Call for Massive Turnout of Workers for Protest Marches on Friday
Call for No Concession to Policy of Exploitation of Migrant Workers
We have held this press conference today in the Earl of Kildare Hotel to call for a massive turnout of workers tomorrow, Friday December 9th, for the national Trade Union Day of Action.
It is critical that the employers in this State together with the Government are left in no doubt that abuse of migrant workers and replacement of workers on decent wages with cheap labour will not be tolerated.
Irish Ferries is attempting to create a disastrous precedent. If successful, and other employers were allowed to follow suit, workers in this State would be the losers.
Furthermore the abuse of migrant workers to undercut established wages and conditions could lay the basis for ill feeling and tension between workers of different ethnic backgrounds.
It was the Independent T.D.s section of the Dáil Technical Group who sponsored the first major debate in Dáil Éireann on the scandalous plans by Irish Ferries to sack 543 workers on trade union rates of pay and conditions. The Government voted it down.
We call on the Government to introduce emergency legislation to prevent Irish Ferries “slave labour” strategy. We further call for Europe wide action to ensure that all workers employed on ships in European waters are on trade union rates of pay and working conditions.
Tony Gregory T.D. (Whip)
Paddy McHugh T.D. (Deputy Whip)
James Breen T.D.
Paudge Connolly T.D.
Jerry Cowley T.D.
Marian Harkin T.D. & M.E.P.
Seamus Healy T.D.
Finian McGrath T.D.
Catherine Murphy T.D
Joe Higgins T.D. (Socialist Party)