The Just Books Collective are putting on Howard Zinn's Marx in Soho in Belfast and Derry over the 5 - 8th of January 2006. This is a fundraiser for Just Books and tickets are just £5.00.
The Just Books Collective are putting on Howard Zinn's Marx in Soho in Belfast and Derry over the 5 - 8th of January 2006. Imagine all Karl Marx would have to say after one hundred years of just being able to watch...
This is a fundraiser for Just Books and tickets are just £5.00.
More details will be published shortly about where the tickets can be obtained from. Watch this space and book it in your calender
5-6 January
Conway Education Centre (Conway Mill)
Conway Street, Falls Road,
7 - 8 January
The Void,
The Old City Factory,
Derry City,
BT48 7EL.
see for more info!
"Don't you wonder: why is it necessary to
declare me dead again and again?