Why does the left support the Palestinians against Israel?
The question is rarely asked. It is simply taken for granted that the left -- Europe, the Western news media, the universities, the liberal churches, the arts world -- supports the Palestinians and the larger Arab/Muslim worlds in their war against Israel. But the question does need to be asked. For it is completely inconsistent with the left's professed values to side with Israel's enemies. Just about every value the left claims to uphold Israel upholds and its enemies do not.
The left speaks about its passion for democracy ("power to the people"). Yet it is Israel that is a fully functioning democracy, as opposed to all of its Arab and Muslim enemies. Yasser Arafat is precisely the self-aggrandizing, corrupt dictator-type that the left claims to hold in contempt.
The left claims to have particular concern for women's rights. Yet it is Israel that has as highly developed a feminist movement as that of any Western country. It is Israel that conscripted women into its armed forces before almost any Western country. At the same time, the state of women's rights among Israel's Muslim enemies is perhaps the lowest in the world.
The left's greatest current preoccupation is with gay rights. Yet it is Israel that has annual gay pride days, while Egypt and other Arab and Muslim countries arrest homosexuals.
It is Israel that has an independent and highly liberal judiciary. It is Israel that has a leftist press. It is Israel that has been governed more by leftist, even socialist, parties than by rightist ones. Israel's enemies have none of this.
So, why isn't the left out there leading pro-Israel demonstrations?
The answer is as important as it is contemptible.
In general, the left does not care about women, independent judiciaries, minorities, democracy, gays or almost anything else for which it marches. That is why the left opposed America's war in Afghanistan, which liberated women from being treated like animals.
Nearly all the causes the left speaks for are noble-sounding covers for its real agenda -- the overthrowing of Western, especially Judeo-Christian and capitalist, values. Remember the chant at Stanford, "Hey, hey, ho ho, Western civ has got to go"? That is what animates the left.
In psychoanalytic terms, it is antagonism to one's father and his values. In a commencement speech he gave this year, the former president of Dartmouth College, James O. Freedman, a man of the left, said that the purpose of a college education is "to question your father's values." Those of us not on the left believe that the purpose of a college education is to discover what is true and what is good.
America embodies all that the left dislikes. It is the most religious of the industrialized democracies (proudly and uniquely Judeo-Christian). It is also the most capitalist. And, what drives the left especially crazy is that with all this religion and capitalism, America is the most powerful force on earth -- economically, militarily and culturally.
Israel is Little America. It, too, is religious (though a secular state like the United States, it is proudly Jewish). It, too, celebrates capitalism. There are no demonstrations in Israel against McDonald's. On the contrary, even before McDonald's opened there, Hebrew replicas like "McDavid's" were established.
And Israel, like America, celebrates its national identity, not the "world" identity that the left affirms. The left loathes nationalism unless it is anti-Western, like Palestinian or Cuban. America does not jump to attention when world treaties are signed and Israel is the U.N.'s pariah, rendering America and Israel the left's "axis of evil," far more reviled than Iran, Iraq and North Korea.
The question, "Why does the left support the Palestinians?" is an extremely important one. At this time in history nothing so illustrates the left's nihilism as does its support of the Palestinians against Israel.
Comments (4 of 4)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4The article by Denis Praeger is the first that I've seen addressing an obvious question - why does the left loathe Israel and support the Palestinians, independent of characteristics of each? Boston's major newspaper, "The Boston Globe", makes an amusing pretense of objectivity in reporting Middle Eastern news. The reporting typically takes the microscopically critical view of Israel's actions and intents. The Palestinian view is reported uncritically with little reference to the continuing discrepancy between words and deeds so well known in the Arab world. I've previously felt commonality with many of the causes of the left, and have to believe that many like me are silently allowing the truth to be overlooked. I've had enough and will speak up - are you there with me?
How many Israelis were killed by Palestinians in the last year?
How many Palestinians were killed by Israelis in the last year?
I keep forgetting, which side is it that imposes curfews on the other?
Its just slipped my mind, and I'm sure I'll remember in a minute, but is it the Palestinians that go into Israeli areas, bulldoze villages, and build their own settlements?
Who was it that lived there in 1935?
I'm sure that once I refresh my memory a little I'll be able to answer your questions.
(But seriously, I do not support Arafat, or the Palestinian authority, and I think a secular 'state' that includes both communities is the optimum solution. The Israeli government is at least as intransigent as the Palestinian Authority and much more powerful, and so is the proper target for our protests.)
As a socialist, I fully support the right of the Palestinian people to have their own state. To put right the great injustice they suffered in 1984, when .75 million Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed from their own country. This crime was accompanied by murder, looting and rape.
The Zionists are clearly not interested in even a compromise solution which would involve a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza. Instead they continue with repression of the Palestinian people and with the policy of "settlements" which are illegal under international law. The Palestinian people have right on their side, but the Zionists have billions in military aid from the U.S.
because it is the right thing to do.
You are prolly an american so i can understand why you are ignorant,but i do suggest you start reading some historybooks about this thing.
And if you still have to wonder....?
Well,then i trully feel sorry for you,because then you are a pretty stupid person.
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