Independent Media Centre Ireland

Polish leader's anti-gay stance threatens EU voting rights

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Saturday November 05, 2005 13:11author by Roger Eldridge - National Mens Council of Irelandauthor email familymen at eircom dot netauthor phone 07196-67138

The recent outburst that penalties would be imposed on Poland by the EU if they did not protect the rights of homosexuals shows just how crazy the world has become.

[Start quote] "Friso Roscam Abbing, the European commission's justice spokesman, warned the new president he must abide by article 6 of the Treaty of Nice, which says that all member states must protect minority rights and not impose the death penalty." [End quote]

The first thing that one must point out is that no such a person as a "gay' or "homosexual" or lesbian" exists in law. All that exists is people who may commit sexual acts with other people of the same sex.

They are not identifiable as a group - minority or otherwise.

Are people who collect stamps a minority group? Are people who enjoy watching wrestling on the TV a minority group?

None of these people - not stamp collectors, nor wrestling addicts nor people who engage in homosexual acts - merely by going about their interests - can be classified or identified in law as a group. They only possess 'group' characteristics whilst they engage in their interests.

As soon as they stop doing them they are no longer being a stamp collector or wrestling addict or homosexual so ACTIVITIES like these can never be used to legally define any group as one could stop doing them at any time.

This is especially important about activities which by their nature must take place out of the public view, like intimate sex between adults. How can it ever be proven that a person is actually a "homosexual" and not a "heterosexual" without being able to see the act being performed and this is a repugnant idea.

And as soon as these people who claimed they are "homosexual" stopped performing their sexual act who is to say they that don't - the next minute - perform a "heterosexual" act thus presumably barring them from being able to use the "homosexual" or "gay" tag that gives them special privileges.

What we have therefore is a group without definition. It would appear that the only condition in belonging to this group is that one CLAIMS membership.

This would be fine and dandy if it was stamp collectors and by claiming to be a stamp collector one could meet other stamp collectors and possibly exchange stamps. No harm there.

But some simpletons have actually decided without reference to rationality to assign special privileges to anyone who claims they belong to this "homosexual" group.

These same idiots then state that anyone claiming to belong to this fictitious group has rights over and above the rest of society!

Hence if I apply for job and don't get it I can't complain - BUT if I apply for a job and claim I am a homosexual the interviewers have to think twice about rejecting me even if my abilities aren't the best of the bunch.

Our police force is also supposed to allow sexual acts which would be offensive to public decency, if performed by a man and woman, to be performed as long as the people committing them claim membership of the fictitious "homosexual group".

Worse still we have in Canada - where they are so morally perverted they refuse to raise the age of consent for children having sex with adults to over 14 - yes fourteen - legislation which increases the sentence of an offender if the victim claims membership of this fictitious group.

Again in Canada there is legislation which which would criminalizes anyone - including me for writing this piece - who suggests that it is crazy to give special privileges to a group that can never even exist!

Extrapolating the ridiculous logic of the existence of this group we should all claim membership of it so we can all enjoy the benefits that out state will heap upon us. That is of course the reason for this nonsense. The state is tempting everyone with the promise of benefits of self-selection so that they can then claim the numbers are so high that we must give the members of this "group" the same rights as married couples.

We must never forget the reasons why the state acts in this way. It has a totalitarian nature and wants to act as everyone's nanny. Unfortunately for the state but fortunately for the Common Good the state can not enter the family home of a married couple. It can however legitimately enter the home of any other group of people including those who falsely believe the state is on their side and it can dictate to them what to do.

The bottom line is that what people get up to in the privacy of their own lives is up to them and their conscience before God - except if it impacts negatively on other people.

Then it becomes an issue for deciding whether the Common Good is in jeopardy. Our attitude to people - who engage in homosexual acts to the exclusion of heterosexual acts and by so doing deny themselves the chance of procreation - should be to seek to help them compassionately.

Designating a group without any legal definition or test of belonging to that group and giving the group special rights above the rest of society is such madness it can never be to the benefit of society. Doing it in such a way as to undermine marriage is definitely not in the Common Good.

Anyone who supports the madness is therefore acting contrary to the Common Good and must be told so by the people like the little boy who told the Emperor when he was acting like a fool.

Roger Eldridge,
Chairman. National Men's Council of Ireland,
Knockvicar, Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Tel: 00 353 (0) 71-9667138
Email: [email protected]

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