a-t- equality -do-t- ie)
I presume the unnamed pub has already fixed its access problem by now?
and fail to adapt their premises for people with disabilities......
At the extreme of being rational which is being bipolar, I believe t......their social and ethical conscience ought to spring to the fore, in particular to facilitating wheelchairs min.
The very least that can be done is be disability aware. Diageo at long last moved to the 'Social and Ethical Responsibility' advertising of 'Drink Sensibly' but more is needed. As more figures are revealed daily about suicide, road traffic accidents and the often unmentioned acquired brain injuries and spinal injuries sustained with drink being a serious contributor, I would think the Licensed Trade, the Vitners, Diageo ought to be engaging in Think Tanks with a more mentality based theme.
Well done to be taking your UCD MA in Equality Studies. I tried to get through BESS in Trinity but having problems with mental health issues complicated by acquired brain injury, I struggled. The best part though is I am not bitter for the 5 years in Trinity because I got an 'education' as distinct from a 'piece of paper'. I with my disabilities needed the education and ability to learn most of all.
Going back to pubs: They bleet about business being poor; they condemn the off licenses, but the irony is these pub owners have no lateral thought function. They were adept a few years ago in employing UK lawyers to study planning sources and markets and source old dance halls and cinemas so that they could tap successfully into the young escalating, easy impressionable youth demographic markets.
They convened these people into areas that were deadened with sound and loud music and dark lights. A nation that is already failing in discussion and communication became lost to neat little drinks and mixers. The social problems that emanate go forward but the publicans; the drinks companies like Diageo; have their shareholders satisfied and their profits made.
The challenge is there for them now to redress this and help to change attitudes to alternative pursuits than just being saturated with drink.
Two pubs in Ballsbridge (virtually) empty in a hostile way refused me entry with my Assistance Dogs. No explanation was good enough just cheek and insolence.
Recently a nun with a guide dog was awarded compensation on the basis of discrimination at Court. The amount was approx. Euros 600,00. This is about staff having no foresight and being led by blind management and owners; only theres is selective.
This must stop.
Did anyone see Crufts at the 6 categories of Disabilities dog. There is one for Agoraphobia.......i.e. the fear of open spaces. This is something I really battle with and my Jack Russell has been the best medicine and I am nearly 50 years old.
Let's waken the Irish up......I have an idea for people with disabilities who need the assistance of dogs.
The Samaritans in the UK are holding a collection. Instead of the usual gimmicks they propose to have dog breeds as key rings with the telephone number at the back of it.
Can we do something like this here. Think of the benefits.....it is a loneliness reminder; prevent suicide reminder; be kind to animals reminder;
Today I was walking down one of the lanes in Ballsbridge, these are mainly mews houses behind walls and gates. There was a sign 'Wheelchair accessible'
Also next time you go to the FAS office, note the sign on the door Guide Dogs welcome.
We will get there but let's keep momentum going.
Michelle Clarke
'You have to be the change you want to see in the world' Gandhi
I wonder how Gerry Toner got on with accessibility and pubs.......Are publicans becoming more enlightened about the diverse needs of customers and willing to supply ramps or alternatives? Discrimination ought not to be tolerated in the absence of a decision to make policy.
As for dogs, I haven't tried anymore pubs having been asked to leave two in Dublin 4. I am quite content to sit outside Insomnia with my dog and funny enough the passers by have pleasant comments to make.
I have written to Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform. I wrote to them mainly because I am aware that a case was recently taken by a nun and the Judge awarded over Euros6,000 compensation form the pub who refused her entry. I heard on the grapevine that the nun had to provide the funding for the case as the association for dogs for the blind do not cover this form of discrimination.
The Department of justice sent me to the Environment.....there is a most detailed website but they lack policy directive re. working dogs. I then went to their Enfo office in Suffolk Street. A very plasant woman explained that a woman with a seeing dog used to use the library but therein it stops.......
Others replied with suggested addresses and a letter I wrote was read out on FM106. A number of people phoned in in support of the idea of dog companions, particularly people with agoraphobia or other mental health problems.
Then it was suggested that I contact the Irish Kennel Club.....and here is where I hope to be later in the evening.
As I sat outside Insomnia a.m. with Jack, a woman passed by and said she had been several months in Provence and what a different attitude the French have to their pooches; they freely go into pubs, restuarants, shops.........
I note Hibernian Insurance have an advert for Public Liability insurance. Intellectually impaired I may be deriving the wrong message. It appears to have a young man with his beautifully groomed Afghan Hound passing a cafe bar ....... the inference I think is that it is possible to insure for nearly all contingencies.......namely, he is free to join the people in the restaurant and Hibernian cover the insurance.
As a person with Disabilities today I was refused entry onto a No. 10 bus......yet others are understanding.......
Where to now? Is it the Insurance policy? Is it the Environment? what is the policy in France that differs from Ireland? Or do people have to take actions for discrimination on the grounds of disability in the District Court - surely this is discriminatory in itself
Flying High
'A forest bird never wants a cage'
Michelle Clarke
Shame on us in Ireland.
When will we give dogs the recognition they deserve.
Sweden thankfully have identified our ignorance towards dogs and a Swedish woman reacted by setting up a Rescue Centre in Sweden, obtaining funds, and working with rescue centres here to house the unwanted and often tortured animals. In 2005, we put down over 25,000 dogs......presently it is about 16,000 dogs.
Does anyone watch Crufts? Does anbody know what these dogs can do if given training. We all know about Dogs for the Blind. Now, we have dogs for Autistic children to help them gain the confidence to integrate in a society that can be so hostile to their heightened sense of awareness.
There are Alert Dogs for the elderly, they are primed to phone 999 or set off an alarm.
For people with epilepsy- dogs at a more acute sensitivity predict the fit......What a bonus a dog is to such a persson.
Again I say well done Sweden but then again I would expect no less. It is the Nordic countries that show high regard for the Third World contributing both their time and money.
One suggestion......how alert is our Department of Environment to Science. Pubs, restaurants, coffee shops are still hostile to the dog as if it holds manifest bacteria........I ask is this an excuse......maybe they fear the dogs would scent out illegal drugs!!! or maybe some rodents!!! The Americans and Europeans seem to have overcome this one.
Science is they say to learn......well, as a person with quite a few disabilities, I took to getting the American Scientist magazine when I can. Last September, there was an article I found about Pets and Children. Western Australia University research found that contrary to common belief - Children and Pets may derive benefits.....it is to do with interchange of bacteria that increases the child's immune system.
In the Ireland of today - the MRSA, the other public health issues - surely we need to think and put an end to hideous cruelty to animals.
Jack Russell
Bertolt Brecht : German playwright. Here and Now..........
'Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life'
I see you regulary with Jack Russell on Baggot Street. It is amazing the number of people, a dog attracts from all walks of life, from all countries.
Enda Kenny what about dogs and integration.....Dogs would be a great way of integrating. You are correct in saying that dogs imcrease the immune system of children in the home. One top psychiatrist in the University of California, in the 1970's said dogs reduce stress - this is just being acknowledged now.
The other day I was walking my Afghan hound down Eglin Road - actually he is not my dog, he is my sister's Teresa. Its a bitch named Rosey. I was within the grounds of St. Bartholomew's Church. Out of the blue came two boxers - a tall lanky figure probably Limerick Accent. The Boxers were out of control. II just said to him would you mind putting your dogs on a lead - he replied 'I live around here, acroos the road in fact, who are you? Then I realised he was an ex an ex boyfriend of PD Fiona O'Malley - a complete heatherball. When I informed him that Boxers were the working class dogs of the miners in the 18th century - he turned purple.
So if any PD out there has a boxer, you are in the wrong party. At least the Mad Mullah has a Jack Russell.
Again Michelle - dogs playing a very important part in the lives of lonely people, rescue of people, sniffing out drugs, neurological illnesses, depression and so much more.
Wuff Wuff
I know I am late in answering back but I was busy.
I am writing a book at the moment on the psychology of Bertie Ahern's way of thinking and believe me - it looks as if Al Capone is Former Bishop Casey, Kerry.
I note Mr. Toner you did not give the compassion to the Staff who did in fact try to help you - and they did; they tried ramps, lifting you, and eventually you got in and had a great time. Well done.
I also note Michelle Clarke sent you a lengthy response and you had not the decency in giving her the respect of the response she deserved.
So let's forget the wheel chair, look in the mirror and ask yourself who am I and come back to me at a later date.
Michelle - you spoke about dogs being barred from pubs i.e. more correctly their owners. One point re. the case that went to Court re. the Nun, Pub, and Dog for the blind, the nun was awarded Euros 6,000 and not 600 as you said.
Michelle I found your article very interesting and yes we are a nation that is most unfriendly and otten to animals. Last years, we put down 37, 000 dogs and are the worst in Europe for killing dogs. I find also Mr. Toner's plight smaller to others tonight - some months ago, I asked for a sandwich with my dog, in the laneway off O'Donoghue's pub in Merrion Row. My partner was tired, she has ABI, alongside other disabilities. I tried to explain to the staff her injuries, her fatigue, and yet the staff asked us to leave. I found it inhumane and ignorant against people who have silent disabilities. Shame on O'Donoghues pub tonight.
That's how I feel Michelle.
I will close by saying in Fagans pub last Saturday night, Bertie walked in with his Jack Russell called Trevor but ironically Trevor is a bitch and the name is a bit dodgy - a bit too green for me. While Bertie was taking his 5th pint of Bass - Mickey Collins walked in with his Jack Russell called Enda. Bertie looked over at the Jack Russell and he called his psychologist over i.e. Dr. Plasterer - they both laughed and said 'Enda has had the nip......lucky for Trevor.......' The strange point in this story is Bertie and Dr. Plasterer are wrong because the Polls show that Enda....has B....s
and Enda is climbing up the ladder......the leg is getting higher and higher.
I saw a magazine in one of the main Newspapers last weekend featuring Miriam Ahern - age has been very kind and complimentary towards this woman. Problably she deserves all this. In the meantime, Bertie has his ex sweetie exiled to Killaloe but the Tribunals due shortly will change this. She is to be invited to speak on her interpretation of piggy banks and sleeping bags.
Michelle, I enjoyed your article - I am sad Mr. Toner did not reply to you with a level of respect based on the effort it takes for you to write.
Kevin T. Walsh....
Impression: (McGowan.....2007)
'I work in RTE for a half an hour every weekend. Deep down I don't give a shit....you see many years ago I learnt Corporate is the way foward...thanks to RTE. Humanity is for the crazy students but it is the money that pays the bills.
Note suggestions about promoting dogs, particularly assistant dogs.....I wonder if anyone has seen scope .......
American Scientist.....Immune system improved where children raised with dogs......this is significant......Yet one hears nothing about this in lazy Ireland.......Now that TB is on the rise, people ought to look to animals in the home ...... and building children's immune system particularly those that are reared in creches often full of infections......
We say we need exports. During the week there was a superb photo of trained dogs exported to the Far East. These dogs sniff drugs but also items like cd's, false labels, etc. Effective, efficient and loving companions, what more could we ask for.
Are pubs afraid of dogs? Let's go to the next stage about drug crime in Ireland.....we rush the criminal justice bill through and maybe there is another way.......dogs as sniffers in pubs, in prisons, in places where deals can be done.................
Lateral thought please. Ireland ought not be the worst in Europe for treatment of dogs, killing them or exporters for research fodder.
Good suggestions and ideas about the companionship and purpose that can be harnassed from dogs.
Delighted to hear today that Mr. Nally, Irish Times, has written about 'The pre-electronic burglar alarm' - an excellent snapshot included.... in no less than An Irishman's Diary.......They have found an answer to separation anxiety dogs in the UK/US......it is called take prozac ........ under the name Reconcile .... and outcome is less barking.......This pet specific form.
The pharamaceutical giant Eli Lilly is behind the lauch......no doubt the first of many for canines.......
Jack Russell
Quotation 'Stretching to new limits' Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) US writer
'One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions......'
Live Show....with a difference. Yes the Joe Duffy Show has highlighted gangland in a way one could never have expected.
The revelation and evidence is that mobile phones can be used from the prison. It started yestersday with a call direct to Joe - outcome immediate 24 hour surveillance on a journalist, his wife and two children. He has been writing about Gangland and people got annoyed.....really annoyed.
All will know the details but can someone tell me how the phones, the drugs, the non monitored conversation can be such an integral part of our prison system. Again I ask - where are the dogs!!! Those dogs we are exporting to the Far East for the purpose we need them form.
Where is the sense in Ireland....? We are not handling crime; we are not handling dog control i.e. we have had the Swedish and French import dogs due to be extermination policy of dogs at pounds in Ireland and we are still at the bottom in the European countries for the way we treat our dogs. Greyhounds and former race horses have very lean days once they are no longer a source of funds.....
Has anyone any lateral thought function out there.......Have we lost the ability to think and arrive at alternatives rather than the greed and selfishness that consumes people. Those Irish private eyes are not so green on lateral thought.....apparent spouses spying on each other can pay up to Euro7,500 a day according to todays Irish Independent.
But hope is there, a woman who lost her pooch, a puppy hired a Pet Detective ..... who found the pup!!!
The agency is run by 44 year old Robert Kenny - Happy Tails Detective Agency in Dundrum, Dublin 14. They charge Euros120-140 to locate the lost wuff.
African Saying
'The area covered by your life is not as important as what you build on it'
Behavioural science
'Everything has been figured out,
Except how to live.......'
By Jean-Paul Sartre 1905-1980
French Existensialist Writer
Michelle Clarke
Michelle - I hope you saw today's newspapers. There was Bertie on the front of the Daily Mail with the Pooch, a Labrador for the blind - I don't know who looked the saddest.
Enda may hold the twins but Bertie has the pooch.
I totally agree with you Michelle on the treatment of animals in Ireland today. You only have to watch Animal Rescue weekly on RTE 1. Only last week, a county footballer, an example to children in his county, was fined in court for making his pit bull terrier a fighter dog.....the dog was covered in sores. Is he Ireland's new role model for football? I sincerely hope not.
To answer you question Michelle, the prison service have one dog in Portlaoise prison service. It is a German Shepherd trained sniffer dog for drugs. The dog has been a great success in the stoppage of drugs going in with prisoners visitors and believe it or not some staff have been found carrier cannabis....so how is that?
Some weeks ago, there were some arrests in Mountjoy among staff (I believe 5 staff are suspended at the moment) in relation to smuggling in alchol and other items. I believe the staff included three or four senior officers. The Garda investigation is pending.
I said before and I will say it again Lonergan Governor at Mountjoy Prison has gone past his sell buy date. Would someone put out to pasture this bluffing id... with two faces, one for inside Mountjoy and another for Media. A fresh management structure is urgently needed in Mountjoy Prison - Let us not forget the Gary Douch horrific murder last year in a 6 man cell. This lies directly at Lonergan's desk - Nobody asks questions - Why?
Before I go. In relation to Joe Duffy - he showed no respect today to the mother of Anthony Campell and family, who was shot to death last year merely because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But like Williams and his desire to sell papers, Joe Duffy and his ego is about increasing his audience. Well done Joe - you just gave Gangland a voice on Live Radio. Daly from a cell in Portlaoise on his mobile and Fat Puss Bradley, another gangland little sh.... but I feel Duffy is the biggest idiot of all to give a voice on radio to Gangland.
Big Thinker
'It's a wide world and there's a great deal in it, and one head is but a poor little room to study in it after all'
John Ruskin (1819-1900) British Artist and Thinker
You will gather from the last posting the near chaos to the prison system following mobile calls direct from security prisons alleged in the media.
Today Minister for Justice Michael McDowell candidly, clearly, explained the law, the reasons, the fact that 3 cases re. staff were with the DPP. He also explained that there was a considerable amount of misinformation.
Well done......
Michelle Clarke
Jill and Owen Millar are members of MDI and have started their own website
company "Accessible Ireland".
I have been reading many of the comments on this site in ref. to disability and I echoed each of them
as my brother and I are wheelchair users since age of 18 and now in my 30's and this is our reason for
our new site
Accessible Ireland - Making Ireland Accessible To Everyone. - www.accessibleireland.com
Owen and I are full time wheelchair users and have been planning this web site
for many years now but didn't have the time nor the capital to make it
happen until early this year. We have noticed that we are the first
web site in Ireland and about Ireland to supply updated information to
wheelchair users for hotels, restaurants, venues etc. all under the
one umbrella... Accessible Ireland's aim is to develope into what the
importance of the "golden pages" was many years ago... We plan on expanding our
business and therefore we shall be giving employment so watch this space ...
Accessible Ireland will supply accurate information thus this will
give you more choice's, and why not!
Accessible Ireland will allow you to source wheelchair facilities to
suit your needs and for you to enjoy Irish hospitality at its best.
Accessibility is paramount to us.
We want to introduce you to the widest range of wheelchair accessible
amenities possible and ensure that when you travel or visit Ireland
your expectations are well met.
On Accessible Ireland you shall find a growing list of moderate to
luxury wheelchair accessible accommodation, accessible visitors
attractions, restaurants, pubs, venues and transport and more.
Accessible Ireland have graded these according to their accessibility
to provide you with premier facilities to suit you.
On every page you shall find a range of symbols allowing you to
quickly identify if the amenity suits your requirements. The symbols
include the following: ramp, lift, wheelchair accessible toilet,
wheelchair parking, guide dogs welcome, grab rails, wheelchair with
over head shower indicating a roll in the shower, wheelchair with
figure pushing chair indicating assistance is needed and many more.
Who is Accessible Ireland?
We are an independent partnership company working to source new and
existing amenities whether you are looking for a restaurant, hotel etc.
Our career history is in the travel and tourist industry. We have
experienced many non-accessible amenities throughout Ireland and
abroad, through misleading information giving us more than just a
headache... We believe in our position we are experience to know what
is needed and the questions that need detailed answers. We endeavour
to bring accessible accommodation, hospitality and amenities to you
supplying accurate information giving you the most comfortable and
enjoying experience of Ireland. With you in mind we offer the very
best in hospitality and more and to deliver ideal locations to visit
without compromising accessibility.
What Accessible Ireland Do?
Our job is to contact all the major accommodation, hospitality,
restaurants, pubs, visitor attractions, venues, transport and
amenities throughout Ireland and make them aware that many visitors
have needs and require a full detailed accessible guideline before
visiting. This saves you time on unnecessary emails and phone calls so
you won?t be disappointment on making the wrong trip to hotel,
restaurant or venue etc. The only phone call or email that you shall
be making is your reservation. We want you to be 100% happy with the
choices on your visit. Rest assured we pioneer to do our best to offer
only quality on our website.
Log onto: www.accessibleireland.com
If you have any suggestions or comments we would love to hear from you.
email: [email protected]
I was delighted to see your posting and the endeavours of both yourself and your encountered regarding accessibility and then your decision to share it with others via the internet.
Are you aware of the National Disabilities Authorities, the statutory body aligned with the Government. They are based in Clyde Road, Dublin 4. I ask because I have visited their premises on several occasions and have a copy of their report on Accessibility? It is very detailed.
I wrote to Angela Kerins (Executive) a frew times about their exclusion of companion dogs......disability dogs.......or whatever term is appropriate. I have received no reply and it is my humble view that I have received no reply, because their acclaimed report on Accessibility makes no provisions for the amiable working dog...
I recall reading a book about Charles Vanier and his wise advice, several decades ago, to a young man who had difficulties walking - he suggested to him to use the chair for effective use of his time.
From earlier postings you will gather why dogs as carers to people with disabilities have a most distinct role.
I mentioned the case where the nun was refused food in a pub even though she was partially sighted, because of her dog.....The courts disagreed with the publican's stance - and awarded her Euros 6,000.
For people with Mental Health problems, particularly agoraphobia, and fear related problems, a dog is a worthwhile treatment option.....I will go a step further to say, that there is a need to research into suicide, that takes account of say a commitment to a dog as a deterrrent.
For people with neurological problems, one need only go to the site of Emily.Dogs to see how progressive a dog's contribution is to a person in a wheel chair. He can fetch the phone, he can collect the post, he can scent gas, he can empty the washing machine and most of all he can be a friend.
Recently, advances have been made for children with Autism and Aspergers. The dog appears to sap some of their attention span, making it possible for the child to accompany the mother to supermarkets.
Jill, well done for the site, but perhaps you can review this. I live off Baggott Street and the coffee shops allow the dogs to sit with you outside, as would happen on the Continent.......it is surprising how they add to the spirit of community .....
Charles Vanier set up l'Arche in 1964.....in line with Gospel Teachings.
Quotation: Mahatma Gandhi
'You can judge the moral stature of a nation by the way it treats its animals'
Site: Anvil - Animals need a voice in legislation. [email protected] 0861999512