3 Sundays ago RTE's Frame 2 documentary series featured interviews with anti-Castro groups, including the terrorists , Alpha 66
(sorry did I say left-wing? I meant right-wing, just wanted to get the attention of the ‘RTE is left-wing liberal etc' brigade
Anyway, 3 weeks ago RTE's Frame 2 documenatry series featured interview with anti-castro groups in Miami, including the paramilitary/terrorist group Alpha 66, who have been responsoble for numerous bomb attacks on the island since the revolution
The theme of the documentary was how Cuba would "rejoin the prosperpous free West" (seriously this is what the narrator said)
once Castro was gone,
Alpha 66 were shown in combat gear, some in balaclavas, doing military training and talking about their missions in Cuba,
If this wasn't promotion of terrorists then I don't know what is
Frame 2 followed this up the next week with a programme about Neo-Conservatives which consisted of an hour of interviews with various neo-cons explaing their point of view, no hard questions put of course, the only critical person was a french commentator who wondered how people "with such good intentions" could get the Iraq war so wrong.
left-wing liberal me eye!
Comments (10 of 10)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10RTE should be allow to broadcast the views of any person or grouping no matter how extreme - people should not have views censored or filtered through the prism of ideological bias - words and actions should speak for themselves - people are intelligent to make up their own minds.
How about this: 'I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it' - Voltaire.
Let's hear all points of view on RTE, and lets also see them expressed on Indymedia without people being abused or told to F off. Disrespect for debate and free speech has been one of the things that has most damaged the far left over the years - a change of emphasis might be a good idea.
That's exactly the problem with the neocon programme - there was no balance. It was just an advertisement for the neocons. They didn't find anyone to balance the neocon side, and didn't ask tough questions themselves.
For example, they might have asked Jeanne Kirkpatrick "if you're so keen on spreading democracy, why did you describe the UD of human rights as "a letter to Santa Claus" "? And why did you support terrorists in El Salvador and Nicaragua who specialised in raping and mutilating women, including four American nuns whose deaths you condoned?"
"Balance" is all very well, but can you imagine the reaction if RTE carried a programme where former East German ministers and secret police chiefs, talking about their wonderful work on behalf of democracy, without a single dissident to be heard, or any questions about people being beaten to death for their political opinions?
I would like to see some Leftwingers attack the lack of democracy in Cuba...You should actually speak to some Cubans living here and the rest of the World how they feel about Fidel the Socialist (who has his own exclusive pad in Havana!)...OPEN YOUR EYES GUYS THIS IS A DICTATORSHIP AS BAD AS THE SYSTEM THAT WENT BEFORE 1956....how about being prevented from making some money for yourself so as being able to survive..come on Irish radicals think!!! and criticise!!!!! NOT ONLY CAPITALISM HAS THINGS THAT STINK ABOUT IT SOCIALISM HAS TOO!!!!!!
All a bunch of homohating tyrants,has any1 ever read or seen the spectaular true life story" Before night falls" of Ronaldo arenas,a homosexual writer persecuted and chased for writing his own literature and being an "unproductive" Homosexual,ill be honest i cried during the book,and at the end of the film in despair and end stage Aids pain,he then.......................................... Love and Light,Homo Paddy.
"OPEN YOUR EYES GUYS THIS IS A DICTATORSHIP AS BAD AS THE SYSTEM THAT WENT BEFORE 1956....how about being prevented from making some money for yourself so as being able to survive..come on Irish radicals think!!! and criticise!!!!! NOT ONLY CAPITALISM HAS THINGS THAT STINK ABOUT IT SOCIALISM HAS TOO!!!!!!"
Really??? SO Cubans had a gauranteed home, gauranteed health care, education etc. etc. Pre 56? I think not. Oh yes Castro's regime is imperfect, a dictatorship and not Socialism as such but its far better than what went before the revolution and far better than what the pro US terrorists what to implement.
Dictatorship Castro Style or Democracy Bush Style?
Give me Castro anyday.
And is there Indymedia in Cuba? No.
Is there the death penalty in Cuba for political dissidents? Yes.
Is there poverty, prostitution, deprivation in Cuba? Big time?
Are the guaranteed more of the same while the Cancer of Casto exists? Well, I think we know the answer that one...
Boy, when he kicks it, there'll be some party. Just watch how fast Cuba reintegrates itself into capitalism - where it belongs...
Yeah, I'm sure the gangsters in Miami will be straight back to reclaim what's "theirs". Along with the Mafia. And then the ordinary Cubans can celebrate returning to the warm embrace of capitalism, which has given their neighbours in Haiti and the Dominican Republic such a high standard of living
If anyone cared to look into it, they would find that Castro only became a 'communist' for convenience/necessity.
After the succesful campaign of national liberation, the first government Castro approached for help was the US. But because the property of many big US businesses was being nationalised or threatened to be nationalised, they turned him down and told him how they wanted things to be. So the USSR then became Cuba's most important ally and trading partner. Che and Raul had more political influence over Fidel after the US turned him down, but Fidel has never really become a 'communist' or 'socialist' in the meantime.
Lots of left groups are critical of Cuba and its lack of democracy/socialism. It even got dragged into the CWI split in Scotland: Tommy Sheridan went on holiday there and came back full of praise for Cuba (I think he wanted a socialist Scotland to be a 2 party version of cuba, or something like that!). Presumably, a cursory internet search would reveal more info on such views.
That program has to be the most biased thing I have ever seen. America and its debased brand of neocon capitalism was represented as the best thing since sliced bread. It is well to rermember that Cuba has a higher literacy rate than America.
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