Ferries' deal falls short
The Vice President of Republican Sinn Fein Des Dalton states that the Irish Ferries' deal lets the company off the hook by failing to address the re-flagging of ships.
Ferries’ deal does not address real causes of dispute
Statement by Republican Sinn Fein Vice President Des Dalton
Once again the leadership of the Trade Union Movement have taken their eye off the ball. Despite the fact that ‘re-flagging’ was the central issue at the core of the entire Irish Ferries dispute they have negotiated a settlement to the dispute, which leaves the company the freedom to use this loophole to escape their responsibilities to their employees under 26-County labour and employment laws.
The editorial of our paper SAOIRSE pointed this out in its December issue (published on December 7): “The trade union leadership must close off the “re-flagging” loophole, and this must be made the cornerstone of any settlement of the dispute…. By making this issue a central plank in any settlement and securing its abolition the trade union leadership will strengthen their position, making it much easier to confront the company on the main issues of wages and working conditions leaving them with no back door by which they can escape their responsibilities to their employees.”
Under the present deal the unions have let the company off the hook and turned a position of strength into one of weakness. The dispute showed there was plenty of goodwill among the public for the workers and unions in general, the national day of action showed the ability of working men and women to mobilise in defence of their rights. However once again they have been let down by a weak and shortsighted leadership.
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But, would your efforts be better, if they were directed towards the growth of Irish Republicanism and the englargement of republican Sinn Féin.
Without which there will be no Irish Republicianism
And how will RSF grow if it is not organically invoved in working class struggle?
"The Cause of Labour Is the Cause of Ireland and the Cause Of Ireland is the Cause of Labour."
James Connolly
Im all on for seeing RSF grow. As the most oppressed political party on the Island, it behoves all republicans to do their bit to keep the movement alive. No surrender to the free state brit licking D4 neo cons and their special branch stasi.
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