What do China, Israel, the United States, Russia, Algeria, Britain have in common?
They are all countries with armed forces that are notorious human rights abusers and personnel from their armed forces have all received training from the Irish Defence Forces.
Defence Forces Training. 07-12-05
55. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the application or recruitment procedure for the training courses delivered to foreign soldiers at the Defence Forces training centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the criteria taken into consideration when deciding whether to include soldiers from the countries in question in this training. [38432/05]
Mr. Kitt: A prospectus of courses is prepared each year in a brochure format that is distributed to embassies. Candidates are then considered on the basis of applications received through the respective embassies. To date, it has been possible to accept all applications from foreign states for places on the courses for which they applied. The extensive body of experience gained by the Permanent Defence Force during its involvement in various United Nations peacekeeping operations over many years is well reflected in the training courses provided by constituent colleges of the Defence Forces training centre, namely, the military college, the combat support college and the combat service support college. The United Nations Training School Ireland, UNTSI, is itself a constituent school of the military college. The courses of training reflect the latest international military standards and doctrine. The quality of training programmes devised and provided by the Defence Forces is clearly evidenced by international interest shown as regards participation.
Aengus Ó Snodaigh: The Minister for Defence does not like answering my questions. He is hiding to avoid discussing the political and moral——
Mr. Kitt: The Minister is in RTE.
Aengus Ó Snodaigh: He is definitely hiding. Is the Minister of State aware that more than 460 foreign soldiers have received military training in the Curragh over the past ten years? I presume the majority were trained within the parameters of our neutrality and at the behest of the UN, which is laudable. However, the list the Department supplied in response to a number of valid parliamentary questions highlighted that the countries of origin of these soldiers include Israel, Russia and many NATO countries. Outwardly, it appears no safeguards are in place to ensure complicity in human rights abuses or to prevent breaches of neutrality. Are safeguards in place? If so, what are they? Is the Minister aware UN resolutions are regularly ignored by Israel and Russia and their forces have been involved in arbitrary detention, torture, disappearance and extrajudicial execution? For example, the Russian federal forces were responsible for approximately 450 abductions last year in Chechnya.
Even if the numbers from these countries who are trained is low, does the Minister of State agree any part played by this State in these atrocities is too big a part? Does he further agree that instead of lending these countries legitimacy or meeting their needs, we should boycott their military organisations, particularly those of Israel and Russia?
Mr. Kitt: All the countries involved have diplomatic relations with Ireland and they are all members of the UN. The participation of the members of the military forces of other nations has the marked advantage of building useful international links as regards the potential interoperability and familiarity between our Defence Forces and the military of other states with whom they may well undertake international peacekeeping duties in future. It involves technical and academic military training arranged on an ad hoc basis and it has no implications for our policy of military neutrality.
Taking a different perspective, this gives us an opportunity to get know to military people in other countries. I met, for example, a member of the Zambian army who had been trained in the Curragh during my tenure in the Department of Foreign Affairs. He very much appreciated the quality of training he received. That training stayed with him and he brought it back to his own country to help build capacity there. It is a normal procedure. We interact with military personnel from other countries with whom we could undertake joint international peacekeeping operations. It is nothing more complicated than that.
Aengus Ó Snodaigh: Much of the training is laudable and welcome and it probably falls within the parameters of neutrality. However, will the Minister of State offer a guarantee that no country whose military is involved in breaches of international law will receive training in the Curragh Camp or elsewhere in this jurisdiction? Does he agree the participation of NATO members in training at the Curragh compromises our neutrality? The list mainly comprises NATO countries but the military of Zambia and other non-NATO countries have received training, which is welcome. However, I do not see us partaking in peacekeeping missions with Israel in the near future until it addresses its human rights record and its abuse of the Palestinian people.
Mr. Kitt: Obviously, we have a very strong position on protecting human rights and these issues have been raised in the House in recent days in regard to Shannon, etc. We have accepted all applications from foreign states for places on the courses actually applied for. It involves military training arranged on an ad hoc basis, so it is not that rigidly structured. Suffice it to say, I will ask the Minister to take on board the Deputy’s views on torture, human rights, and so on.
424. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence if he will report on the number of foreign soldiers to train in the Curragh each year for the past 10 years including a breakdown in terms of the countries of origin of these groups of soldiers and the type of training received.
Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): The total number of foreign personnel who attended courses at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare, since 1996 is 464. A breakdown in terms of the countries of origin of these groups of personnel and the type of training received is shown in the following charts.
United Nations Training School, Ireland, Military College. International Military Observers & Staff Officers Course (IMOSOC), International Military Police Course (IMP) and International Human Rights Course (IHRC).
Year Foreign Student Nos Countries of Origin
1996 18 Brunei, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Poland, Romania, Sweden, UK, USA & Zambia (IMOSOC)
1997 24 Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
1998 24 Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Slovakia, Sweden, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
1999 27 Austria, Belgium, Czech Rep, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Netherlands Nigeria, Philippines, Sweden, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2000 31 Algeria, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2001 25 Algeria, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mongolia, Tonga, UAE, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2001 16 Algeria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Tunisia & UK. (IMP)
2002 18 Algeria, Czech Rep, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2002 20 Algeria, Belgium, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK & Zambia. (IMP)
2003 15 Bulgaria, China, Germany, Italy, Philippines, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK & USA. (IMOSOC)
2003 20 Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Rep, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lebanon, Poland, Spain, Tunisia & UK. (IMP)
2004 23 Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Rep, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Lebanon, Lithuania, Morocco, Slovenia, Tanzania, Tunisia, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2004 20 Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Pakistan, Tanzania, Tunisia and UK. (IMP)
2005 20 Algeria, Austria, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Rep, Germany, Morocco, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, USA & Zambia. (IMOSOC)
2005 19 Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Switzerland & Tunisia. (IMP)
2005 23 Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Ghana, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK & USA. (IHRC)
Officer Training Wing, Infantry School, Military College.
Junior Command & Staff Course.
Year ForeignStudent Nos Countries of Origin
2002 1 Bulgaria
2003 3 Bulgaria, Georgia & Slovenia
Sep 2003/ Feb 2004 1 Bulgaria
2004 2 Bulgaria & Slovenia
2004 2 Bulgaria & Slovenia
Officer Training Wing, Infantry School, Military College.
Junior Command & Staff Course.
Command & Staff School, Military College.
Command & Staff Course.
Year Foreign Student Nos Countries of Origin
1998/1999 1 USA
1999/2000 1 USA
2000/2001 1 USA
2001/2002 1 USA
2002/2003 1 USA
2003/2004 3 USA, Austria, Bulgaria
2004/2005 2 USA, Bulgaria
2005/2006 2 USA, Cyprus
Command & Staff School, Military College.
Command & Staff Course.
Cadet School, Military College.
Standard Cadet Course.
Year Foreign Student Nos Countries of Origin
Oct 1995 — July 1997 10 Zambia
Cadet School, Military College.
Standard Cadet Course.
Military Engineer School, Combat Support College.
Year Foreign Student Nos Countries of Origin
2002 6 Austria, Estonia & Lithuania. (International Mine Awareness & Special Route Clearance Team Course)
2004 4 Austria & Estonia (International Engineer Specialist Search & Clearance Course.)
Military Engineer School, Combat Support College.
International Mine Awareness & Special Route Clearance Team Course and International Engineer Specialist Search & Clearance Course
Ordnance School , Combat Service Support College.
Explosive Ordnance Officers Course (EOOC) and Explosive Ordnance Officers Refresher Course (EOORC)
Year Foreign Student Nos Countries of Origin
1995 6 Denmark, Germany & Malaysia. (EOORC)
1996 4 Denmark & Germany (EOOC)
1996 4 Denmark (EOORC)
1997 1 Denmark (EOORC)
1998 10 Denmark, USA &Switzerland (EOOC)
1999 7 Sweden, Denmark, USA &Switzerland (EOOC)
1999 2 Denmark (EOORC)
2000 1 Denmark (EOORC)
2000 5 Switzerland, Denmark & Canada (EOOC)
2001 11 Russia, Denmark & Switzerland (EOORC)
2002 5 Sweden & Finland (EOOC)
2002 2 Austria (EOORC)
2003 3 Sweden & Denmark (EOOC)
2003 2 Austria (EOORC)
2004 3 Estonia, Canada & Denmark (EOOC)
2004 6 Denmark, Sweden & Germany (EOORC)
2005 6 Kazakhstan, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, & USA (EOOC)
2005 2 Denmark (EOORC)
International Mine Awareness & Special Route Clearance Team Course and International Engineer Specialist Search & Clearance Course
Ordnance School , Combat Service Support College.
Explosive Ordnance Officers Course (EOOC) and Explosive Ordnance Officers Refresher Course (EOORC)
Defence Forces Training.
227. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the international military observers and staff officers course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37397/05]
228. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the international military police course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37398/05]
229. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the international human rights course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37399/05]
230. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the junior command and staff course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37400/05]
231. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the command and staff course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37401/05]
232. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the standard cadet course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37402/05]
233. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the international mine awareness and special route clearance team course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37403/05]
234. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the international engineer specialist search and clearance course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37404/05]
235. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the explosive ordnance officers course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare. [37405/05]
236. Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Defence the contents of the explosive ordnance officers refresher course delivered at the Defence Forces Training Centre, Curragh Camp, County Kildare.
Minister for Defence (Mr. O’Dea): I propose to take Questions Nos. 227 to 236, inclusive, together.
The information requested by the Deputy is as follows: International military observers and staff officers course: Fundamentals of UN peacekeeping; UN mission administration; Operational duties and the military observer; Command and staff duties for UN missions; and Health, safety and survival.
International military police course: Fundamentals of peace operations; Military police operations; Communications and navigation; and Health, safety and survival.
International human rights course: Introduction to office of the UN high commissioner for human rights and to course background, objectives, programme and methodology; Human rights and military peacekeepers; Introduction to operational environment scenario and exercise; International human rights standards in peace operations; Protecting tasks; Maintenance of law and order functions by peacekeepers; Human rights field partners; Human rights monitoring and observation by military peacekeepers; Children’s rights in peace operations; Protection of minorities; Protection of refugees in peace operations; Protection of internally displaced persons in peace operations; Human rights of women in peace operations; Trafficking in human beings; Conduct of military peacekeepers; and Evaluation.
Junior command and staff course: Command, control and communications; Manoeuvre; Fire support and air defence; Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; Mobility, counter mobility and survivability; Combat service support; Peace support operations and crisis management; Leadership and management; Defence and academic studies; Simulation training; and Administration, recreation training and research time.
Command and staff course: Command and staff duties; Combat and combat support arms; Combat service support; Tactical operations in war; Crisis management operations; Defence studies; Operational planning; Command, leadership and operational studies; and Administration, physical training and research.
Standard cadet course: Drill and weapons training; Leadership, command and staff tactical training; Combat support, combat service support, air corps and naval service; Academic studies; Physical education and training; and School administration.
International mine awareness and special route clearance team course: Organisation of search equipment; Equipment display; Exercise route clearance; and Practical use of equipment.
International engineering specialist search and clearance course: Terrorism and counter measures; Search and clearance techniques; Search and clearance equipment; and Exercises.
Explosive ordnance officers course: Rifles, pistols and machine guns; Infantry support weapons; Ordnance general equipment; Artillery equipment; Ammunition and explosives; Explosive ordnance disposal; Optical and test equipment; Workshop practice and corps instructions; and Nuclear, biological and chemical awareness.
Explosive ordnance officers refresher course: Philosophy and render safe procedures; Explosive ordnance demolition, EOD, equipment; Chemical biological radiological nuclear EOD; and Assessment exercise.
Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2Bhuel, cad faoi?
An bhfuil an Snodach ag cur in iúl go bhfoghlaimtear sárú cearta daonna leis an arm in Éirinn?
I suppose snotser is annoyed because the provies thought they were the only ones giving military training to foreigners?
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