Against the exploitation of workers, especially migrant workers!
I’m appealing to everyone whether living in Ireland, or abroad to support the 'National Day Of Action', organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), the umbrella group for most Trade Unions in Ireland, this Friday, December 9th against the exploitation of workers, especially migrant workers, and the general race to the bottom associated with capitalism!
Down tools at noon, and take part in the Marches taking place in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, and other cities and towns across Ireland on December 9th, organised by ICTU. If you can’t make the March, or your boss won’t let off this Friday, just stop whatever you are doing at 1.30pm, the time, that, most of the Marches are starting at, for at least an hour! If you're driving a truck, lorry, van, bus, car or bike, just stop wherever you are driving at 1.30pm, if that be in the middle of the road, or on a junction, so be it, for least at an hour! Take a leaf from the French! Just barricade and shut everything up! Actually that’s a good idea; let’s man a few barricades on Friday! Viva la France! Viva la Revolution!