Labour Youth are to protest outside Dunnes Stores, North Earl Street,
Dublin 1, at 6pm this evening, Wednesday February 15, against the sacking
of company employee Joanne Delaney for wearing her union pin on her
uniform. A growing number of protests are now taking place in support of
Joanne Delaney across Ireland.
Speaking ahead of the protest Labour Youth Chairperson, Graham O'Maonaigh,
commented, "Joanne Delaney was sacked by Dunnes in November 2005 for
wearing her union pin on her uniform, despite the fact that there is no
reference made to union badges in the company policy.
"With more than four years service in the Ashleaf store in Crumlin on the
south side of Dublin, the 22 year-old Mandate shop steward received a
letter on the 29th of November 2005 informing her that she had been
dismissed by the company.
"Labour Youth is calling for the immediate reinstatement of Joanne Delaney
to her position in the Ashleaf, Crumlin branch of Dunnes Stores.
“While the management in Dunnes may have thought that this issue would fade
away it is now clear that the campaign in support of Joanne is growing
fast. Protests are now planned from Cork to Belfast in support of Joanne,
while motions have been tabled in both the House of Commons and the
Scottish Parliament demanding her reinstatement. Dunnes Stores must
immediately act now to respect the basic rights of its workers”