A successful picket was held tonight (Monday) at the headquarters of Ulster television in Belfast in support of Irish Ferries workers.
Picket highlights UTV bosses’ role in low wage drive
A successful picket was held tonight (Monday) at the headquarters of Ulster television in Belfast in support of Irish Ferries workers. The picket was initially organised by the Belfast Branches of Socialist Democracy and Irish Socialist Network and endorsed by the Socialist Party, Organise! and a number of independent socialist and trade union activists.
The demonstration brought to public attention the role of UTV Boss John McGuckian, a non-executive director of Irish Ferries and called for his resignation from the shipping board.
John McAnulty, spokesperson for the picket, thanked the organisations and individuals who had supported it despite the very short notice and said that is was indicative of a great deal of anger among a broad layer of workers at the drive by Irish employers to impose slave wages. The organisers would consult widely about further actions as the support campaign developed.
A special word of thanks was offered to the indymedia network for their linking role.