Bring the prisoners Home
We need your help to Repatriate Irish prisoners back home to Ireland. Please take afew moments to write to this minister and tell him to bring our lads home.
a cairde
We need your help to Repatriate Irish prisoners back home to Ireland. Please take afew moments to write to this minister and tell him to bring our lads home.
Here is the information on the men, the addresses to which to write and a sample letter. I have found over the years that anonymous letters get very short shrift. It makes a much greater impact if you include your name and address. I usually send the same letter by email and by post.
I also usually get a letter out about once a week. I can update you as I get new information.
Declan Rafferty
Michael McDonald
Fintan Paul O'Farrell
Noel Maguire
Aidan Hulme
Robert Hulme
James Patrick McCormack
Michael McDowell, TD
5 Triangle,
Dublin 6.
Phone Work:
Phone Constituency: (01) 498 8084
Phone Home:
[email protected]
Fax Work:
Fax Constituency: (01) 498 8087
Dear Mr McDowell:
I am writing to you on behalf of seven Irish citizens currently being held in prisons in England.
Mr. Dermot Ahern and Mr. Seamus Kirk, as well as many others have addressed the issue of their repatriation with you on several occasions.
All the paperwork is in your department, sir. All hoops have been jumped through, all deferences made, all "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed- to political beurocrat perfection, and yet these men still sit in prison in a foreign country and their families are continuing to be forced to travel great distances at great expense to visit them.
As you are well aware, one of these men has had his mother die during this process and he was denied permission to attend her funeral. How many more family members must die?
I am well aware that your political stance is far different from that of these men, but that is the beauty of a democracy. Different ideals but EQUALITY of treatment.
The men are not being treated equally. Their repatriation process has been far slower than that of others, and the legal path made deliberately more circuitous than is required.
They are Irish citizens, sir and you are an agent of the Irish government and Irish law.
Please do your job!
I am honoured to write on behalf of the families of Declan Rafferty, Michael McDonald, Fintan O'Farrell, James McCormack, Noel Maguire, Aidan Hulme and Robert Hulme.
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