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The Sunday Papers "Mozart Edition"
international |
eu |
Sunday January 08, 2006 18:27 by Iosaf mac D .:. "the ipsiphi" barcelona

{in which Austria EU, Russia g8, Sharon's death & 2006 Preview are treated upon}
It has been long observed that people for some reason on their non-banking days readily absorb shite about Dangerous Places, Famous People, Sensible Saving Options, Holidays, Interesting facts, Sport results, Media, gardening and health as well looking ahead at “democratic evolution” and looking back at "how history was made" and reminding all of the old enemy "Authoritarianism". I am finally about to explain to all of you "believer or not" why the election of Ratzinger as "black pope" was so terribly important to us.
 "hipatia" or "hypatia" martyred for Reason .:. & Enlightenment by the Cult of X. First off, a sincere Happy New Year to all readers of Indymedia in general, Indymedia Ireland or "Saormheain Eireann" as we have now decided to call ourselves in the Irish Language. For those who haven't read the "Sunday Papers" before, this is a regular opinion piece which includes many comments (generally but not always my own), in which I, an Irish contributor to the IMC network in Barcelona attempt { often indulging a certain intellectual propensity for jokes and cryptic clues"} either a preview or a review of issues of "macro-importance" to my peers in cyber-activism. & on ocassions I have also used these articles to "leak" and "spin" info of importance and then again, also stuff which might seem ludicrous at the time.
The "sunday papers" of 2005 (and before) published on IMC Eire are available to peruse at this link
& of course one edition which escapes that search "The Workers Papers" of may 1.
& one item i consider part of the "cryptology series" : The Battle of Trafalgar.
& naturally the review of Elections in 2005
Enough Explanations Let's do the first Sunday Papers of 2006 -
In no particular order :-
1/1/2006 Austria assumed the presidency of the €U. Chancellor Schlussel now is the "Leader" of over 480,000,000 €uropean citizens, as well as his own little mountain nation. As well as facing opposition in Europe he will naturally also worry about his opposition at home. & they are generally termed "far right". It is not unthinkable that within 6 months the "far right" will influence European policy making in fact it for the first time it is perfectly reasonable to say "The Extreme Right have returned to Power".
The presidency of this particular state and for vital reasons. For eurocrats these are generally reduced to 5 areas - budget, enlargement, security, environment, infrastructure. For us on the left and progressive wings of politics and culture, they are generally seen as :- Labour issues (& particularly migrant labour and precarity),
Ecology, Racism, Democratic Evolution, War, Social Integrity and most importantly Fair Relations with the former imperial posessions of the €U whether they be "on teh continental mass" of Europe or beyond in the "3rd world". You can see how the BBC scored the UK presidency here :- and thus get an idea of what faces the Austrians.
The Austrian EU presidency has already chosen a logo for the year which may be seen here :-
It did not meet without an appropriate pan-european response. A response which also saw a controversial Art project comissioned by the Austrian state to mark its various anniversaries of 2005, those of "independence", "peace" and what is yet seen as a dubious "denazification". The project named "25 peaces" provoked such extreme reactions towards the end, that the very site of the project and artists related to it were subject to cyber attack over the New Year period. If you go to this link you'll see some of the "25Peaces" including one billboard image of The 12 stars of Europe with clockwise top to bottom in place of stars -
a Swastika, christian Cross, Mercedes logo, Sickle and Hammer, €uro symbol, NATO, Anarchy, Shell Oil PLC, radiation symbol, Star of David, Islamic Crescent Moon, CND sign and of course back to the Swastika at 00h00.
scroll through that link and see most of them, including one project which saw the square where Hitler declared the annexation of Austria turned into a public vegetable plot. With 60 plots bought by local business interests. (As an explanatory note to the polemic, the NAZIs were the first political party to advocate the planting of public vegetable plots. It was considered a "good idea" and during the 1930s their planting of vegetables on roundabouts and other abandoned plots of land drew admiration all over the continent. I'd like to also remind you that no amount of "good ideas" on their part may hide what they did. We call it "the holocaust". They confiscated the property of many millions of people, stripped them of their citizenship, and educational qualifications, restricted their rights to marry and then sent many millions of them to concentration camps where they worked in slavery and were subject to experimentation.
Thus it is noteworthy that only on the 29th of December 2005, 60 years later, when most victims of the Holocaust are dead, The Austrian state announced it would settle 19,000 oustanding cases relating to compensation.
One of Austria's famous politicians Jorg Haider appeared in Austrian news for the transfer of EU power.
The Standard offered the opinion that Haider at the heart of Austria is now at the heart of Europe, and may behave like "an elephant in a china shop".
Indeed after the collapse of the EU constitution due to the now obvious discontent at the abandoned "europe of social equals" in favour of "a €urope of Capital", enlargement issues form a serious part of the 2006 agenda for Austria.
The woman to watch is indeed an Austrian by the name of Ferrero-Waldner (just like the sweeties) she's €U comissioner for external relations and mopping up of enlargement issues and of course balancing Austria's western neighbour prejudice with its eastern neighbour prejudice. & we can not underestimate the depth of that prejudice.
Austria's neighbours are thus worth a mention.
Slovakia -
The Slovakian Government has made an agreement with the Vatican under Ratzinger to adjust its Abortion and Fertility laws, the move seen as an undermining of the Slovakian Feminist lobby, is yet another proof of the "New €uropean Authoritarianism".
& of course none could forget the New Year's show of might by Russia when it cut the Gas supply agreed in 2002 to the EU via the Ukraine and Bylerussia.
Slovakia - The Slovakian Government has made an agreement with the Vatican under Ratzinger to adjust its Abortion and Fertility laws, the move seen as an undermining of the Slovakian Feminist lobby, is yet another proof of the "New €uropean Authoritarianism".
For more views from established commercial press on the challenges facing Austria from a very powerful and influential neighbouring state's perspective read :-
And naturally we must make mention of that .:. Lord of Light ·.· Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (who rumoured to have tourets) gave us Music which is eternal, though living in poverty at times of great authoritarian power which saw some of his masterwords censored. This year is his anniversary.
And a skull found many years ago, rumoured to be his will be DNA tested "just to see".
Can we wait? Maybe they'll clone him.
Last word for now, is remember Austria hands over to Finland, also a neutral state, and also one which has historical relations to Russia. This year will see the rôle of Russia and her legacy on this continent in the post WW2 as much as post Cold war age.
The Black Pope.
The average life expectancy of a working Pope is less than 7 years. In his short term as pontiff, Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger has already made symbolic statements which underscore the fear felt in many European sectors at the true extent of the Authoritarian vision nurtured by the German Speaking Pope and who his court are.
Please comrades & peers & fellow activists of the global movement, do not mistake the world vision of Ratzinger, whose life has been spent and influenced under the shadow of the Austrian Alps for "Catholic Conservatism" alone. The influence of the RC church on rightist elements throughout Europe may not be underestimated. I'd like you to consider the "house arrest" of a Spanish General this weekend for threatening to undermine the democratic process and making very veiled threat of either "overt" or "covert" action against members of the democratic community. Such nefarious wishes, draw comfort and sustenance from the authoritarian and "sexual ethics confused" RC contemporary church.
It is now apparant that we have lived the age of Ariel Sharon as it ought to have been ovbious as soon as Yasser Arafat died at the hospital of Percy France on the 11th of November 2004.
Whether or not the peace process, be it the "road map" sponsered by the US or the "barcelona doctrine" sponsered by the EU may suceed after his death is now a very real doubt. The EU proposals have already floundered at the Barcelona €U-med conference of 2005
And though belatedly agreement was made on some areas of "counter-terrorism" the resulting fudge can in now way be thought to lay a peaceful foundation for the very apparant "strife" in both Palestinian and Israeli domestic politics as they both move to elections later this year.
It really helps with the more difficult puzzles, if you use a pencil and keep empty grids, work in rough. After practise your numeric ability will improve.
Have you ever stopped to think how gullible you may be?
Its broken. We set up an indymedia climate this year, after it became obvious to our American chums that we needed one.
Dangerous Places
Iraq. the Levant. Afghanistan. Being Homeless on the Street. The Road coz the Drivers are drunk. School. If you help people feel safe - then you'll be too.
Oh go on! Here's a little plug.
"Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!
Yes Indeed, we're going to Russia - details @
The illustration for this Sunday Papers is a painting by a Victorian English artist of the martyrdom of Hipatia (or Hypatia) Look her up on Wikipedia or Google.
As usual I apologise for not using "spell check" and thus leaving errors of orthography. If you can correct them you're literate ;-) Have a good week.
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Comments (15 of 15)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15This is Mozart year. Relax, you've already heard Mozart and you're going to hear a lot more. He really is one of the greatest composers of all time. & also one who has attracted many myths, (remember the Amadeus movie). But one thing is interesting, which definitely ensures his place in our "marginalised" world, for as well as being a man who lived such a short life in so many different surroundings and under whatmust have been very difficult emotional circumstances, there is evidence to suggest he had "tourrets syndrome" and thus was - "disabled".
"Tourrette's Syndrome" and "Coprolalia" are when people curse involuntarily. A bit like this -
«Hello Mr Mozart, I am the emperor of the Austro Hungarian empire, the most powerful prince on earth, and heir to the Holy Roman Empire, I've explicitely banned dancing and naughty bits in opera»
«Your majesty F"/$Ker, I apologise for C"#@
adding the dancing *¨"! bits but they belonged to the shitting story»
Which makes his genius all the more admirable ¿no?
OK latest news on the skull is that it might not be W.A. Mozart's after all. Taken with the near complete exposure of recent "cloning advances" as fake, this means we are safe for the moment from the "return of Mozart's DNA" (with tourrettes or not) offered for sale at only 5cents a serving over the internet.
& the Austrian's have issued joint "hopes" for the €U which they will share with Finland's presidency for the second half of the year.
They're going to be very "intensive", and define the "border" (out Russia way) do their best not to get the blame for Turkey not getting in, and maybe, "fingers crossed" rewrite the Constitution.
And also courtesy of the BBC, a brief review of Austrian press this morning highlighting the threat in that country of the far right's influence on €U affairs:-
["The recent Russian-Ukrainian gas row was perhaps only a "foretaste of the kind of problems the Austrian EU presidency may face in the eastern European neighbourhood this spring" The paper singles out the case of Belarus, where it says President Alyaksandr Lukashenka will do everything to achieve a "triumphant result" in elections scheduled for 19 March. It wonders what the EU will do if the opposition calls for mass protests over electoral fraud, and if this is followed by "bloodshed in Belarusian cities".
"The EU has only two months to overcome its helplessness with regard to Belarus," it warns."]
Die Presse -
["A petition for a referendum on EU issues launched by the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) threatens to undermine the country's EU presidency, notes "Der Standard". The FPOe leader demanded that Vienna use its EU presidency to carry out a "turnaround in European policy" away from integration and harmonization.The paper believes the petition - presented under the slogan "Remain free, Austria!" - could become the most successful initiative of its kind in recent Austrian history. The petition means "nothing but trouble" for Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel because substantial support for it could be interpreted as a criticism of the chancellor's handling of the EU presidency, it says. "This would not just damage his - and Austria's - international reputation, it would also seriously damage the chancellor ahead of the autumn elections which will be decisive for him." ]
In Romania, the BBC monitoring and translation service (hi! Bush House!) see ["a glint of optimism about Austria's stewardship. A commentary in Adevarul says the Austria's presidency of the EU was "awaited with fear by Romania's political leaders"..."scepticism regarding the timing of our accession". But the paper says that Vienna "no longer seems so hostile to us"..."the tone and content of the statements have changed by 180 degrees". ]
"The Austrian birthplace of Adolf Hitler is fighting to contain an outcry over pictures that apparently show local football fans on thier website making Nazi salutes".
((( If I was more naïve I'd reckon that Aunty Beeb was as anti-Austrian as I was )))
sees Mark Mardell the director of BBC Europe compare the slimey Irish with the unrepentant Nazi Austrians. Mark points out that under Bertie you got more freebies, gifts and delicacies to convince everyone in the Media (who deigned attend such gigs) that an expanded 25 state Europe was worthwhile.
I never got a freebie off the Irish, would have loved the hope of free school books or dinners, but as "diaries" of prominent (but not well known) Euro-media heads goes, its a good one.
First off for you culture types, the British Library have froim yesterday launched a database of Mozart's own diary which he wrote as a catalogue between February 1784 and his death in December 1791. In total it contains details of 145 of the composer's works with 75 audio files linked.
this is part of the British Library's attempt called "the British Library's Turning the Pages collection" to open up a little on the internet and let readers view facsimile copies online of works including The Luttrell Psalter, The Lindisfarne Gospels and Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground
Now we have all noticed that the man in the picture today has been released from prison in his native Turkey. His name is Mehmet Ali Agca, and the news that he was tobe released was made in the last week to some consternation and shock in both the "west" and "east".
For Ali Agca is also known as the killer in 1979 of the editor-in-chief of the Turkish "Milliyet" newspaper, Abdi Ipekci.
the BBC have translated some local reaction to the release from that specific viewpoint
Now what has this to do with the Austrian presidency, Mozart or black popes I hear the indymedia regular ask...
Well, Ali Agca never explained why he shot the pope. & lets be honest its the sort of thing you'd expect an explanation for. We do know that spooky entities such as the Bulgarian communist era secret services, the KGB and a group of islamist extremists known as the "grey wolves" had a look in during Ali Agca's training. The "grey wolves" were and indeed are still found in the southern area of Turkey on the border of Syria. & before Bush came along, they were amongst the most worrysome "terrorists" still happy to carry out contracts and play the geo-strategic game for the cold war powers.
Indeed one could also trace connections to the infamous "Jackal" as well and now it does get interesting...
Former SS officer and currently number 1 (or 2) on the list of most wanted Nazis is one "Alois Brunner - born in Rohrbrunn,
Austria 1912" who at the time of the presumed "planning" of the papal assasination was living in Damascus Syria at the Hotel Meridien. He had been engaged in 1956 by the Syrian government as an "advisor". He's very easy to spot, as the Mossad sent him a letter bomb and took an eye out of his head. He is either "number 1" or "number 2" becuase he might have died in 1996, and certainly he has been sentanced to death "in absentia" by France since 2001. He is "number 1" because this Austrian remained in a position of covert power all the way through to "today".
For their part the Vatican has said very little about the release of Ali Agca. The last pope forgave him and met with him a lot. & for the most part catholics forgot about him. Until this year when in the lead-up to the Papal elections (which Ratzinger won) Ali Agca again called for the "full publication of the last secret of Fatima".
Which ratzinger had already done...
as he was released Ali Agca brandished a copy of "TIME" and posed a question.
last friday an important agreement was made under the EU presidency of Austria which merits comment. Croatia signed protocols on Europol and co-operation with the EU on all security matters. Austria is the prinicple sponser of the EU candidate hopes of Croatia. The Austrians say the little mountain country which as every classicist knows saw the division of the Roman empire after more than 800 years expansion in two parts (western with capital at Rome and what would become the roman alphabet we use on qwerty) and the eastern (with capital built by Constantine the emperor at constantinople, later called Bzyantium currently Istanbul, using what we now call the cyrillic alphabet) deserves EU membership.
Because its - poor, had an awful past, has no infrastructure, is evolving a democracy, and has lots of valuable property up for grabs.
Interestingly Austria also campaigns against Turkish membership becuase - its poor, had an awful past, has no infrastructure and has lots of valuable property up for grabs.
makes you think?
Malta imports its chickens from Croatia, and thanks to the (the birds will rebel and kill us flu thing) the Maltese have just banned import of Croat chickens. But Croatia is more than chickens. Its a country whose world war regime was amongst the most fascist in occupied Europe, and indeed one can trace much of the post war nazi crew through their associations with Croatia. They set up a corridor of escape using the balearic islands which saw many key members of the Austrian, German and Croat war criminals escape to South America where they mostly settled in either Argentina or Brazil. I'll tell you more another time, but for the moment the Croat and their sponsers Austrian attitude to mroe recent war criminals is of more importance.
In the final months of 2005 a wanted -croat war criminal of the Balkans war, gotovina was arrested in the canary islands (spain) and is currently facing the tribunal in the Hague. He has a lot of support in his native croatia where for some he is a hero, rather than criminal. most significantly though the largest solidarity demonstration seen in 2005 for that french special forces trained general was in vienna Austria.
Croatia returned the gesture, and on the 11th of this month applied for the extradition of a Serbian war criminal from Australia. Australia is yet to properly respond to the warrent.
Of course concerns about war crimes and justice arent exactly at the heart of the Austrian EU presidency, or else they would have properly investigated their own criminals and association with Croatia in particular over the last 60 years. But in todays euroipe, pro-austrians of which there are many dont want to think badck that far, coz its not relevant to them anymore. I disagree. I think the true test of the EU is in fact that 60 years later justice might be done to all Europeans.
On the other topic in the Sunday Papers, Sharon is most definitely for purposes of comment, dead. Yet the excellence of his doctors has cheated the obituary writers of their day. Yesterday saw a syndication by the german paper Zeit in translation of an article by the German foreign minster Fischer under Schroeder. It was as close to an obituary as the soldier in a coma will get, and it tellingly saw German soft power acknowledged in the same time frame of Angela Merckel meeting Bush. An EU leader obit for Sharon written by a german syndicated as far as New York and Washington has a certain resonance, and I thus bring your attention to one phrase he used (Sharon led as a soldier the post 60s territorial expansion of the Israeli state). The tone was pragmatic acceptance of that expansion as now legitimised by defacto existence... This EU presidency of Austria has called on Germany three distinct times now since January 1. Indeed, the Austrians have happily used their northern cousins to articulate attitudes more than Irelands presidency did use the British. The first occasion was during the gas crises when it was the Germans following austrian appeals shouted at putin. anyway, as I said before these 2006 EU presidencies of both Austria and Finland will show us the true nature of Europes territorial expansion and the end of the cold war. They tell us as much about Russia and her place and legacy in our common culture, as they do about German expansion in all of the 20th century and the legacy thereof...
and Mozarts ghost had an easy weekend, I kept him company by playing his piano sonatas. LOL
and thats how the story ends.............
Mozart let a fart and Louis Quatorze shat in his drawers. There's high culshur for you!
I hope readers are beginning to realise that the end of WW2 in Europe was very very messy and left unfinished business right up till today. & that some readers are beginning to "dot the dots" and see that one of the ongoing conflicts of greatest interest to Europeans (the Israeli / Palestinian) has in fact an awful lot to do with how WW2 ended and the lack of proper legal redress and compensation offered to the victims of the nazi regimes, in fact one might argue (as I may be doing) that the conflict in the Levant today finds it proper roots in the inability of Post War Europe to return stolen property.
Today a family who saw much of their property confiscated by the nazis in Austria, saw their claim for redress finally meet with a positive reaction from the Austrian court of arbitration, but only after they had fought their case in the US supreme court.
They had chosen to leave their native Europe to take up residence in the USA after the war. The family's name is Altmann and you might have already seen a very famous picture of their aunt Adele Bloch-Bauer (today's illustration) The altman family have already benefited from the US class actions taken by the consortium of Swiss Banks on Holocaust compensation
A process which took almost 60 years, and has seen indicted or accused the following states - Germany, Austria, Russia (for USSR) the USA (who pocketed quite a lot of missing gold) the Vatican (who through the franciscans organised the transfer of that missing gold) Croatia (for WW2 occupied yugoslavia) &c..,
And thats how the story ends....
well of course it doesn't. Austria has today outlined a plan for a €U tax, applicable in all 25 states and its favoured new candidates : Croatia, and the bird producing Romania and Bulgaria. No-one is particularly interested in this piece of news, and so far only Bloomberg and Ireland's RTE have thought to report it.
& thats how the story ends ....
a very beautiful woman, of course the Scream is still missing...
Austria as president of the €U has warned Serbia that their hopes of accesion to the union are to be dashed should they not make immediate reparations in a more apologetic sort of way for the nasty war they had all the way back in the 1990s with the poor Croats.
For starters Serbia has to hand over the genocidal fugitive Ratko Mladic.
If you goto the BBC
you'll get a picture of Ratko. Remember his face. Check the DART and LUAS or if in outlying or provincial areas of the republic, the bus service. If you find him to be a fellow commuter, shop him. That means grass him up substantially.
Of course if we don't deal with this now, he will look different in 40 years and it won't be as easy to spot him. Which would be an unprecendented failure of European justice which Austria does not wish have either on its collective conscience or EU presidency CV.
The world just found out that ali Agca is going back to prison. He's presently in police custody in Ankara. He's going back to jail not for trying to kill the pope, thats old hat, but rather for killing the editor of the Turkish "Milliyet" newspaper, Abdi Ipekci. Which he did before he tried to kill the pope and I told you about it in the article and comments above. Which is by the way our current "Sunday Papers" of reference. Coz there hasn't been another since. I'll keep ye in suspense yet. Here's the BBC link coz the BBC are my pals.
Oh well. I hope he collected 200£.
you mostly don't know this, but in Turkey people write the values of their money using the "£" symbol. Just as they used do in Italy before all the money they used (which was mostly laundered or fake) was turned into Euros. Which for our Ulster readership uses this symbol "€".
and thats not how the story was going to end...
Its past time I reminded certain sectors of the readership and horizontal community of the Bulgarian input into the training of Mehmet Ali Agca and the concurrent events in "world religious murky affairs" at the time of the attempted assasination. Its got a lot to do with gold, and a bunch of people called P2 in the commercial press others generally called the CIA and yet more called the Mafia. I really am a know-it-all. In 1982 on the 18th of June (J18) just after the last pope almost got killed a banker by the name of Roberto Calvi a 62-year-old was hanged by the neck from Blackfriars bridge. He had left Italy skipping bail (for corruption) on the 11th of that June a week earlier. There were certain other symbolic details leaked by the aghast coroner's office to the media the more scandalous of whom dubbed it a "masonic ritual killing". Certainly when a verdict of "suicide" was returned on the 23rd day of July, the press learned that he had bricks in his pockets and a sum approximating to 14,000$ in three different currencies. He was then the head of the Banco Ambrosiano in Milan, Italy's largest private bank of the period, and had been thought to earn the nickname "God's banker" for doing lots and I mean lots of business for and with the Vatican. He had got very rich very quickly, and many suspected on money which was not technically either his bank's or clients'.
Last year his girlfriend of the time an Austrian.
{see how it all comes together?} Manuela Kleinzig
Flavio Carboni a Sardinian businessman who travelled to London with Calvi, and one Ernesto Diotallevi who's termed "a character of the underworld" - were all charged in connection with Calvi's murder in April 2005 and their trial started in October. Now i'm not going to dot the dots for you, and yes, I've left a "cliffhanger" coz no I didn't explain the Bulgarian connection to Ali Agca. & yes I went off on what appears to be a tangent-
Thats how the story gathers pace...
The Austrian government has yet to pass official comment on the Klimt paintings (sure it didn't happen) but a 50 year old man has been arrested for threatening to destroy the 5 paintings should they be taken out of Austria. As a result the Vienese gallery which displays them has remoed them from public view and they are now in storage.
Meanwhile the Russian bear really is awakening to our eastern frontier which for Europhiles, is just west of the Urals where our former Pan-continental leaders wanted it to be. The Russians have alledgedly cut off Georgia's gas supply leaving that state's pensioners (many of whom boast the longest average life expectancy in the world) freezing this winter. Putin of course has requested that the G8 2006 be about "energy security" so he's obviously bringing us through it all step-by-step. A report has suggested (shock horror) that the €U is ignoring its stringent human rights standards in its trade promotion with Russia and others. Lordy Lordy. Let the public know! There will be an outcry!
So, its a bit funny to learn that Russia has accused the british of spying on them. Tales are being told of Irish republican looking types wondering around the back streets of Moscow with Ukranian legal secretary types in hired limousines or was it men with plummy accents in fake trees? the world of modern espionage is so murky.
Certainly its clear that the invitation to Reclaim the Commons! which I mentioned in the article above has to be considered carefully. No Fathers for Justice or Ogra antics will be allowed in Russia this summer, as the authorities there have started to pass a raft of measures aimed at limiting the rights and influence of "NGO" entities which Putin claims are part and parcel of the "agent provocateur foreign meddling".
And another wonderful initiative by the well paid boys and girls of Brussels has been announced-
Cleaning up our bathing water. As many of us know, northern Europeans have jumped on a property purchasing bandwagon in the last years, and bought up the coastlines of the poorer states of the union, (just as God intented) imagine their annoyance to learn that the beaches are dirty.
I'd ask you to read (re-read) this little article
which is a bit of an exagerated way of saying they are on a fast, we dont term these things hunger strikes till after 21 days.
Austria called a meeting at Salzburg (Mozart's birthplace) of the "elite" of Eurocrats to ponder what to do about the constitution.
It really showed them to be what they are-
an oligarchy who have proceeded from neo-liberal capitalism
in the post war Europe. This is true regardless of their "electioneering" politics. They really have fulfilled the old alledged FF epithet on how to treat the people & voters / non voters-
"keep 'em in the dark & feed 'em shit like mushrooms".
You can peruse some of these "leaders" thoughts on the EU constitution here-
I was one of those who fought against the adoption of the constitution. And one of those reasons which might appear glib, but is worth repeating was because "I am European".
I remind all of this now because Josep Borell, a Catalan, a Spaniard and currently president of the European Union Parliament in answer to the question "what is a European" at that conference in Salzburg could only offer this reply :- "I was born under France, I am a Catalan, a Spaniard and a European".
Well, I was born under De Valera, in Dublin during the troubles, studied french and german, latin and music, perhaps I remember more german thanks to Mozart than miss Robert's classes or the Goethe institute. I have worked and been "jobless" in the UK, France, Nederlands, Italy and Spain taking the trouble all along the way to either pay exorbitant rent or squat, learn the local languages and customs, pay tax but avoid being granted pensions rights, and have never ever been given a free smoked salmon canapé for the trouble.
I am a migrant. an integrant. a product of the European Union that doesn't even bother to ask me for my opinion or consult me beyond polls about its decision making or the extent of its powers.
If I had stayed all my life in Dublin and devoted my life to studying "european law" at university and paying the mortgage on a suburban home - I too could be a Eurocrat.
But I didn't. I became a European instead.
Just like those happy polish people who do the shit jobs.
Yet no-one calls us Europeans. Why is that?
electricity is a natural phenomona.
we are all created equally and hold that truth to be self-evident.
fly a kite!
don't eat a goose stuffed with ice.
doth thou love life? then do not squander time.
Let us put Russian gas, Bylerus, Iranian cartoons and nukes, Unpaid Palestinian workers for a Hamas state, Sharon in the big sleep, 1916 commemorations, first minister Paisley, the Garda representatives and their good pals the Nurses, Harney & Mc Dowell, the end of the Catalan generalitat tripartite, Blair's lies of late, the deVillepin -whatever-it -is, Angela Merckel or Madonna the cabalist, the nasty Serbs or the nasty Croats, the flooded Bulgarians, the IKEA furniture &c..,
out of our minds
South America is very big.
& so too is the European Union.
The main giver of aid to the South American and Central American states is the EU.
The main "first world" destination of most South American and Central American legal migrants is the EU. (We have only closed our border with Africa.)
The only state which sells (in dollar terms) more of its products to anyone outside of the EU, (meaning the USA for those of you slow on economics at the moment) is Venezuela.
The only states we have as the "EU" full and really complicated agreements on all sorts of thing ranging from bird flu to what paper the kids get their free lunch printed on, are :-
Mexico & Chile.
(Mexico is led by Sub. Commandant Marcus of the EZLN who wears a balaclava and went on TV yesterday and told us all ( I'm translating it for you ) that Mexico is fucked and elections are not going to sort it out. Chile is led by twice divorced, mother of three children, pre-Nobel prize winner, remembers Pinochet, agnostic, lefty with the capitalist jargon, President Bachelet.)
Austria :- we have covered. You'll all been there of course (either as good EU citizens or Ryanair tourists) , and know how to find jobs, accomodation, a good time, social welfare, and a dentist in an emergency. You're Europeans. You think and talk for the continent. & thats why you should pay attention to what South Americans are like, because they just might be as cohesive as you are.
out of your mind. listen to Mozart. history is not made in a 47 state "leader conference" in Vienna. Its made by you. & I'll tell you about it in a Sunday Papers special this Sunday.
I now want you copy the idea of this comment, explore it, touch the screen, & get it around the global cybernet in commercial mass media form, (including newscaster attitude and cartoons, but excluding stencils) within the next 80 hours................I / you / we .................wish..........................BASTA!