US soldiers speaking tour of Ireland
national |
anti-war / imperialism |
press release
Sunday February 26, 2006 19:08 by Irish Anti War Movement - Irish Anti War Movement
Stop the US war and torture machine
The Irish Anti-War Movement is pleased to announce a national speaking tour of 18 meetings by two US soldiers - Frank Corcoran (Vietnam Veterans Against War) and Benjamin Hart Viges (Iraq Veterans Against the War). They will address meetings in most major cities and towns as well as every major university in Ireland.
Press release 26.02.06
Irish Anti-War Movement (01) 872 7912 [email protected]
US soldiers speaking tour of Ireland:
Stop the US war & torture machine tour
The Irish Anti-War Movement is pleased to announce a national speaking tour of 18 meetings by two US soldiers - Frank Corcoran (Vietnam Veterans Against War) and Benjamin Hart Viges (Iraq Veterans Against the War). They will address meetings in most major cities and towns as well as every major university in Ireland.
Benjamin Hart Viges said, "I am a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace. I was with the 82nd Airborne Division as a Mortarman when my unit was deployed to Iraq in Febuary 2003."
"I joined up the day after September the 11th 2001. I saw action in Fallujah and Baghdad. My mortar platoon dropped numerous rounds on the town of Samawa during the start of the invasion. I don't know how many innocents I killed with my mortar rounds."
"I was so disgusted by the war that after we came home in January 2004, I filed for Conscientious Objector status and received CO status in December 2004. I'm a Christian, what was I doing holding a gun to another human being?"
Frank Corcoran served with the Marines in 1968 in Vietnam. He said, "I have been a member of Philadelphia Veterans For Peace since 1990, I have also been active in the School of Americas Watch campaign for 10-12 years. I am a cancer victim because of exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. I am an elementary school teacher for the past 20 years. I'm a Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) board member and a volunteer staff member for IVAW for the past year and a half."
"I wasn't long in Vietnam before my two best friends were killed. It was a long time before I could talk about what happened to me in Vietnam. But now I want to tell his story has much as I can."
"In 2000 I travelled to Iraq to help repair a water treatment plant destroyed by US bombing. I regularly speak at schools to help convince American children
not to join the army when they are older."
This national tour is part of the build-up to the international peace protest on March 18th 2006. On that day every capital city on the planet will hold a demonstration against the US led war and occupation of Iraq. In Ireland the anti-war movement will also be calling for an end to CIA torture flights through our airspace and an end to the use of Shannon Airport by the US Military. This year alone over 300,000 US troops have passed through Shannon Airport. The March 18 demonstration in Ireland will take place at 2pm from Parnell Square, Dublin.
For interviews with our guest speakers please contact Donal Mac Fhearraigh at 0876838746
Tour dates:
Monday February 27
8.30pm Monday 27th February, Imperial Hotel, Dundalk
Contact: Dave McGaughan 0871215344 for more information
Tuesday Feb 28
1pm Room 4050 Arts Block Trinity College Dublin
Contact Tommy Williams 0876890086 for more information
7.30pm Tuesday 28th February, Genoa Cafe, Costume Place, Athlone
Contact Dave McKay 0872034150 for more information
Wednesday 1st March
1pm Theatre E Science Block University College Dublin
Contact Alan Byrne 0877750238 for more information
7pm ATGWU Hall 35-37 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1
Contact Donal Mac Fhearraigh 0876838746 for more information
Thursday 2nd March
1pm Thursday 2nd March, Room 211 Peter Froggatt Centre Queens University
Contact Sean Mitchell +44 771 7123462 for more information
7pm Thursday 2nd March, Transport House, High Street, Belfast
Contact Sean Mitchell +44 771 7123462 for more information
Friday 3rd March
5pm Friday 3nd March, Badgers Bar, Orchard St, Derry
Contact Goretti Horgan +44 797 3528772 for more information
Saturday 4th March
Sligo - Contact Cllr Declan Bree 071-9145490 for information
7pm speaking at Marxism 2006 conference, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin
"Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran: Resisting the American Empire". Other speakers include: Sami Ramadami (Iraqi Democrats against Occupation), Roudabeh Shafie (Action Iran) and Richard Boyd Barrett (Irish Anti-War Movement)
Monday 6th March
6pm Limerick City, venue tbc
Contact Mala O'Donohue 0877997506 for more information
Tuesday 7th March
6pm National University of Ireland Galway
Contact Kiran Emlich 0868443695 for more information
8.15pm Tuesday 7th March, Menlow Park Hotel, Galway
Contact Niall Farrell 0879159787 for more information
Wednesday 8th March
1pm University College Cork
Contact Gavin Ryan 0871305878 for more information
8pm Wednesday 8th March, An Spailpin Fanach, South Main Street, Cork
Contact Joe Moore 0872994796 for more information
Thursday 9th March
8pm Thursday 9th March, Grand Hotel, Tralee
Contact Kieran McNulty 0876716009 for more information
Friday 10th March
8pm Friday 10th March, The Granville Hotel, Waterford
Contact Deccy Cheasty 051852047 for more information
Saturday 11th March
Screening of film 'Hearts and Minds' about the Vietnam war, introduced by Frank Corcoran, 12 noon Dublin in the Irish Film Centre, Eustace St, Dublin 2
Contact Jim Roche 0876472737 for more information