Americans butcher Iraqi kids. Gunshots to the head
Report of cold blooded murder of kids by American soldiers
This reports questions whether the Iraqi War has entered what is called the "My Lai" phase of the war which refers of course to earlier atrocities by American soldiers working for imperialism back in the Vietnam war.
In this report it becomes quite clear that in yet another one of those so called operations when the Americans were looking for the elusive Al Qaida which of course don't really exist, since they are something that is conjured up when the US feels like it and any terrorism acts caused by them were no doubt stooges controlled by the US intelligence service anyhow; but this report details the cold blooded murder of eleven members of an Iraqi family. And why do we know this? Because the bodies were rounded up and put in a room and all had bullet wounds in the head.
Here's some extracts from the report:
March 15 was another defining moment in America’s downward moral-spiral in Iraq. Eleven members of an Iraqi family were killed in a wanton act of slaughter executed by the American occupiers. Photos taken at the scene show the lifeless bodies of young children, barely old enough to walk, lying motionless in the back of a flatbed truck while their fathers moan inconsolably at their side.
What parent can look at these photographs and not be consumed with rage?
The US military openly admits it attacked the house in Ishaqi where the incident took place. Reuters reports that, “Major Ali Ahmed of the Ishaqi police said US forces landed on the roof of the house in the early hours and shot the 11 occupants, including five children.”
“After they left the house they blew it up”, he said. “The bodies, their hands bound, had been dumped in one room before the house was destroyed,” (policeman) Hussein said. Police had found spent American issue cartridges in the rubble.” (Reuters)
The autopsy report at the Tikrit hospital said, “All the victims had gunshot wounds to the head”.
And the report goes on to say:
"The evidence provided by Reuters suggests that we have entered the “My Lai phase” of the Iraq war, where the pretensions about democracy and liberation are stripped-away and replaced with the gratuitous butchery of women and children. The carnage in Ishaqi illustrates the growing recklessness and desperation of Washington’s failed crusade."
And here's the real sickening part. The total disregard and nausating lies from the military:
Military spokesman Major Tim O’ Keefe justified the attack saying they were searching for “a foreign fighter facilitator” for Al Qaida in Iraq. He added, “Troops were engaged by enemy fire as they approached the building. Coalition Forces returned fire utilizing both air and ground assets….Two women and one child were killed. The building was destroyed.”
Of course there is nothing really too unique about this report or incident, because it has happened many times over the last 3 years and presumably many times in other wars, but I would guess that to even witness one such incident is way more than enough to deal with in even one lifetime.
Full report at link below: