In a significant shift, the Socialist Party of England and Wales has indicated that it will take part in or initiate a conference to bring together left and trade union activists to discuss the creation of a new broadly based workers party. Can we expect a response in their Irish sister party?.
This is how the English SP newspaper put it:
" If Bob Crow [ posters note: Crow is the left wing leader of the RMT, rail workers union, who has spoken of the need for such a new party ] is unable or frustrated in calling such a conference, then the Socialist Party will explore - through a campaign with trade unionists, environmentalists, young people, community activists and leaders - the idea of calling a conference on the issue of a new mass party. The campaign would involve testing out the support for a new party, the programme, structures and organisation that would be necessary with, possibly, a consultative conference next spring. "
Though many on the left might suspect another front in the offing, this is clearly not what is meant here. The idea being put forward is of a formation that would be broad, loosely structured and inclusive. Although the SP will claim that this has always been their policy, since the retrechment of the party in the late nineties they have only paid lip-service to the idea of a broad party. This is the first sign that the party is willing to take a positive initiative. The fact that Peter Taafe, who is the leading ideologist of the party and its international structure, the CWI, is actively pushing this new line is extremely significant.
This could have a profound effect on left politics in Ireland, where the SP has maintained a stand-offish attitude to the rest of the left, even those with whom it had relatively friendly relations. If the Irish affiliate of the CWI adopts a similar position to their English comrades, it could galvanise the left in this country. Up until now the Irish SP has stuck to the position that they are in favour of a new workers party but that the conditions do not yet exist for its formation and that nothing can or should be done to advance that idea. There are no signs that the change of strategy in England has had an impact here but it is early days yet. As a former member, I have a lot of time for the SP but, like many on the left, I am repelled by the isolationist and dogmatic turn of recent years. Could there be a ray of light on the horizon? Lets hope that this new 'open turn' leads to a new direction in the Irish party because not only is the time right for a broad party, to quote Peter Taffe, its "rotten ripe".