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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35You will find Israeli products to be of excellent quality.
Not only will you find the quality of the product excellent, but the profits from the sale will help Zionists steal more Palestinian lands and murder more of the Palestinians who resist the Zionist's offenses and the Palestinians who are just in the wrong place as defined by the murderous thieving Zionist crusaders.
I guess U.S. armor is no longer good enough? We invented Kevlar and we continue to develope it. I knew outsourcing of jobs was getting rediculous, but our armor and arms are second to none.
Hell those helmets probably won't pass the first round of field testing.
why exactly?
IDF use it, and it stands very well, doesn't it?
for the poor bastard killed at qualandia last week, stabbed in the head he was
no one stabs in the head. you have skull there, its not a good place to stub.
and if you have a helmet - any helmet will do, even bicycle's - its imposible.
"IDF use it, and it stands very well, doesn't it?"
Well if your equipment is ment to stop stones thrown by boys and 30 year old 7.62X39mm rounds being fired off from 300 yards out. Probably wouldn't stop NATO 5.56 green tip or a .308.
How on Earth can the Irish Army even consider buying Israeli goods?? Are they mad? The Israeli's are the very ones who have killed baby's with their very own guns. It reminds me of the North, the way the british army used to kill.
Irish Army: WAKE UP.
Shut up, please! You are making a fool of yourself by your statement. Irish people don't want anything to do with Israel. Don't try and blackmail Irish people into financing the Israeli war machine like your Government does in the U.S because you are wasting your time.
There is no 'quality' with Israeli products. They are made of blood from the countless Palestinians that Israel has systematically slaughtered....
Sweeds still get slandered for doing business with murderous thieving Nazis durring world war 2. And they were surrounded by Nazis. I still hear about the "Dirty Sweedish pigs", the "cowards" who were surrounded by Nazis.
Ireland isn't surrounded by murderous thieving Zionists and has NO reason, other than prejudices, to trade with murderous thieving Zionist crusaders who have never stopped stealing Palestinian lands and have never hesitated to murder Palestinians who resist the Zionist's continuing offenses, or the Palestinians who are just in the "WRONG" place as defeined by the murderous thieving ZIonist crusaders.
By SOME of the responces, I couldn't refer to ALL Irish folks as "Dirty Irish Pigs" just because Ireland trades with murderous thieving Zionist crusaders. SO, if you don't want to be slandered like Sweeds still are, maybe the Irish folks who are not dirty Irish pigs should object to few dirty Irish pigs who do trade with murderous thieving Zionists.
"Irish people don't want anything to do with Israel"
So you speak for all us Irish people do you?
I couldn't agree more with you on this. It is incomprehendable why the Irish Army would buy Israeli Products. We above all should know about occupation as we have a huge chunk of our country (six counties) occupied by britain.
Be very careful with the way Israel describes Ireland as a friend. They much too often criticised us because we condemned their actions. All they want is to shore up financial support and political support for their country and to change public opinion in favour of them. They are very good at doing this in America and Australia.
does any one find it reprehensible that the Irish Defence Forces will be buying military equipment from a country who has been responsible for the killing of Irish peacekeepers. And before Noel asks yes they have, look at the case of Ptes Smallhorne and Barrett. The israeli backed militia killed them and the israeli military intelligence service helped the killer relocate to the US. Pts Billy Kedian killed by an israeli artillery barrage on his Un post
without even going into the Palestinian issue, its morally repugnant that the Irish Defence Forces use equipment made in a country that has killed its soldiers.
What Caoimhe Butterly who was shot by Israeli soldiers while protecting Palestinian Children from Israeli Gunfire while they going to School? According to the Israeli Army, they were 'breaking the curfew'.
The Israeli Defence Forces are well equipped to kill innocent Palestinians, maybe they want to pass on their skills to the Free State and their lackeys!
Irish Army also training Israeli troops
see Daily Ireland link
Crazy indeed. This must be stopped. How can we lower ourselves and our army to that level?
Perhaps you lot would prefer if the helmets were bought from the Red Chinese, who might I add kill more in a year than the israeli's have in Ten. Perhaps British or American ordanance would be a better alternative, but you don't like them because of that "whole Iraq thing"? Or mabye the good old Russians(let's not talk about Chechnya).
These helmets are tried and tested, this IS'NT supposed to be a moral decision, it's about saving Irish soildiers,period. Personally I believe we owe it to the troops, who go around the world doing the U.N. 's bidding, with over 30 dead for the privlige. Perhaps it's time you people focussed on some other "bogey" men, such as the North Korean's, or even the good old Iranians, who do more damage than Israel does. I'm not a fan of Israeli government policy, but that does'nt blind me to the fact they are not the worst out of a very bad lot.
Perhaps we can make some helmets out of hemp....
What Neo Republican is suggesting is that people should criticise accorind to the numbers that governments kill
One killed by any agressive repressive government is too many
Neo you should also be aware that a lot more than 30 soldiers have been killed in pacekeeping duties and that in Lebanon Irish soldiers have been directly killed by Israeli forces and indirectly by their puppet militias
This is part of the problem, we are buying military material from a country that not only ignores international law and brutally surpresses a civilian population but Israel has also murdered Irish UN Peacekeepers.
Look at the other threads there are at least 3 soldiers mentioned who have been killed by Israeli forces, think of Quana in Lebanon these are hideous crimes and now our government is supporting this war/military state
Martin Luther king once stated
"Injustice anywhere is a threat everywhere"
What Neo Republican is suggesting is that people should criticise accorind to the numbers that governments kill
One killed by any agressive repressive government is too many
Neo you should also be aware that a lot more than 30 soldiers have been killed in pacekeeping duties and that in Lebanon Irish soldiers have been directly killed by Israeli forces and indirectly by their puppet militias
This is part of the problem, we are buying military material from a country that not only ignores international law and brutally surpresses a civilian population but Israel has also murdered Irish UN Peacekeepers.
Look at the other threads there are at least 3 soldiers mentioned who have been killed by Israeli forces, think of Quana in Lebanon these are hideous crimes and now our government is supporting this war/military state
Martin Luther king once stated
"Injustice anywhere is a threat everywhere"
why is there nothing in the media about this? I think that links between Israel and Ireland have been growing over the past couple of years. The two recent soccer matches between the countries were used by the Israeli tourist industry to boost and 'improve' the image of Israel in Ireland.....
ireland has been a decent friend to palestine for decades, our army should not be buying helmuts from and training members of a brutal occupying army.
Spot on, idf.
"ireland has been a decent friend to palestine for decades,"
With many blokes training in the same camps with "palestinians" in Libya and Syria. Maybe the Ireland D F should get together with Hamas, they're doing a stellar job.
not very nice is it?
when someone kills your service men and escapes to the US where they get help in fighting extradition, not very nice at all?????
i see no one here realises that the helmets already in use in the df are made by the israelis and the df are only updating what they already have. it worries that i live in a country where people get fraught over pointless sh*t like this get a life and stop stressing, the men who will be wearing these helmets are serving our country, and deserve the best, which according to one poster comes from america, well buddy its time for you to wise up the isralei helmet they are buying is far superior to the current yank pasgt helmet. so folks maybe its time to cop on.......
Now people, I don't know if you understand the tender process. The Defence Forces go the Willie O'Dea, they say "we need a new helmet" and give the specs that they require this new helmet to have. Willie has this drawn into a tender and puts it out to the world. A number of companys reply to the tender and give the specs of the helmets that they will offer. These helmets are then test and retest every element of the helmet from its ballistic protection to the straps in it, to the way the inter squad radio fits under the helmet.
After this process is complete a winning helmet is selected and the government offer a contract to this producer and if they accept the contract then its all ready.
Now I will use this helmet. I dont care where it comes from or who makes it. As long as I know that it can withstand bullets and save the lives of me or the men in my section it doesnt matter.
It's a helmet made by an Isreali company, we are not after entering an allience to fund there war machine. Now Grow Up will ye
is a shite talker
no helmet stops bullets so stop pretending to be a soldier , walter mitty, helmets are designed to stop fragments and richocehts etc etc no helmet will stop a shot aimed directly at the head
If you're going to stab someone in the head, go for the temple the eyes or the nape of the neck.
This is a disgrace. The Irish government is buying (indirectly) bullets for Mossad to help kill Palestinies.
The helmets are crap BTW.
Surely all bullets are designed to kill?
Soldiers are paid to fight and kill for their country.
If you refuse to do business with an Isreali company then who? American? British? German? I could go on.
Most nations that design and manufacture military equipment on a grand scale do so because their nation has an active military and an active military means people are getting shot and killed.
If all you can question is where the equipment comes from then your missing a very large picture.
-'no helmet stops bullets so stop pretending to be a soldier , walter mitty, helmets are designed to stop fragments and richocehts etc etc no helmet will stop a shot aimed directly at the head'-
True. it wont stop a bullet coming head on. But if the bullet hits at an obtuse angle, it will deflect it. Think about it. Any protection is better than none.
Maybe you should ask one British soilder who was hit SIX TIMES by AK rounds in his helmet in Basra two years ago.apart from a mega headace and punch drunkness,he is alive and well.That is the reason that most helmets are made of KEVLAR these days.
Now as for stabbing somone in the head.I would suggest the back part of the skull.The Medualla to be exact.If they are wearing a helmet,you need a pointy type impliment,like a Ice pick or tomahawk type weapon.
From a military point of view, the Israeli army are the best equipped in the world. Who better than to purchase helmuts off to protect our soldiers. Our peolpe comes first.. Palestinians do buisness daily with Israelis. My view is that of an end to Occupation. I may add that i work with Israeli Jews that are of the same view.
All countries that have wide military industry have armies. Active and fighting. For these companies, the first customer to buy their product is the state's army.
The IDF isn't that big. Israel is dependant on its reserve soldiers - the regular army is supposed to hold the borders in case of war for 48 hours. Till then, the reserve has to be recruited and replace them, if needed. Every soldier is important. Protecting the soldier is an essential need.
Who would you prefer to buy your helmets from? China and Russia with its vast armies, where the soldier is nothing and isn't counted, where at every big military training some people die, and its normal, its fine. they considered some people will die at that training. Would you prefer China and Russia?
What about US? at least the Israelis are protecting their own existance, and don't invade far away countries.
UK? Have you forgotten what they have done to you for 800 years?
If you prefer to buy you helmets from pacifists, who am I to stop you. Go and search.
the isreali military kills babies and "countless palestinians" because its in the middle of a damn shark pit. everyone around them attacks them every couple of years or so. as far as im concerned if the palestinians are firing rockets at the isrealis and the isrealis shoot back, and happen to kill a civilian then the palestinians shouldnt have shot at them n the first place. if the egyptians put there surface to air missiles in a school yard and the isrealis blow them um anyway then i dont blame them. the egyptian government obviously didnt care enough about there school children to keep them out of harms way.
the isreali military is fighting for nothing less than its peoples lives and its survival as a nation every day. do you know what its like to be surrounded by people with guns? if you were put in a situation where you had to kill and innocent person to save your family from being slaughtered by people that have a predjudice against you, would you kill the innocent person? what if you knew that your wife and daughter were going to be raped if you didnt kill this innocent person? would you let your family die?
i bet you wouldnt. i bet youd kill that man.
those are the kinds of dicisions that isreali soldiers and people face every day of there lives. there military is one of the best in the world and so is there equiptment, so go ahead and buy there stuff.
and let me tell all the anti isreal people something, in war people die, both civilians and military. im sure theres been an irishman out there whos killed and innocent civilian or a kid in wartime so dont act like your better than them because you havnt been there and you dont know what they go through