Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
social centre screenings in seomra spraoi 6pm
dublin |
arts and media |
event notice
Tuesday November 01, 2005 18:57
by dunk - seomra spraoi collective
fuspey at yahoo dot co dot uk

followed by weekly meeting
6-7.40 = 6 films about social centres, including seoma spraoi's recent experiment
8.00 onward= weekly meeting
all welcome
tea supplied, bring a cup

seomra spraoi - a social centre for dublin city
social centre screenings from dublins new social centre, seomra spraoi
47 middle abbey street, next to epicuriun food hall
time 6.00 to 7.40 thursday 3rd october
followed by weekly seomra spraoi meeting at 8pm
this event is free but indeed donations will be welcome. Bring a cup for tea or anything you would like to donate to the social centre.
tea (hopefully) will be served
1-our kitchen, belast 5.30 mins from direct action against apathy
2-ASPIRE, leeds 9.04 mins
3-canmsdeu, barcelona 28.24 mins
4-amsterdam, 3 social centres 33.59 mins
5-sumac centre nothingham, 17.32
6- wandering workshop, le petit cinema @ la condition publique, lille, france, july 04, 5 mins
7-streaming from a gaf, recent seomra spraoi experiment, dublin social centre 3.53 mins
total screening time = 103.30 mins @ = 1hr 40 mins
films 1-5 made by darren (2003 2004)
film 6 made by kingsley, part of EASA work
film 7 made by paul and dunk
you can view recent seomra spraoi experiment in live streaming from the gaf at
we might also try to stream a live webcast at the same time, depends on equipment and space
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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Health & Safety:
If you are inviting members of the public to attend events in that premises do you need to get some kind of Health & Safety Statement? There is a world of difference between presenting a public event at someone else's venue and actually providing the premises yourselves for such an event. I get the impression that things have not been thought out that well.
your issues have been brought up at past meetings and a procedure is in place.
Glad to hear that you'se have discussed health and safety issues. So how do I get my wheelchair past that dead bicycle frame outside the front door?
daaa video
the first video project from daaa is all about social centres, 6 films in all. Details below...
direct action against apathy report:
social centres project
Aspire- Tempory Autonomous Zone- leeds
Can Masdeu Barcelona
MOLLI squat bar
overtoom301 old film acadamy
"no culture without subculture"
found on these useful sites
Amsterdam Urban Route: West
A SEED Europe
De Binnenpret
sumac centre
The Sumac Centre needs help ! 25.09.2005
If you can mount the steps in your wheelchair, you can push the bike aside. This may be a problem. If you manage this, and you get in, you may have to mount several flights of stairs up to the second floor. This may be a problem. These problems have been dealt with though, because no anarchist social centre activist has physical disablities, so the need for access for people with disabilties does not arise.
If you do suffer from physical disablities and you want to get in, if you can make it up the steps, you may ring the doorbell (currently non existent, but destined to be at approximate head height like all others). No doorbell? If you are already a part of the group or know someone already involved in the project, then you can ring around on their mobile phones, one of them may be there or might know someone with a key, and they will come down to let you in if its an option.
What do you mean you dont have a mobile phone?
The weekly seomra spraoi meeting is on this evening. The films were just suggested for before the meeting as a social type event. I don't think the place is yet properly open to the public as a free for all - for many of the reasons raised above. Of course, anyone interested in watching the films/attending the meeting are very welcome tonight.
Unfortunately, as the room (which is all we have at the moment) is on the second floor there is no wheelchair access. It was an issue that was raised previously at meetings but finding anywhere groundfloor in a central location was very difficult/extremely pricey.
However, future plans could include wheelchair access, would be tricky but with good design could be possible - all adivce welcome.
With regards to health and safety - this is definitely a critical issue. Work on this area is ongoing - of major concern is good lighting and a review of fire safety. Trained electricians and other experienced people in the know are badly needed - can you help?
There is a huge amount of work yet to be done to the place and lots of help needed. If you'd like to get involved please come along this evening at whatever time for the films and at 7.30 for the meeting.
086 3097622
Sorry just was the meeting is at 8.00 and not 7.30 as I stated above, apologies.
earlier feature about these films
Give Us Some Space: New Initiative to Create Dublin Social Centre
social centre website directory?
LARC (london action resource centre)
social centre network
and a list of "Social Centre Autonomous Network" groups
eco action - info shops network
SchNEWS : your area...
few examples
czech social centre
rampart UK
SCAN sydney
Saorsa Social Centre - glasgow
about 15 people at the screening
tea and bikis were shared out
all films watched apart from barcelona centre film
ger, the man of the house, joined us- aparantly there was also an article in yesterdays herald about him and the gaf
in "streaming from the gaf" he said:
"this house is part of the future in the dublin art world."
he gave a chuckle when he saw his film self speaking these words
2 weeks time we will have a big clean up weekend, the belfast crew will be down.
and the following weekend we hope to open up "officially"; a weekend of stuff; talks, food, films, workshops, discussions, radio shows, art exhibitions, further adventures in badge making, party
all ideas welcome
[email protected]
with ideas, questions, dreams etc
Centri Sociali Autogestiti
italian social centre network
centri sociali (there has to be at least 100 )
earlier relevant post
"Venice run by anarchists" and the seomra spraoi collective's attemtp to create a social centre
> Social centres are abandoned buildings—warehouses, factories, military forts, schools—that have been occupied by squatters and transformed into cultural and political hubs, explicitly free from both the market, and from state control. By some estimates there are 150 social centres in Italy.
from article:
Squatters in white overalls
watch film here
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/11/327546.html is link for the film
direct file is http://www.indymedia.org.uk/media/2005/11/327547.wmv and its 4 minutes long
I'm a realist. I don't see a bunch of Dublin's anarcho finest being able to do squat (arrf arrf) about the inaccesibility of a listed Georgian Building in Dublin. But do outline how you intend to get around the first obstacle without endangering anyones life/sanity?