Case against Danish parliament activists to conclude this week
The Danish civil disobedient, Ulla Røder, has written a summary of events in Denmark, including the delivery of a declaration of support for the Pitstop Ploughshares activists to the Irish embassy in Denmark.
Ulla herself will be in court in Denmark this week for the conclusion of a case against her and four other activists who last November held a demonstration in the Danish parliament against Denmark’s continued participation in the war in Iraq.
The court case in Ireland - Pit Stop Ploughshares - summaries from the court case and debate
Read about the court case - many beautiful statements - all now translated into Danish
Dear all
Yesterday, a little delegation was in at the Irish embassy to deliver a declaration of support for the five activists who were in court last week. Unfortunately, the ambassador was not available, but the declaration has been sent in the post today instead.
The court case continues. I have translated the summaries and debates that are on their website to date. I sent an e-mail message out last week concerning the little information there was for the first days. If any of you have not received this and wish to have it sent, send me an e-mail message. ...
I must also draw your attention to the fact that I myself am appearing in court in Wednesday together with the other four parliament activists. [Five peace activists protested against Denmark’s continued participation in the war in Iraq by hanging a peace banner and dropping leaflets from a balcony in the Danish parliament during a debate on the issue on 25 November 2004.] This case continues after our earlier interrogation. On Wednesday, this case is expected to be concluded with interrogation of the prosecutor’s witnesses and our concluding remarks. We hope as before that you will meet up in numbers and oversee the proceedings of the case.
Here comes the declaration to the Irish embassy and summary from last week’s court proceedings in Ireland day 2-5. [I have omitted the reports already published on Indymedia last week, which have been translated into Danish and appeared after the letter to the ambassador.]
Remember that activists need cash funds to be able to conduct their court cases, pay for transport and accommodation for their witnesses, who often come from afar. So check the Irish activists’ website if you want to give them financial support. Account details etc. are provided.
Yours in peace,
Embassy of Ireland – Denmark
Ambassador, Mr. James Brennan
Østbanegade 21
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Dear Mr. Brennan
On the occasion of the ongoing court case against Pit Stop Ploughshares, Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Ciaron O'Reilly and Damien Moran in the Four Courts in Dublin, the undersigned delegates hereby convey their support for the five activists who in February 2003 attempted to protect life and fulfil their civic duty.
The five accused have done what they could in a non-violent way to prevent Irish participation in the war in Iraq. International laws stand elevated high above national laws, as regards the individual responsibility for war crimes and as regards individuals who try to prevent such inhuman acts. We hope you will convey our declaration of support to the Irish government and other relevant authorities, and inform them of the international laws and conventions.
Ireland made Shannon Airport available for the United States’ war machine and troop transports in the illegally promoted offensive against Iraq. A war in which the US and its allies have broken and infringed probably the most important international humanitarian laws and conventions through:
- Planning, preparation and fulfilment of the greatest crime, a war of aggression, in contravention of the Charter of the United Nations and the Nürnberg principles.
- Attacks on Iraq’s civilian population and civilian infrastructure.
- Deployment of disproportionate force and arbitrary weapons systems.
- Neglect of the protection of civilian lives during military activities and during the subsequent occupation.
- Application of violence with lethal consequences against peaceful protesters.
- Conduct of punishment without prosecution or court proceedings, including collective punishment.
- Application of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of Iraqi soldiers and civilians.
- Rewriting the laws of a country that has been illegally invaded and occupied.
- Deliberate destruction of the environment.
- Active creation of circumstances under which the status of Iraqi women has been seriously degraded.
- Failure to protect humanity’s rich archaeological and cultural heritage in Iraq.
- Obstruction of the right to information, including censorship of Iraq’s media.
- Redefinition of torture - an infringement of international law - and permitting the use of torture and illegal arrests.
Seen in this light, the accusations that have been levelled against the Pit Stop Ploughshares activists are completely unjustified. Their action was precisely to prevent the above-mentioned acts from being committed by the United States and the coalition of the willing.
The Pit Stop Ploughshares have not acted in a criminal way. On the contrary, they should never have been charged, as they have nothing at all to be charged with. They have upheld the highest laws and fulfilled their duty as citizens in an international community where international humanitarian law bids citizens to protect each other against illegal encroachments on the part of the state.
On the contrary, those who should be compelled to face charges and who should have been brought before the International War Crimes Tribunal long ago are the national leaders who have participated in the conduct of war crimes.
30 October 2005
Signed by members of the Peace Watch in Copenhagen: Jens Nielsen, A. Matsen, Inge Paaske and pp. Doris Kruckenberg: Ulla Røder. Members of the Communist Youth League of Denmark: Christian Dalgaard, Silas Ørting, Cathrine Pedersen, Hanna Grenå. As a member of Kvinder for Fred [Women's Peace Group] and Aldrig mere krig [Danish division of War Resisters' International] and on behalf of members of Aldrig mere Krig, Arne Hansen and Maiken Sørensen (executive member of WRI): Ulla Røder.
The original Danish text of the appeal can be found on: